

某区中小企业融资问题研究,8900多字 12页摘要去年以来,在国际金融危机的冲击下,某区中小企业也不可避免的遭遇生存和发展大难题。中小企业的发展关系到经济的增长和社会的稳定,也牵动着许多人大代表和政协委员的心。在今年两会上,要求加大对中小企业特别是县区中小企业扶持力度的呼声从未像今年这样强烈和迫切。而如何帮助县区中小企业...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 xiaowei 发布

8900多字 12页



Researching on the Financing of Small and Medium-seized Companies

Since last year, in the international financial crisis, the Linyi City Lanshan district SMEs face the inevitable major challenge for survival and development. The relationship between the development of SMEs to economic growth and social stability, but also affects a number of NPC deputies and CPPCC members of the heart. Two sessions this year, the requested increase, especially small and medium-sized small and medium-sized counties, the voice of support for this year has never been a strong and urgent. And how to help small and medium-sized counties out of the woods, on behalf of members of the two primary solutions to small and medium-sized counties, the issue of financing of small and medium-sized Lanshan district Linyi City has been plagued by financing problems of the stable development of local small and medium enterprises, the urgency of the financing problems of small and medium-sized need to be resolved. In this paper, an analysis of Linyi City Lanshan district the status of small and medium enterprises financing difficulties and the emergence of the problem, focused on financing small and medium-sized Lanshan district Linyi several difficult issues an effective way, including the self-construction companies, banks and the Government of the corresponding support and improve the information technology business, as well as the development of Lanshan district pawn broking and security industries.

Keywords:SME Financing; Internal accumulation; Credit Guarantee; Information technology


一、中小企业的界定 1
1 中小企业的概念 1
2 中小企业的界定标准 1
二、某区中小企业融资现状 1
1 兰山区中小企业融资渠道狭窄 1
2 一些非正规金融对兰山区中小企业的发展起到重要作用 1
3 兰山区中小企业发展快但不稳定 2
4 银行对兰山区中小企业的贷款仍然保守 2
三、兰山区中小企业融资难的原因 2
1 企业自身的素质是融资难的根本原因 2
2 中小企业难得到银行贷款的融资支持 3
3 缺乏为中小企业服务的金融机构 3
4 中小企业从民间融资受限制 3
5 缺乏必不可少的信贷担保机构 3
6 临沂中小企业信息化低 4
四、解决兰山区中小企业融资问题的有效途径 4
1 完善中小企业自身建设 4
2 银行构建中小企业贷款“绿色通道” 4
3 发展现代典当业 4
4 发展某区的担保业 5
5 加强政府对中小企业的支持 5
6 加快推进中小企业信息化 6
五、结论 6
参考文献 7

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