

论我国商业银行业务创新,1.7万字 23页摘要:我国商业银行业经过多年的改革,取得了举世瞩目的成就——效益大幅增加,贷款质量有明显的提升,治理结构和激励机制不断完善,资本实力越发强大。然而,面对未来市场的激烈竞争,我国银行决不可固步自封,需要提前做好准备——进行业务创新。基于这个前提,著者对商业银行业务创新的理论成果进行...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 20023286 发布

1.7万字 23页


Research on Service Innovative of Our Country’s commercial Bank

Abstract: Our country Commercial Banking industry undergoes many year reforms, made the achievement progress which attracted worldwide attention to increase largely, the loan quality had the obvious promotion, the management structure and the incentive mechanism consummates unceasingly, the capital strength was even more formidable. However, facing future market’s steep competition, Our country Bank may be conservative and complacent in no way, needs to prepare for——to carry on the service innovation ahead of time. Based on this premise, the author has carried on the review to the commercial banking innovation’s theory achievement and established the commercial banking innovation rationale, and then proposed the commercial bank innovation inevitability and the practical significance. The author summarized our country commercial banking present situation and the West commercial banking survey afterward, through this kind of relapse’s contrast, the excavation and the outstanding service structure’s disparity, the place which enhanced in view of our country commercial banking existence’s actual problem and urgently needing embarks, obtained China commercial banking innovation principle and the specific measures. Certainly, during the innovation author paid attention to the service innovation’s risk. Insisting that carries on the service innovation under the risk controllable premise, sharpens our country commercial bank’s international competition ability earnestly, realizes the function that bank own growing strong finally and supports the Chinese economic development.
Key Words:Commercial bank,Service innovation,Risk-controlling

绪论 4
选题的背景与意义 5
文献综述 5
研究方法与思路 6
主要内容及创新之处 6
第一章 商业银行业务创新的国内外最新理论成果及意义 8
1.1 关于商业银行业务创新的学说 8
1.1.1 金融深化理论 8
1.1.2 金融生态理论 9
1.1.3 市场营销理论 9
1.2 商业银行业务创新的必要性和现实意义 9
1.2.1 外部环境的压力迫使商业银行进行业务创新 9
1.2.2 自我发展的动力促使商业银行推进业务创新 10
1.2.3 证券业发展的压力 10
1.2.4 业务创新是国家经济环境的要求 11
1.2.5 业务创新是商业银行的战略要求 11
1.2.6 商业银行业务领域的创新是其功能创新的基础 12
第二章 我国商业银行业务现状 12
2.1 资产业务方面 12
2.2 负债业务方面 13
2.3 中间业务方面 13
第三章 西方商业银行业务最新概况 14
3.1 资产结构 15
3.2 贷款结构 15
3.3 负债结构 16
3.4 收入结构 16
3.5 支出结构 17
第四章 中国商业银行业务创新的原则和具体措施 17
4.1 我国商业银行业务创新的原则 17
4.2 我国商业银行业务创新的具体措施 18
4.2.1 构建适合国情的银行业务创新机制 18
4.2.2 走与国际接轨和自主研究相结合的道路 18
4.2.3 积极提高人员素质 19
4.2.4 健全法律法规,完善市场管理体制 20
4.2.5 全面提升业务创新产品开发设计和销售,实现创新效益的最大化 20
第五章 业务创新之风险防范 20
第六章 结语 21
参考文献 23
致谢 23

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