

医疗呼叫系统设计,2.2万字58页包括中英文翻译,完整电路图,程序清单摘 要医院为了提高对病人人性化服务的质量,在病床与护士站之间安装了定位呼叫系统,当病人需要呼叫护士时,通过定位呼叫器通知护士。但这种方式不能给护士传递更多的信息。随着科技的发展,信息时代的医院管理已经不再像传统的模式,而是向智能化,网络化迅速发展,采用...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 王芸 发布

2.2万字 58页

摘 要
该系统以STR710控制器为核心(它是基于16/32位ARM7TDMI RISC CPU),采用分布式控制系统。在每个病房设置一个从机,进行本病房呼叫信号的采集、报警、显示控制及语音播报等功能;在护士室和医生办公室设置主机,进行报警、呼叫信息的显示、播报,并将从机采集来的信号进行分类。主机与从机之间通过CAN总线,完成采集信号的远传和处理信息的回馈。主机可以通过RS-232接口与PC机通讯。


In order to improve the human quality of services to the patient, the hospital installs call positioning system between hospital beds and nurses station, when the patients need to call nurses, the nurses can see the message through targeted pager. However, this method can not give nurses more information. With the development of technology, the hospital management is no longer the traditional model in the information times; it is the trend of development to the intelligent, network-based rapid development of a bus network as the way hospitals call positioning system.
The distributed control system is based on STR710 controller (which is based on the 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI RISC CPU). A slave controller in each ward for collecting the calling sign, warning, controlling and displaying features and voice broadcast is set up in this system; The host in the rooms of nurses and doctors for giving alarm, calling information displayed, broadcast, and classifies the signals collected from the slave controller is also set up in the system. Through communicating the host and the salve with the CAN bus, it completes the acquisition signals in the Far East and dealing with the feedback information. The host computer can communicate PC with RS-232 interface.
The system can realize the intelligent management of hospital wards, and it can also realize monitoring, broadcasting, alarming, storing, and demonstrating, and so on, it brings to greater convenience for hospitals and the majority of patients. At the same time, it has good versatility and flexibility .The “medical call system” can be developed in an invincible position in the future.

Keyword: medical positioning call; STR710 controller; CAN; RS-232

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 医疗呼叫系统设计的背景 1
1.2 研究医疗呼叫系统的目的与意义 2
1.3 医疗呼叫系统设计的技术背景 2
1.3.1 ARM技术 2
1.3.2 CAN总线 3
第2章 医疗呼叫系统设计的总体方案 5
2.1 医疗呼叫系统设计的总体框图 5
2.2 系统主机硬件电路框图 6
2.3 系统从机硬件电路框图 7
第3章 医疗呼叫系统的硬件电路设计 8
3.1 控制器的选择 8
3.2 电源模块的设计 9
3.3 功能模块的设计 10
3.3.1 呼叫电路的设计 10
3.3.2 语音电路的设计 12
3.3.3 显示电路的设计 17
3.4 CAN接口电路模块的设计 19
3.5 串口电路模块的设计 21
3.6 射频电路模块的设计 22
3.7 报警电路的设计 23
第4章 医疗呼叫系统的软件设计 24
4.1 软件设计总体构想 24
4.2 从机软件程序设计 24
4.2.1 子程序 24
4.2.2 主程序 25
4.3 主机软件程序设计 25
4.4 报警复位子程序设计 26
第5章 结 论 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 31
附 录Ⅰ 32
附 录Ⅱ 45
附 录Ⅲ 47

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