浅议我国银行资产证券化发展,全文1.6万字摘 要我国商业银行不良资产证券化还存在一些问题与障碍,如缺乏规范的信用评级机构,相关的法律法规不健全,证券化市场很少有机构投资者,缺乏专业人才和操作经验等。因此,搞好不良资产证券化,须要制定完善的信用评级体系;加快完善资本市场;制定和完善相关的法律;培养和建立一支强大的专业队伍。当前我国既有的不良资产存量...

此文档由会员 xiaoxin 发布
摘 要
关键词 商业银行 不良资产 资产证券化
A Study on the Asset Securitization of Commercial Banks
The storage of our country's NPL is very huge, as an important question existing in our country's reform of monetary system and the state-owned commercial bank's remanufacture which is unable to avoid.We have to solve commercial bank's non-performing loan problem first if we want to advance the reform process of the state-owned bank.China's NPL problem has profound institutional and constitutive factor,which requests asset management company has to do below works in the process of dealling with NPL.Fisrt,we must speed up the disposition of assets disposal of assets step by any means possible, raises the disposition of assets disposal of assets efficiency, achieves the property savlage value maximization diligently, reduces the national loss.On the other hand we must pay attention to obeying and serving the reform,solving a series of social question such as the enterprise staff placement properly. This article attempts from the the basic principle of asset securitization,analying asset securitization's economic significance and the rationale,and unify valuable experience internationally of the asset securitization , then we take our country bank's NPL as the breach,we discuss how to promote our country bank's NPL securitization under our country market environment, we try to seek a bright outlet for our country bank' NPL processing.
Key words:Commercial Banks Non-Performing-Loan asset securitization
目 录
1 资产证券化的基本理论
1.1 资产证券化的基本涵义和特点
1.1.2 资产证券化的产生和特点
1.2 推行资产证券化的意义
1.3 资产证券化的原理探讨
1.3.1 资产证券化的机制
1.3.3 资产证券化的交易结构分析
2 资产证券化实务与应用概况
3 我国银行不良资产证券化分析
3.1 不良资产概述
3.1.1 不良资产的界定和特征
3.1.2 我国银行不良资产的基本情况分析
3.2 不良资产处理的国际经验
3.3 我国进行不良资产证券化的障碍分析
3.4 我国银行不良资产证券化的对策探讨
3.4.2 加强资产证券化的立法建设
总 结
致 谢
参 考 文 献
参 考 文 献
[1]邓伟利. 2003. 资产证券化:国际经验与中国实践.上海:上海人民出版社. 207-226
[2]姜建清. 2004. 商业银行资产证券化:从货币市场走向资本市场.北京:中国金融出版社. 249-286
[3]李勇. 2004. 关于我国不良资产证券化的初步探讨.北京:中国财政经济出版社. 157-345
[4]于凤坤. 2002. 资产证券化:理论与实务.北京:北京大学出版社. 171-199
[5]中国华融资产管理公司博士后科研工作站. 2004. 不良资产处置前沿问题研究. 北京:中国金融出版社. 1-23
摘 要
关键词 商业银行 不良资产 资产证券化
A Study on the Asset Securitization of Commercial Banks
The storage of our country's NPL is very huge, as an important question existing in our country's reform of monetary system and the state-owned commercial bank's remanufacture which is unable to avoid.We have to solve commercial bank's non-performing loan problem first if we want to advance the reform process of the state-owned bank.China's NPL problem has profound institutional and constitutive factor,which requests asset management company has to do below works in the process of dealling with NPL.Fisrt,we must speed up the disposition of assets disposal of assets step by any means possible, raises the disposition of assets disposal of assets efficiency, achieves the property savlage value maximization diligently, reduces the national loss.On the other hand we must pay attention to obeying and serving the reform,solving a series of social question such as the enterprise staff placement properly. This article attempts from the the basic principle of asset securitization,analying asset securitization's economic significance and the rationale,and unify valuable experience internationally of the asset securitization , then we take our country bank's NPL as the breach,we discuss how to promote our country bank's NPL securitization under our country market environment, we try to seek a bright outlet for our country bank' NPL processing.
Key words:Commercial Banks Non-Performing-Loan asset securitization
目 录
1 资产证券化的基本理论
1.1 资产证券化的基本涵义和特点
1.1.2 资产证券化的产生和特点
1.2 推行资产证券化的意义
1.3 资产证券化的原理探讨
1.3.1 资产证券化的机制
1.3.3 资产证券化的交易结构分析
2 资产证券化实务与应用概况
3 我国银行不良资产证券化分析
3.1 不良资产概述
3.1.1 不良资产的界定和特征
3.1.2 我国银行不良资产的基本情况分析
3.2 不良资产处理的国际经验
3.3 我国进行不良资产证券化的障碍分析
3.4 我国银行不良资产证券化的对策探讨
3.4.2 加强资产证券化的立法建设
总 结
致 谢
参 考 文 献
参 考 文 献
[1]邓伟利. 2003. 资产证券化:国际经验与中国实践.上海:上海人民出版社. 207-226
[2]姜建清. 2004. 商业银行资产证券化:从货币市场走向资本市场.北京:中国金融出版社. 249-286
[3]李勇. 2004. 关于我国不良资产证券化的初步探讨.北京:中国财政经济出版社. 157-345
[4]于凤坤. 2002. 资产证券化:理论与实务.北京:北京大学出版社. 171-199
[5]中国华融资产管理公司博士后科研工作站. 2004. 不良资产处置前沿问题研究. 北京:中国金融出版社. 1-23