基于dsp的多通道数据采集电路,基于dsp的多通道数据采集电路4500多字 10页摘要:提出了一种基于dsp的多通道数据采集电路的设计方案。该方案采用硬件高速锁相环电路控制多通道a /d转换器,使1个周期的采样点总数不变,但这个数值可调。然后,脉冲通过调理,且通过一种特殊的电路进行推迟再进入cpu. 这样, cpu就可以处理这些信号,同时也避开了由元...

原文档由会员 20023286 发布
4500多字 10页
摘要:提出了一种基于DSP的多通道数据采集电路的设计方案。该方案采用硬件高速锁相环电路控制多通道A /D转换器,使1个周期的采样点总数不变,但这个数值可调。然后,脉冲通过调理,且通过一种特殊的电路进行推迟再进入CPU. 这样, CPU就可以处理这些信号,同时也避开了由元器件产生的毛刺。这样保证了电路的同步整周期采样,实现了多路数据的采集。同时,在仿真软件里对部分关键电路进行了仿真,然后,又在实际的完整电路板上再次验证了整个设计,其效果好。
C ircu it Design ofMulti2channel Da ta Sampling Ba sed on DSP
Abstract:A method of circuit design ofmulti2channel data samp ling based on DSP was p roposed. A high speed PLL circuit was adop ted to control the multi2channelAD convert, so the number of samp ling point in a period was invariable. But it was ad2 justable. After that the pulse would be adjusted, and postponed by a special circuit. Then it went into CPU, and the CPU dealt with it, and avoided the burrswhich were created by the components. Imp lemented the synchronous samp ling in a whole period, and the multi2channel data samp ling. Meanwhile, some key componentwas simulated in simulation software. The whole real cir2 cuit is validated, and the performance of the circuit is perfect.
Key words:multi2channel; PLL; amp lifier circuit
[ 1 ] 李广弟,朱月秀,王秀山. 单片机基础. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
[ 2 ] 黄开长,刘和平,邓力,等. 同步数据采集技术在电力系统中的应用. 仪器仪表学报
4500多字 10页
摘要:提出了一种基于DSP的多通道数据采集电路的设计方案。该方案采用硬件高速锁相环电路控制多通道A /D转换器,使1个周期的采样点总数不变,但这个数值可调。然后,脉冲通过调理,且通过一种特殊的电路进行推迟再进入CPU. 这样, CPU就可以处理这些信号,同时也避开了由元器件产生的毛刺。这样保证了电路的同步整周期采样,实现了多路数据的采集。同时,在仿真软件里对部分关键电路进行了仿真,然后,又在实际的完整电路板上再次验证了整个设计,其效果好。
C ircu it Design ofMulti2channel Da ta Sampling Ba sed on DSP
Abstract:A method of circuit design ofmulti2channel data samp ling based on DSP was p roposed. A high speed PLL circuit was adop ted to control the multi2channelAD convert, so the number of samp ling point in a period was invariable. But it was ad2 justable. After that the pulse would be adjusted, and postponed by a special circuit. Then it went into CPU, and the CPU dealt with it, and avoided the burrswhich were created by the components. Imp lemented the synchronous samp ling in a whole period, and the multi2channel data samp ling. Meanwhile, some key componentwas simulated in simulation software. The whole real cir2 cuit is validated, and the performance of the circuit is perfect.
Key words:multi2channel; PLL; amp lifier circuit
[ 1 ] 李广弟,朱月秀,王秀山. 单片机基础. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
[ 2 ] 黄开长,刘和平,邓力,等. 同步数据采集技术在电力系统中的应用. 仪器仪表学报