12层配筋混凝土住宅楼设计,2.1万字 113页包括详细计算过程摘要社会的进步与发展以及城市化进程的加速而带来的城市用地日趋紧张,更由于商业竞争的激烈化,高层建筑的需求日趋增长。近年来,新的高层建筑的结构材料和结构体系的出现,也为高层住宅体供了新的平面布置形式,建筑结构的形式也日趋多样化。本设计为位于位于哈尔滨某住宅小区...

原文档由会员 刘丽 发布
2.1万字 113页
关键词 高层住宅;配筋混凝土砌块; 箱型基础
with the acceleration of progress along with the progress and developments and cities of the society, the ground that the city is becoming gradually nervous, because of the intensification in business competition, the need of architectural key figures is increase gradually. In recent years, the emergence of the new structure of architectural key figures material and the structure systems, also provided for new flat surface to arrange for the high residence body form, building the form of the structure is also gradually becoming more diverse.
This design is 12 story highs tower building which is constituted with reinforced concrete masonry shear walls located in Harbin.。It is 25.8 meters long, 22.8 meters wide, 33.6 meters high, and there are 5 families per unit floor area.
In order to reduce the deformation of the shear-wall and undertake the height more safely, the structure chooses the reinforced concrete masonry shear walls to resist the gravity loading from the weight of the building and its contents. All parts of this building are made of concrete, and there are columns in the wall. Foundation is a box- fundation.
Keywords tall building reinforced concrete masonry shear walls box- fundation.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
第2章 建筑设计及结构布置 2
2.1 设计项目名称及简介 2
2.2 设计任务 3
2.3 建筑设计 4
2.4 结构布置 6
第3章 结构计算 10
3.1 概述 10
3.2 墙体等效刚度计算 10
3.3 荷载汇集 30
3.4 各层重力荷载标准值汇总 36
3.5 水平地震作用计算 37
3.6 地震作用下结构水平位移 40
3.7 构件内力计算及组合(以Q10和Q1为例) 40
3.8 主要构件的设计计算 50
第4章 地基基础的设计与计算 70
4.1 概述 70
4.2 箱形基础尺寸及构造的确定 70
4.3 地基的强度及变形验算 72
4.4 箱形结构计算 75
结论 81
致谢 82
参考文献 83
附录1 工程地质资料(四) 84
附录2 PKPM电算结果 87
第1章 绪论
4 蒋永琨.高层建筑防火设计手册.中国建筑工业出版社
5 中华人民共和国国家标准.结构荷载规范,GB50009
6 中华人民共和国国家标准.混凝土结构设计规范,GB50010,2000,9
7 中华人民共和国国家标准.砌体结构设计规范(GB50003)
8 中华人民共和国国家标准.住宅建筑设计规范
9 郭继武.建筑抗震设计.中国建筑工业出版社
10 苑振芳.配筋砌体结构设计与施工规范
11 孙惠镐 王墨耕 李俊民编著小砌块建筑设计与施工
12 British Standards Institution. Code of Practice for Structural use of Masonry, BS5628: Part 1: Unreinforced Masonry
13 International Recommendations for Masonry Structures. CIB Report, Publication 58
附录1 工程地质资料(四)
附录2 PKPM电算结果
考虑扭转耦联时的振动周期(秒)、X,Y 方向的平动系数、扭转系数
振型号 周 期 转 角 平动系数 (X+Y) 扭转系数
1 0.4711 174.38 0.36 ( 0.35+0.01 ) 0.64
2 0.3857 75.79 0.99 ( 0.06+0.92 ) 0.01
3 0.3772 160.76 0.68 ( 0.60+0.07 ) 0.32
4 0.2696 148.64 0.90 ( 0.66+0.25 ) 0.10
5 0.1796 57.68 1.00 ( 0.29+0.71 ) 0.00
6 0.1188 2.34 0.30 ( 0.29+0.00 ) 0.70
2.1万字 113页
关键词 高层住宅;配筋混凝土砌块; 箱型基础
with the acceleration of progress along with the progress and developments and cities of the society, the ground that the city is becoming gradually nervous, because of the intensification in business competition, the need of architectural key figures is increase gradually. In recent years, the emergence of the new structure of architectural key figures material and the structure systems, also provided for new flat surface to arrange for the high residence body form, building the form of the structure is also gradually becoming more diverse.
This design is 12 story highs tower building which is constituted with reinforced concrete masonry shear walls located in Harbin.。It is 25.8 meters long, 22.8 meters wide, 33.6 meters high, and there are 5 families per unit floor area.
In order to reduce the deformation of the shear-wall and undertake the height more safely, the structure chooses the reinforced concrete masonry shear walls to resist the gravity loading from the weight of the building and its contents. All parts of this building are made of concrete, and there are columns in the wall. Foundation is a box- fundation.
Keywords tall building reinforced concrete masonry shear walls box- fundation.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
第2章 建筑设计及结构布置 2
2.1 设计项目名称及简介 2
2.2 设计任务 3
2.3 建筑设计 4
2.4 结构布置 6
第3章 结构计算 10
3.1 概述 10
3.2 墙体等效刚度计算 10
3.3 荷载汇集 30
3.4 各层重力荷载标准值汇总 36
3.5 水平地震作用计算 37
3.6 地震作用下结构水平位移 40
3.7 构件内力计算及组合(以Q10和Q1为例) 40
3.8 主要构件的设计计算 50
第4章 地基基础的设计与计算 70
4.1 概述 70
4.2 箱形基础尺寸及构造的确定 70
4.3 地基的强度及变形验算 72
4.4 箱形结构计算 75
结论 81
致谢 82
参考文献 83
附录1 工程地质资料(四) 84
附录2 PKPM电算结果 87
第1章 绪论
4 蒋永琨.高层建筑防火设计手册.中国建筑工业出版社
5 中华人民共和国国家标准.结构荷载规范,GB50009
6 中华人民共和国国家标准.混凝土结构设计规范,GB50010,2000,9
7 中华人民共和国国家标准.砌体结构设计规范(GB50003)
8 中华人民共和国国家标准.住宅建筑设计规范
9 郭继武.建筑抗震设计.中国建筑工业出版社
10 苑振芳.配筋砌体结构设计与施工规范
11 孙惠镐 王墨耕 李俊民编著小砌块建筑设计与施工
12 British Standards Institution. Code of Practice for Structural use of Masonry, BS5628: Part 1: Unreinforced Masonry
13 International Recommendations for Masonry Structures. CIB Report, Publication 58
附录1 工程地质资料(四)
附录2 PKPM电算结果
考虑扭转耦联时的振动周期(秒)、X,Y 方向的平动系数、扭转系数
振型号 周 期 转 角 平动系数 (X+Y) 扭转系数
1 0.4711 174.38 0.36 ( 0.35+0.01 ) 0.64
2 0.3857 75.79 0.99 ( 0.06+0.92 ) 0.01
3 0.3772 160.76 0.68 ( 0.60+0.07 ) 0.32
4 0.2696 148.64 0.90 ( 0.66+0.25 ) 0.10
5 0.1796 57.68 1.00 ( 0.29+0.71 ) 0.00
6 0.1188 2.34 0.30 ( 0.29+0.00 ) 0.70