消费社会中的精神生态困境——博德里亚后现代消费社会理论研究,全文13页12385字 叙述详尽the problems of the spiritual ecology of consuming societysummary ╟ the french thinker jean baudrillard investigate...

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全文13页12385字 叙述详尽
The Problems of the Spiritual Ecology of Consuming Society
Summary – The French thinker Jean Baudrillard investigated the contemporary world from the perspective of the social theory of the postmodern consuming society and came up with new problematic. His main concern is focused upon the following aspects: the issue of modernity and cultural crisis, the transformation of the modal of consuming society and the structure of the media communication, consumerism and ordinary daily life, the crisis of the spiritual ecology in commercial fetishism, the mass media and secularization. It is of great significance to study these issues in order to explore the world-wide cultural crisis of the contemporary consuming society.
在后现代消费社会中,人的心理和行为方式有了显著的变化。如何对这种心理和行为变异进行社会学的深层分析,揭露这个高速发展社会下残存的机制和精神生态困境问题,进而解构旧的体制和认识论价值论模式,沿着现代性批判理论的道路对西方社会出现的新变化进行分析,理清消费社会中的客体、符号以及符码的多层复杂关系,呈现后现代社会的消费主义本质,成为当代世界学界重量级思想家为之努力的方向。法国著名文化理论家让—博德里亚(Jean Baudrillard)在对当代消费社会诸多社会和文化问题的考察中,借助诸多新术语,诸如:“仿像”(simulacrum)、“内爆”(implosion)、“超真实”(hyperreality)、“消费”(consume)“致命”(deadliness)等,重新思考当代世界若干前沿学术问题,代表了当代文化研究的最新理论视野和研究方向,并对当代世界出现的精神生态问题的考察,具有了一种文化生态批评(Ecocriticism)的视野。
全文13页12385字 叙述详尽
The Problems of the Spiritual Ecology of Consuming Society
Summary – The French thinker Jean Baudrillard investigated the contemporary world from the perspective of the social theory of the postmodern consuming society and came up with new problematic. His main concern is focused upon the following aspects: the issue of modernity and cultural crisis, the transformation of the modal of consuming society and the structure of the media communication, consumerism and ordinary daily life, the crisis of the spiritual ecology in commercial fetishism, the mass media and secularization. It is of great significance to study these issues in order to explore the world-wide cultural crisis of the contemporary consuming society.
在后现代消费社会中,人的心理和行为方式有了显著的变化。如何对这种心理和行为变异进行社会学的深层分析,揭露这个高速发展社会下残存的机制和精神生态困境问题,进而解构旧的体制和认识论价值论模式,沿着现代性批判理论的道路对西方社会出现的新变化进行分析,理清消费社会中的客体、符号以及符码的多层复杂关系,呈现后现代社会的消费主义本质,成为当代世界学界重量级思想家为之努力的方向。法国著名文化理论家让—博德里亚(Jean Baudrillard)在对当代消费社会诸多社会和文化问题的考察中,借助诸多新术语,诸如:“仿像”(simulacrum)、“内爆”(implosion)、“超真实”(hyperreality)、“消费”(consume)“致命”(deadliness)等,重新思考当代世界若干前沿学术问题,代表了当代文化研究的最新理论视野和研究方向,并对当代世界出现的精神生态问题的考察,具有了一种文化生态批评(Ecocriticism)的视野。