

深圳市私营企业对外贸易面临的问题及对策,problems of foreign trade of shenzhen private enterprises and the countermeasurescontentsabstractikey wordsi摘要ii关键词iiintroduction1Ⅰ. a brief ...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 王雨箫 发布


Problems of Foreign Trade of Shenzhen Private Enterprises and the Countermeasures


Abstract I
Key words I
摘要 II
关键词 II
Introduction 1
Ⅰ. A Brief Introduction of Foreign Trade of Shenzhen Private Enterprises 3
A. The Background 3
B. The Present Situation 3
C. The Problems 4
Ⅱ. Causes for the Problems 4
A. The Obstacles Made by the Governments 5
B. The Problems of Specialized Foreign Trade Talents 6
1. The Shortage of Specialized Talents 7
2. The Professional Ethics Ignored in Foreign Trade Talents Recruitment 8
Ⅲ. Countermeasures to the Problems 9
A. The Countermeasures Taken by the Governments 9
B. The Countermeasures of Specialized Talents 11
1. The Recruitment of Specialized Talents 11
2. The Recruitment of Experienced Talents 12
3. The Recruitment of High Professional Ethics Talents 12
Conclusion 14
Bibliography 16


With the development of global economy, the economy of China is growing rapidly. In the meantime, the development of Shenzhen private enterprises has kept a favorable condition and the foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises is developing prosperously, but some inevitable problems are coming out. This paper mainly contains three major parts: the problems of foreign trade of private enterprises; the analysis of the causes to the problems and the countermeasures to the problems. In the countermeasures are discussed two main points: Market access and perfection of the recruitment and management of the specialized foreign trade talents. The paper aims at pointing out some problems and finding out the countermeasures of the development of foreign trade of Shenzhen private enterprises.

Key Words

Private Enterprises; Foreign Trade; Problems; Countermeasures

摘 要

随着全球经济一体化发展,我国经济迅速增长.深圳市的私营企业保持着良好的发展势头。但是与此同时,也出现了一些不可忽视的问题。本论文主要探讨了深圳市私营企业外贸发展中存在的问题和对策.。论文主要包含三个方面的内容:第一是深圳市私营企业存在的主要问题;第二是分析问题的原因; 第三重点提出了解决问题的措施, 其中提出了各级政府应采取的一系列措施,和私营企业应该不断完善它们对专门外贸人才的招聘和管理制度。本论文旨在提出深圳市私营企业对外贸易事业发展中存在的问题,并找出解决问题的办法。




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