现行企业财务报表分析不足与完善修改,目 录摘 要iabstractii一、财务报表分析的意义1二、财务报表的几个主要指标分析1(一)偿债能力分析11.流动比率22.速动比率23.现金比率24.资产负债率35.产权比率3(二)企业获利能力分析31.销售净利率32.销售毛利率43.资产净利率44.净资产收益率4(三)投资报酬分析5(四)现金流量分析5三、当前...

此文档由会员 wangjun827 发布目 录
摘 要 I
一、财务报表分析的意义 1
二、财务报表的几个主要指标分析 1
(一)偿债能力分析 1
1.流动比率 2
2.速动比率 2
3.现金比率 2
4.资产负债率 3
5.产权比率 3
(二)企业获利能力分析 3
1.销售净利率 3
2.销售毛利率 4
3.资产净利率 4
4.净资产收益率 4
(三)投资报酬分析 5
(四)现金流量分析 5
三、当前企业财务报表分析存在的不足 6
(一)财务报表分析体系上存在的问题 6
1.财务报表的真实可靠性问题 6
2.历史成本计量资产价值的不足 6
3.企业无形资产价值难以确认 6
4.比较标准的不确定性 7
(二)财务报表本身的局限性 7
1.数据的时滞性 7
2.统计数据时计量方式的局限性 7
3.一些重要的非货币化决策信息未在报表中反映 7
(三) 财务报表分析主体的局限性 8
(四) 财务报表披露方面的局限 8
(五)财务分析方法上存在的局限性 8
1.趋势分析法的局限性 8
2.比率分析法的局限性 9
3.对比分析法的局限性 9
(六)企业财务分析报表附注分析存在的问题 9
四、对财务报表分析存在问题的完善 10
(一)对财务报表分析体系上存在的问题的完善 10
(二) 对财务报表本身的改革 11
(三) 财务报表分析主体的改善 11
(四) 财务报表披露的改进 11
(五)财务分析方法的完善 12
1.建立科学的财务报表分析方法体系 12
2.对比率分析存在问题的完善 12
(六)行业背景分析及财务报表附注分析的完善 13
1.加强对行业背景信息的了解 13
2.完善财务报表附注分析 13
3.加强企业经营策略分析 13
五、结束语 14
参 考 文 献 15
致 谢 16
摘 要
关键词: 财务报表;不足;完善
As the financial statements of a comprehensive, systematic, comprehensive record of the enterprise business in the path of economic, business managers and the outside world to understand business performance and financial situation of most of the major channels and thus were relevant to the interests of the financial statements of the growing concern . Investors, creditors, governments, tax authorities, the public, and so do economic decision-making at all of the financial statements, particularly enterprise managers, financial statements analysis of the results of the comprehensive and accurate statement of users affected decision-making The correct or not. Therefore, high-quality financial statements, statements of the users is essential. However, the existing social analysis of the financial statements are unsatisfactory, and there are still many deficiencies. Such as analysis based on too one-sided, single method of analysis, indicators do not fully, and so on. This article from the validity of financial statements for the purpose of analysis on the financial statements of the basic theory, the impact of factors and limitations and countermeasures from the statements of itself and its analysis of the two systems do a brief introduction.
keyword: finacial statement; limitation; measure