防盗防火报警系统设计,2.7万字66页包括中英文翻译,完整电路图,程序清单摘 要在社会信息化进程日益发展的今天,信息技术已渗透到人类生存、活动的各个领域,在建筑领域,人们的现代生活、工作对居住和办公的建筑环境不仅要求舒适健康、安全可靠、高效便利,同时还要适应信息化社会运用科技手段和设备的要求。因此,将智能化引入住宅小区已...

此文档由会员 王芸 发布
2.7万字 66页
摘 要
Social informatization a growing process today, permeate a information technology application to the survival of mankind, in all areas of activity in the construction field, people's modern life and work of the residential and office buildings require comfort not only the environment healthy, safe, reliable, efficient Convenient, but also adapt to the information society, use of technology tools and equipment requirements. Therefore, the introduction of intelligent residential quarters have become a trend, and intelligent residential households in the intelligent management system to monitor anti-theft alarm fire has become the field of civil construction to information technology and network development of an important component.
This text has designed a kind of intellectual burglar alarming system of residential building of housing district. It introduced the details of design method and function that can realize of this system in the article, which has explained the operation principle, the design thought of hardware and software and course of realizing in detail of this warning system. This system adopts the intellectual house where the nodal controller that one-chip computer AT89S51 realizes is suitable for the low cost. Design and include with the peripheral circuit that AT89S51 carries on for the master controller: power circuit design, warning circuit design, keyboard, display interface design, data collecting system etc.. I adopted fingerprint recognition sensor, bludgon sensor and heat into clear up electricity infrared sensor which made the system had large some measure the function to come true especially in data collecting system, and enable the controller to also design the communication of principal and subordinate machine in the system to be measured touringly by the check pointing, which makes the guarding against theft of the residential building of the district report to the police and achieve reunification and control and manage, and concentrated on reporting to the police and offering many kinds of protection for guarding against theft in the house, which makes the family to feel safer.
Key words: Smart alarm system; anti-theft fire; automatic dial-up; data communications
目 录
第1章 绪 论 5
1.1 智能防盗防火报警网络系统的背景 1
1.2 防盗防火系统的主要特点 6
第2章 系统设计方案论证 7
2.1防盗报警系统设计方案 7
2.2防盗报警系统方案论证 8
2.3系统经济可行性分析 9
第3章 系统硬件设计 10
3.1 下位机CPU的选择 10
3.1.1 算术/逻辑运算部件 11
3.1.2 专用寄存器、通用寄存器简介 11
3.1.3 RST功能 11
3.1.4 复位 11
3.1.5 省电方式 13
3.2 下位机输入通道设计 14
3.2.1 传感器的选择 14
3.2.2 A/D转换器的选择 18
3.3 下位机数据采集系统设计 19
3.4 上位机键盘/显示接口电路设计 20
3.4.1 8279的电路组成和工作原理 20
3.4.2 管脚、引线与功能说明 22
3.4.3 命令格式与命令字 23
3.4.4 状态格式与状态字 26
3.4.5 8279与AT89S51的接口设计 27
3.5 显示器的选择 27
3.6 上位机输出通道设计 29
3.6.1 报警电路设计 29
3.6.2 看门狗电路设计 30
3.7 电源电路设计 32
3.8 主从机通信设计 33
第4章 系统软件设计 34
4.1 系统软件设计思想 34
4.2 主机主程序流程图 35
4.3 主机查询通信子程序流程图 36
4.4 从机主程序流程图 37
4.5 从机中断通信子程序流程图 38
4.6 查找报警点子程序流程图 39
4.7 显示和报警子程序流程图 41
第5章 结 论 42
参考文献 43
致 谢 44
附 录Ⅰ 45
附 录Ⅱ 47
附 录Ⅲ 48
[16]钟平,续志军.基于红外线位置传感器设计.电气时代.2005(5): 52-54.
[17]李艳萍,王涛.小区家庭安全监控系统的研制.微计算机应用.2005(5): 600-604.
[18]熊峰.数据采集系统的多机通信.电气自动化.2004(1): 39-40.
[19]李铁.谈住宅小区智能化系统设计.智能建筑与城市信息.2004(1): 30-31.
