

基于snmp协议的综合网络管理系统(含开题+任务书),基于snmp协议的综合网络管理系统1.8万字 46页包括开题报告和任务书摘 要伴随internet时代的到来,网络技术的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业、政府、学校、个人等都融入到互联网当中。相比从前的专用网络,现在的网络已经和人们的学习,工作及生活密不可分了。而作为整个互联网,稳定、高效、准确的运行就显得极为重要。要做到这一...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 usactu 发布

1.8万字 46页

摘 要

Inergrated network management system based on SNMP
With the advent of the Internet age and the rapid development of network technology, more and more enterprises, government, schools, individuals and so on are integration of the Internet. Comparing to the previous proprietary network, the network now is close by people studying, working and living. As a whole, stable, efficient and accurate operation is extremely important. To achieve this, besides relying on its own network equipment and network reliability framework, it must also rely on a set of network management tools to effectively monitor and manage the entire network.
The integrated network management system that this article introduces bases on network equipment performance management and report generation of SNMP. Performance management is the principal responsibility of the entire network performance monitoring, performance control and performance analysis. Performance management also conducts performance tests link, and a variety of performance information collection, statistics, storage, performance information database maintenance, performance management thresholds and settings across the threshold, the performance generated on-demand report. Statements of management systems for the management staffs from the collection of data, statements, and the merger of the statements display a set of statements generation system.
This article also introduces the technology of stratification and business modules division to enable separation business modules and bottom protocol. Through the intermediary of Data Abstraction Layer abstract network equipment, for achieving the centralized control and scheduling of the network resources. This is a major feature of the system.
Key words: Network management, Simple Network Management Protocol, performance management, report generation

目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 发展现状和国内外研究方向 2
1.3 课题研究方案 2
1.3.1 对象 2
1.3.2 框架 3
1.3.3 方案论证 3
2. 简单网络协议(SNMP) 4
2.1 SNMP模型 4
2.1.1 被管设备 5
2.1.1 代理 5
2.1.3管理站点 5
2.2 SNMP特点分析 5
2.2.1 SNMP v1 5
2.2.2 SNMP v2 7
2.3 管理信息库 8
2.3.1 MIB管理树 9
2.3.2 MIB对象类 10
2.4 抽象句法表示法ASN.1 10
2.4.1 数据类型 10
2.4.2 对象结构和内容 11
2.5 SNMP报文操作 12
2.5.1 Get Request报文 12
2.5.2 Get Next 报文 12
2.5.3 Get Bulk 报文 13
2.5.4 Set Request 报文 13
2.5.5 Response 报文 13
2.5.6 Trap 报文 14
2.5.7 Inform Request 报文 15
3. 系统的总体设计与实现 17
3.1 系统可行性的提出 17
3.2 需求分析 18
3.2.1 性能管理 18
3.2.2 报表管理 18
3.3 系统组成 18
3.4系统总体设计方案 19
3.4.1 系统上下文定义 19
3.4.2 设计思路与方法 20
3.4.3 设计约束 21
3.4.4 系统框架图 21
3.4.5 模块/子系统分解描述 24
3.4.6 模块/子系统间的依赖关系 26
4. 系统的技术特点 28
4.1分层的系统 28
4.2 信息模型 28
4.3 可扩展性 32
4.4 技术框架 32
5. 系统运行特性 34
5.1 系统运行部署方案 34
5.2 超大型网络管理 34
5.3 大型网络管理 35
5.4 中型网络管理 36
5.5 小型网络管理 37
6. 总结与展望 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41

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