无线网络优化论文,40页 2.3万字中文摘要移动通信发展到今天可谓是日新月异,变幻莫测。人们对无线通信的需求与日俱增,因而无线网络优化的重要性就不言而喻。本文主要是介绍了无线网络优化过程中所遇到的问题和优化方法.为了方便大家的理解,本文还介绍了无线传播的一些理论知识.鉴于目前gsm系统在社会上...

原文档由会员 杨学文 发布
40页 2.3万字
移动通信发展到今天可谓是日新月异,变幻莫测。人们对无线通信的需求与日俱增,因而无线网络优化的重要性就不言而喻。本文主要是介绍了无线网络优化过程中所遇到的问题和优化方法.为了方便大家的理解,本文还介绍了无线传播的一些理论知识.鉴于目前GSM系统在社会上的广泛流行和运用,本文的无线网络优化大多是对GSM系统而言。 考虑到移动通信运营商对利润的追求,在网优的过程中始终要考虑到成本问题,即尽量合理配置资源。网络优化要从宏观布站入手,要分析市场需求,人文环境,地理位置,自然环境等等,做到合理的布局,充分利用资源,尽量避免造成资源浪费。GSM系统的优化指通过各种技术手段和措施,解决系统运行过程中存在的各种问题,使系统始终处于较好的运行状态。针对网络中存在的问题,调整不同类型的参数设置,包括:无线小区设计参数,硬件参数设计和调整,软件参数设计和调整等。无线网络优化主要是通过调整个中相关的无线网络工程设计参数和无线资源参数,满足系统现阶段对各种无线网络指标的要求。优化调整过程往往是一个周期性的过程,因为系统对无线网络的要求总在不断变化。GSM通信系统的特性,如移动性、随机性、不可知性等,决定其本身是一个复杂的大系统,从大系统的角度来看,对无线网络优化最终只能提供一组满意解,而不是最优解。所以,对GSM网络优化的意义在于GSM网络处于较好的运行状态,而对于优化结果的评价是通过一系列网络服务指标来反映的:如覆盖率,掉话率,切换成功率,话务均衡等等。
The wireless communication changes with each passing day .For people ,the requirement for wireless communication is growing day by day ,so the wireless network optimizing becomes more and more important. In the text ,I will introduce the method of optimizing .First ,I will talk of some theory about how electromagnetic wave transmits . It is the increasing demand for wireless communications, and thus optimize the wireless network on the importance of self-evident. This is the process of introducing wireless network optimization problems and optimization methods. To facilitate our understanding, this article also introduced a number of wireless communication theoretical knowledge. At present ,GSM system is more popular ,so I will talk more about GSM not CDMA. As we all know, all people pursue the profits ,so how to reduce the cost of communication is very important .We must collocate the resource with reason .In optimizing ,we must know about the market ,the people ,the location ,the circumstance and environment ,and so on .We must make full use of resource not be waste of it .The optimizing of GSM means how to resolve the problem in the running by all sorts of method .For example ,the parameter for wireless cell ,the parameter for hardware ,the parameter for software and so on. The course of optimizing and adjusting is periodicity ,for the system of wireless network changes all the time . Optimize the adjustment process is often a cyclical process, because of the wireless network system requirements are constantly changing. GSM communications system characteristics, such as mobility, random nature, the unknown nature, determine their own is a complex systems .GSM system is large and complex ,for is motive and randomicity ,so what we pursue is the better not the best. How to judge the GSM system is good or bad? There are some guide line for us .The are call setup_success _rate, drop_callhandover_success_rate
Key words: The Wireless Network, Optimize, Bit,Method, Flow
第一章绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2研究背景 1
1.3研究内容 1
1.3.1网络普查 1
1.3.2数据采集 2
1.3.3数据分析 2
1.3.4制定和实施优化方案 2
第二章移动无线环境的传播特性 4
2.1基本天线单元 4
2.1.1天线的主要特性 4
2.1.2常用天线 5
2.1.3天线间的互偶 6
2.1.4设计和选择天线时需要考虑的参数 7
2.2移动信道中电波的传输 7
2.2.1传输路径损耗 8
2.2.2植被引起的损耗 9
2.2.3大气层引起的损耗 10
2.2.4绕射和菲涅尔区 10
2.2.5多径 10
2.2.6时延扩散 11
2.2.7瑞利衰落 11
2.2.8多普勒频移 12
2.2.9室内环境中的传输 12
2.2.10密集市区环境中的传播 13
2.3干扰和噪声 13
2.3.1噪声 13
2.3.2干扰 14
第三章数据采集和分析 15
3.1 数据采集 15
3.1.1基站站点参数表 15
3.1.2 OMC-R统计数据 15
3.1.3路测记录数据 15
3.1.4定点CQT测试和用户投诉信息数据 16
3.2优化过程与网络存在问题的定位分析 16
第四章无线网络优化方案 19
4.1蜂窝系统 19
4.1.1六边形小区 19
4.1.2蜂窝小区类型 19
4.2对移动通信市场的分析 21
4.3优化调整 22
4.3.1站址选择与优化 23
4.3.2频率规划 25
4.3.3基站硬件的优化 27
