

经贸英语专业学生如何成为合格的外贸人员,-英语专业优秀毕业论文contentsabstractikey wordsi摘 要ii关键词iiintroduction1i. the present problems of the foreign trade workers’ quality2a. being unable to...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 王雨箫 发布



Abstract I
Key Words I
摘 要 II
关键词 II
Introduction 1
I. The Present Problems of the Foreign Trade Workers’ Quality……………………………2
A. Being Unable to Get the Market Information. 2
B. Being Unable to Use the Professional Knowledge to Bussiness. 2
C. Being Unable to Know the Trade Rules and Laws 3
II. The Requirements of the Qualified Foreign Trade Talents…………………........................3
A. Knowing the Political Ideas. 3
B. Being Good at the Service Ideas. 3
C. Complying with Laws and Disciplines. 4
D. Possessing Higher IQ and EQ. 4
III. The Methods to Train and Improve Foreign Trade Quality..……………………….…....5
A. Preparations in School 5
1. Grasping Basic Theoretical Knowledge 5
2. Understanding Other Nation’s Cultures and Costoms. 8
3. Obtaining Certain Professional Certificates 8
4. Having More Contacts with Other People 9
B. Further Improvement at Work 9
1. Integrating into the Company Culture 10
2. Accepting the New Staff Training 11
3. Studying, Asking, Understanding More 11
4. Integrating with the Collective 12
Conclusion 13
Acknowledgements 14
Bibliography 15


Chinese foreign trade has developed rapidly for years, and it has built a good foundation and the foreign trade enterprises have started to enter the new strategic development phase, but there are some problems now. So this paper discusses the thesis –how un versity students of business English become qualified foreign trade talents. The paper consists of three main parts: the problems of the foreign trade workers’ qaulity and analysis of the reasons of the problems; the standards of qualified foreign trade talents and then some suitable methods to train the students of business English before graduation, in which two aspects are dealt with: one is what unversities should do and the other is what students should do.The paper states the way how to train the foreign trade talents, then it can suit the need of the foreign trade.

Key Words

Students of business English; foreign trade talents’ quality; improvement; methods

摘 要

中国外贸经过十几年的快速发展,已打下了良好的基础。外贸企业已开始进入新的战略发展阶段。但是在外贸行业中,外贸人员的素质不适应外贸的发展。文章主要讨论经贸英语专业的大学生怎样成为合格的外贸人才。论文分为三部分:外贸从业人员素质问题及其原因分析; 提出优秀外贸人才的标准和把经贸英语专业的学生培养成合格外贸人才的方法。其中又分为两个方面:一是学校该采取的措施;二是学生自身该怎么做。论文的目的在于探索培养外贸人才的行之有效的方法, 使之满足外贸发展的需要。


经贸英语学生; 外贸素质; 提高; 方法


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