东港市高标准基本农田规划项目中的单跨渡槽设计,摘 要本工程为丹东职业中专办公楼,为多层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。结构共五层,底层层高3.9m,其它层层高均为3.6m,建筑物总高度为19.3m,室内外高差0.6m,建筑面积为6298.37m2。本次设计主要包括建筑设计和结构设计两大部分。建筑设计部分依据《办公建筑设计规范 j...

此文档由会员 豆丁书房 发布
摘 要
建筑设计部分依据《办公建筑设计规范 JGJ67-89》、《工程建设标准强制性条文 房屋建筑部分》、《房屋建筑制图统一标准 GB-T50001-2001》和任务书进行设计,首先根据建设用地条件和建筑使用功能、周边环境特点,进行平面定位设计,并根据“适用、安全、经济、美观”的原则,进行平面设计、立面设计及剖面设计。
结构设计部分依据《建筑荷载规范 GB50009-2001 》、《建筑抗震设计规范GB50011- 2001》、《混凝土结构设计规范 GB5010- 2001》进行设计,设计内容主要包括结构选型,梁、柱、墙等构件尺寸的确定,一榀框架的荷载计算,采用底部剪力法计算框架所受水平荷载,用D值法计算水平地震作用下框架的内力;竖向荷载主要包括恒荷载和活荷载,竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算均采用弯矩二次分配法;求得的内力后进行内力组合,并考虑三级抗震等级下强柱弱梁和强剪弱弯的计算,最后求得截面配筋,然后根据地质情况进行独立基础和联合基础的设计;此外还有屋盖、楼盖、楼梯、雨篷等构件的设计。
The Design Of Office Building Of Dandong Vocational School
This is an office building. It is a multi–layer reinforced concrete frame. It has five floors, the height of the first floor is 3.9 meters, and the height of other floors is 3.6 meters, The height of the whole building is 19.3 meters .The building area is 6298.37 m2. This design has two parts, architecture design and structure design.
The architecture design part was devised based on <architectural design specifi- cation JGJ 67-89> , < The Compulsory Provisions of Engineering Construction standards Building>, < Unified standard for buildingdrawin> and the project description carry, and according to the principle of “suitable, safe, economical, artistic”, to carry on the plane design, the vertical surface design and the section plane design.
The structure design part was devised based on < building code GB50009-2001> , <regulating the anti-seismic design specification GB50011-2001>, <conc- rete structure design codes GB5010-2001>. This design concludes the choice of structure, the investigation of size of beams,columns and wall comporent, a frame’s load computation, one section, reinforcement, main frame under horizontal and vertical load, the horizontal load is main considerated by the earthquake, bottom shear method to calculate the horizontal load, caleulate with D value calculation method under horizontal earthquake the internal frame.Vertical load calcu- lateion framework by bending moment distribution of law; then according to section of the reinforcement of geological conditions for independent foundation and joint foundation design, Besides,it also has the design of roof, fioor stair, the component and so on.
Finally finish building, structure layout and reinforcement of detail drawing and beams. All the design carrys on the computer graphics with software of CAD.
Keywords:frame structure, load calculation, internal force calculation, section reinforcement
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一、建筑结构设计方案 1
(一)设计任务 1
1.一般条件 1
2.建筑设计条件 1
(二)设计资料 1
(三)建筑设计方案 2
(四)结构设计方案 2
二、结构设计内容 4
(一)框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度 4
1.确定框架的计算简图 4
2.框架梁柱线刚度计算 4
(二)荷载计算 5
1.恒载标准值计算 5
2.活荷载标准值计算 7
3.竖向荷载下框架受荷总图 7
4.水平荷载计算 9
(三)内力计算 13
1.竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 13
2.水平荷载作用下框架内力计算 27
(四)内力组合 34
1.内力调整 34
2.梁内力组合计算 42
3.柱内力组合计算 47
4.内力设计值汇总 51
(五)截面设计与配筋计算 53
1.梁截面设计 53
2.柱截面设计 61
(六)楼梯设计 67
1.底层楼梯设计 67
2.其它层楼梯设计 70
(七)屋盖、楼盖设计 72
1.屋盖设计 72
2.楼盖设计 77
(八)基础设计 81
1.独立基础设计 81
2.联合基础设计 84
(九)雨篷设计 86
1.雨篷正截面承载力计算 86
2.雨篷梁计算 88
3.雨篷抗倾覆验算 89
三、建筑、结构施工图 90
结 论 91
参 考 文 献 92
附录A 辽东学院本科毕业设计任务书 93
附录B 《丹东职业中专办公楼》文献综述 99
致 谢 104