4.3.4 软件参数的优化 28
第五章优化效果评估 31
5.1覆盖问题的解决 31
5.1.1欠覆盖与过覆盖 31
5.1.2室内与室外 31
5.2话务均衡问题 32
40页 2.3万字
移动通信发展到今天可谓是日新月异,变幻莫测。人们对无线通信的需求与日俱增,因而无线网络优化的重要性就不言而喻。本文主要是介绍了无线网络优化过程中所遇到的问题和优化方法.为了方便大家的理解,本文还介绍了无线传播的一些理论知识.鉴于目前GSM系统在社会上的广泛流行和运用,本文的无线网络优化大多是对GSM系统而言。 考虑到移动通信运营商对利润的追求,在网优的过程中始终要考虑到成本问题,即尽量合理配置资源。网络优化要从宏观布站入手,要分析市场需求,人文环境,地理位置,自然环境等等,做到合理的布局,充分利用资源,尽量避免造成资源浪费。GSM系统的优化指通过各种技术手段和措施,解决系统运行过程中存在的各种问题,使系统始终处于较好的运行状态。针对网络中存在的问题,调整不同类型的参数设置,包括:无线小区设计参数,硬件参数设计和调整,软件参数设计和调整等。无线网络优化主要是通过调整个中相关的无线网络工程设计参数和无线资源参数,满足系统现阶段对各种无线网络指标的要求。优化调整过程往往是一个周期性的过程,因为系统对无线网络的要求总在不断变化。GSM通信系统的特性,如移动性、随机性、不可知性等,决定其本身是一个复杂的大系统,从大系统的角度来看,对无线网络优化最终只能提供一组满意解,而不是最优解。所以,对GSM网络优化的意义在于GSM网络处于较好的运行状态,而对于优化结果的评价是通过一系列网络服务指标来反映的:如覆盖率,掉话率,切换成功率,话务均衡等等。
The wireless communication changes with each passing day .For people ,the requirement for wireless communication is growing day by day ,so the wireless network optimizing becomes more and more important. In the text ,I will introduce the method of optimizing .First ,I will talk of some theory about how electromagnetic wave transmits . It is the increasing demand for wireless communications, and thus optimize the wireless network on the importance of self-evident. This is the process of introducing wireless network optimization problems and optimization methods. To facilitate our understanding, this article also introduced a number of wireless communication theoretical knowledge. At present ,GSM system is more popular ,so I will talk more about GSM not CDMA. As we all know, all people pursue the profits ,so how to reduce the cost of communication is very important .We must collocate the resource with reason .In optimizing ,we must know about the market ,the people ,the location ,the circumstance and environment ,and so on .We must make full use of resource not be waste of it .The optimizing of GSM means how to resolve the problem in the running by all sorts of method .For example ,the parameter for wireless cell ,the parameter for hardware ,the parameter for software and so on. The course of optimizing and adjusting is periodicity ,for the system of wireless network changes all the time . Optimize the adjustment process is often a cyclical process, because of the wireless network system requirements are constantly changing. GSM communications system characteristics, such as mobility, random nature, the unknown nature, determine their own is a complex systems .GSM system is large and complex ,for is motive and randomicity ,so what we pursue is the better not the best. How to judge the GSM system is good or bad? There are some guide line for us .The are call setup_success _rate, drop_callhandover_success_rate
Key words: The Wireless Network, Optimize, Bit,Method, Flow
第一章绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2研究背景 1
1.3研究内容 1
1.3.1网络普查 1
1.3.2数据采集 2
1.3.3数据分析 2
1.3.4制定和实施优化方案 2
第二章移动无线环境的传播特性 4
2.1基本天线单元 4
2.1.1天线的主要特性 4
2.1.2常用天线 5
2.1.3天线间的互偶 6
2.1.4设计和选择天线时需要考虑的参数 7
2.2移动信道中电波的传输 7
2.2.1传输路径损耗 8
2.2.2植被引起的损耗 9
2.2.3大气层引起的损耗 10
2.2.4绕射和菲涅尔区 10
2.2.5多径 10
2.2.6时延扩散 11
2.2.7瑞利衰落 11
2.2.8多普勒频移 12
2.2.9室内环境中的传输 12
2.2.10密集市区环境中的传播 13
2.3干扰和噪声 13
2.3.1噪声 13
2.3.2干扰 14
第三章数据采集和分析 15
3.1 数据采集 15
3.1.1基站站点参数表 15
3.1.2 OMC-R统计数据 15
3.1.3路测记录数据 15
3.1.4定点CQT测试和用户投诉信息数据 16
3.2优化过程与网络存在问题的定位分析 16
第四章无线网络优化方案 19
4.1蜂窝系统 19
4.1.1六边形小区 19
4.1.2蜂窝小区类型 19
4.2对移动通信市场的分析 21
4.3优化调整 22
4.3.1站址选择与优化 23
4.3.2频率规划 25
4.3.3基站硬件的优化 27
4.3.4 软件参数的优化 28
第五章优化效果评估 31
5.1覆盖问题的解决 31
5.1.1欠覆盖与过覆盖 31
5.1.2室内与室外 31
5.2话务均衡问题 32