[20]周英俊,况东.谈智能小区安全防范化系统设计.住宅科技.2005(4): 32-34.
[21] John L. Hennessy, David A Patterson Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/software Interface, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman Publisher, Inc,
2.7万字 66页
摘 要
Social informatization a growing process today, permeate a information technology application to the survival of mankind, in all areas of activity in the construction field, people's modern life and work of the residential and office buildings require comfort not only the environment healthy, safe, reliable, efficient Convenient, but also adapt to the information society, use of technology tools and equipment requirements. Therefore, the introduction of intelligent residential quarters have become a trend, and intelligent residential households in the intelligent management system to monitor anti-theft alarm fire has become the field of civil construction to information technology and network development of an important component.
This text has designed a kind of intellectual burglar alarming system of residential building of housing district. It introduced the details of design method and function that can realize of this system in the article, which has explained the operation principle, the design thought of hardware and software and course of realizing in detail of this warning system. This system adopts the intellectual house where the nodal controller that one-chip computer AT89S51 realizes is suitable for the low cost. Design and include with the peripheral circuit that AT89S51 carries on for the master controller: power circuit design, warning circuit design, keyboard, display interface design, data collecting system etc.. I adopted fingerprint recognition sensor, bludgon sensor and heat into clear up electricity infrared sensor which made the system had large some measure the function to come true especially in data collecting system, and enable the controller to also design the communication of principal and subordinate machine in the system to be measured touringly by the check pointing, which makes the guarding against theft of the residential building of the district report to the police and achieve reunification and control and manage, and concentrated on reporting to the police and offering many kinds of protection for guarding against theft in the house, which makes the family to feel safer.
Key words: Smart alarm system; anti-theft fire; automatic dial-up; data communications
目 录
第1章 绪 论 5
1.1 智能防盗防火报警网络系统的背景 1
1.2 防盗防火系统的主要特点 6
第2章 系统设计方案论证 7
2.1防盗报警系统设计方案 7
2.2防盗报警系统方案论证 8
2.3系统经济可行性分析 9
第3章 系统硬件设计 10
3.1 下位机CPU的选择 10
3.1.1 算术/逻辑运算部件 11
3.1.2 专用寄存器、通用寄存器简介 11
3.1.3 RST功能 11
3.1.4 复位 11
3.1.5 省电方式 13
3.2 下位机输入通道设计 14
3.2.1 传感器的选择 14
3.2.2 A/D转换器的选择 18
3.3 下位机数据采集系统设计 19
3.4 上位机键盘/显示接口电路设计 20
3.4.1 8279的电路组成和工作原理 20
3.4.2 管脚、引线与功能说明 22
3.4.3 命令格式与命令字 23
3.4.4 状态格式与状态字 26
3.4.5 8279与AT89S51的接口设计 27
3.5 显示器的选择 27
3.6 上位机输出通道设计 29
3.6.1 报警电路设计 29
3.6.2 看门狗电路设计 30
3.7 电源电路设计 32
3.8 主从机通信设计 33
第4章 系统软件设计 34
4.1 系统软件设计思想 34
4.2 主机主程序流程图 35
4.3 主机查询通信子程序流程图 36
4.4 从机主程序流程图 37
4.5 从机中断通信子程序流程图 38
4.6 查找报警点子程序流程图 39
4.7 显示和报警子程序流程图 41
第5章 结 论 42
参考文献 43
致 谢 44
附 录Ⅰ 45
附 录Ⅱ 47
附 录Ⅲ 48
[16]钟平,续志军.基于红外线位置传感器设计.电气时代.2005(5): 52-54.
[17]李艳萍,王涛.小区家庭安全监控系统的研制.微计算机应用.2005(5): 600-604.
[18]熊峰.数据采集系统的多机通信.电气自动化.2004(1): 39-40.
[19]李铁.谈住宅小区智能化系统设计.智能建筑与城市信息.2004(1): 30-31.
[20]周英俊,况东.谈智能小区安全防范化系统设计.住宅科技.2005(4): 32-34.
[21] John L. Hennessy, David A Patterson Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/software Interface, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman Publisher, Inc,