博客网站的设计与开发(含开题+任务书+ppt),博客网站的设计与开发1.6万字 42页含开题报告+任务书+答辩ppt+论文正文摘要不知不觉中,博客这种新的信息技术,作为多媒体和网络的代表,近年来飞速发展,已经逐渐渗透到了我们的生活、学习、工作当中。本文将博客的理念与技术引入到我们的日常学习、生活中,设计一个专门为教师和学生个人建立个性化资源展示橱窗、学习平台、交流窗...

原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.6万字 42页
摘 要
The Paper Of Blog Design And Development
Unconscious, blog as a new kind of information technology, took multimedia and network representative,high-speed developing in recent years, already seeped our life, the study and the work gradually.This article introduces the abundant idea and the technology of blog in our daily study, the life, designs a software system specially for the teachers and the students.Individual establishment personalization resources demonstrated at the display window and studies on the platform.When users use the website: The educators can conveniently with the way of writing, multimedia and so on, becomes aware own daily life feeling, uploading both publications and teaching attainment, lesson plan design, classroom factual record, research results, courseware, forms belongs to the teacher individual resources to accumulate; The student blog mainly demonstrates student's individuality elegant demeanor.
Through to the blog's development course and the application present situation analysis, this article proposed founds the blog's feasibility, and discussed profoundly in the end of the article the advantage of the idea:using blog in educating,as well as the project the limitation which existed in the development.
After the procedure development and the test.We can determine the website has realized the function which spot above basically.Simultaneously I also believed that, regarding the idea of using blog in education, this project will be a very good attempt.
Key word: Blog, Edublog, Trusteeship Blog, database , BBS, RSS
1 绪论 1
1.1博客概述 1
1.1.1博客的概念 1
1.1.2博客的产生与发展 2
1.1.3博客的技术和特点 3博客的技术 3博客的特点 4
1.1.4区分Blog与BBS和个人网站、个人日记 4博客与个人日记的区别 4博客与个人网站的区别 5博客与BBS的区别 5
1.2博客在国内外应用现状分析 6
1.2.1博客应用的范围和类型 6
1.2.2国内博客网站现状 7
1.2.3教育博客(Edublog)及应用现状 7
1.3校园博客 8
1.3.1校园博客的概念 8
1.3.2校园网站存在的问题 8
1.3.3创建校园博客的可行性分析 8
1.4文章结构 9
2 博客网站平台的创建 10
2.1目前博客的创建方式 10
2.2Blog软件的种类 10
2.3Blog系统的构架实例 10
3 网站的设计与开发 12
3.1系统架构 12
3.2网站页面 12
3.2.1注册页面 12
3.2.2登陆页面 13
3.2.3首页 13
3.2.4特定信息显示页面 15
3.2.5博客分区页面 15
3.2.6权限设置页面 17
3.2.7个人详细信息修改和密码修改页面 17
3.3系统模块划分 18
3.4网站的流程 18
3.5数据库设计 19
3.5.1表及字段 19
3.5.2表的关联 21
4 系统测试 23
4.1注册 23
4.1.1注册用户名检测 23
4.1.2详细信息填写规范 24
4.2登陆 24
4.3信息发布和显示 25
4.3.1特定信息显示 25
4.3.2博客区内的文章发表 25
4.4信息整理 25
4.5个人信息管理 27
4.5.1普通权限 27
4.5.2管理员权限 28
5 博客网站的优势探索 30
5.1博客网站对教师的优势所在 30
5.2教师与学生交流的平台 30
5.3博客对教育评价具有重大意义 31
5.3.1关于教育评价 31
5.3.2评价信息采集 31
5.4反馈 31
5.5快速信息传递 32
6 总结 33
6.1博客网站的意义 33
6.2对博客网站的展望 33
6.2.1将博客网站用于教育教学的反思 33
6.2.2对博客的展望 33
7 致谢 35
8 参考文献 36
[4]微软公司著. SQLSERVER2000数据库程序设计[M].北京:高等教育出版社
1.6万字 42页
摘 要
The Paper Of Blog Design And Development
Unconscious, blog as a new kind of information technology, took multimedia and network representative,high-speed developing in recent years, already seeped our life, the study and the work gradually.This article introduces the abundant idea and the technology of blog in our daily study, the life, designs a software system specially for the teachers and the students.Individual establishment personalization resources demonstrated at the display window and studies on the platform.When users use the website: The educators can conveniently with the way of writing, multimedia and so on, becomes aware own daily life feeling, uploading both publications and teaching attainment, lesson plan design, classroom factual record, research results, courseware, forms belongs to the teacher individual resources to accumulate; The student blog mainly demonstrates student's individuality elegant demeanor.
Through to the blog's development course and the application present situation analysis, this article proposed founds the blog's feasibility, and discussed profoundly in the end of the article the advantage of the idea:using blog in educating,as well as the project the limitation which existed in the development.
After the procedure development and the test.We can determine the website has realized the function which spot above basically.Simultaneously I also believed that, regarding the idea of using blog in education, this project will be a very good attempt.
Key word: Blog, Edublog, Trusteeship Blog, database , BBS, RSS
1 绪论 1
1.1博客概述 1
1.1.1博客的概念 1
1.1.2博客的产生与发展 2
1.1.3博客的技术和特点 3博客的技术 3博客的特点 4
1.1.4区分Blog与BBS和个人网站、个人日记 4博客与个人日记的区别 4博客与个人网站的区别 5博客与BBS的区别 5
1.2博客在国内外应用现状分析 6
1.2.1博客应用的范围和类型 6
1.2.2国内博客网站现状 7
1.2.3教育博客(Edublog)及应用现状 7
1.3校园博客 8
1.3.1校园博客的概念 8
1.3.2校园网站存在的问题 8
1.3.3创建校园博客的可行性分析 8
1.4文章结构 9
2 博客网站平台的创建 10
2.1目前博客的创建方式 10
2.2Blog软件的种类 10
2.3Blog系统的构架实例 10
3 网站的设计与开发 12
3.1系统架构 12
3.2网站页面 12
3.2.1注册页面 12
3.2.2登陆页面 13
3.2.3首页 13
3.2.4特定信息显示页面 15
3.2.5博客分区页面 15
3.2.6权限设置页面 17
3.2.7个人详细信息修改和密码修改页面 17
3.3系统模块划分 18
3.4网站的流程 18
3.5数据库设计 19
3.5.1表及字段 19
3.5.2表的关联 21
4 系统测试 23
4.1注册 23
4.1.1注册用户名检测 23
4.1.2详细信息填写规范 24
4.2登陆 24
4.3信息发布和显示 25
4.3.1特定信息显示 25
4.3.2博客区内的文章发表 25
4.4信息整理 25
4.5个人信息管理 27
4.5.1普通权限 27
4.5.2管理员权限 28
5 博客网站的优势探索 30
5.1博客网站对教师的优势所在 30
5.2教师与学生交流的平台 30
5.3博客对教育评价具有重大意义 31
5.3.1关于教育评价 31
5.3.2评价信息采集 31
5.4反馈 31
5.5快速信息传递 32
6 总结 33
6.1博客网站的意义 33
6.2对博客网站的展望 33
6.2.1将博客网站用于教育教学的反思 33
6.2.2对博客的展望 33
7 致谢 35
8 参考文献 36
[4]微软公司著. SQLSERVER2000数据库程序设计[M].北京:高等教育出版社