在线图书销售系统的设计与实现,1.6万字 41页摘 要近年来,随着信息的全球化和国际互联网的普及化,商业的运营模式和人们的消费观念也随之改变,电子商务已经成为一种时尚。图书信息易于判断和选择,所以适合于网上交易,因而“在线图书销售”成了电子商务的先锋。在线图书销售又名电子书店、网络书店虚拟书店,其内涵都一样,都是利用信息...

此文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.6万字 41页
摘 要
The Design and Realization of the On-line Bookstore System
In recent years, along with the information globalization and the Internet universalization,
The commercial operation model and the people’s thought about consuming have changed a
lot, and the electronic commerce has become a king of fashion, As the information of books is easy to judge and choose, it fits the transaction on-line, and it is a new kind of bookstore in
which people have book trade on the Internet with information technology, digital technology,
virtual technology, net technology, it’s a kind of new market for the book publishing. The appearance of on-line bookstore let people get what they need without walking out of the house, so that it breaks the mode of traditional bookstores.
So the system in the paper emphasizes the information service of books besides realizing
the function of selling books on-line, for example, offers the details of the book list, offers the
convenient book searching, offers the newest book information and so on, and concentrating
the attention of the readers with these information services, and with the help of the services,
join the writers, presses, bookstores and readers together tightly. In addition, the system emphasizes the character of “humanity” in management, and a convenient management platform is designed, even though you are not one who are good at computers, you can perfectly complete the book management as well, like adding books, recommending books, deleting book information and so on.
The development of this system mainly includes the two sides of the development of proscenium application program and the foundation and repair of database in the background.
To the first one, we need a full function and easy using program, to the second one, the consistence and the completes of data is needed to build up, Based on the consideration above, our system adopts B/S model, the main character of this website is that convenient cooperating, extensive adaptation of platform, and has a fast running speed.
Key words: On-line bookstore,shop car,B/S model
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2关于本系统的基本介绍 2
1.3关于本系统的特点 3
1.4论文构成及研究内容 3
2 系统开发技术 4
2.1 JSP技术介绍 4
2.2 JSP在WEB开发方面的优势 5
2.3 ACCESS 简述 6
2.4 系统运行环境 7
2.4.1 JDBC介绍 7
2.4.2 连接数据库 10
2.4.3 JSP运行环境安装及配置 10
3 在线图书销售系统分析与设计 11
3.1 需求分析 11
3.1.1 系统安全性需求 11
3.1.2 可维护性需求 11
3.1.3 用户操作需求 11
3.1.4 运行速度需求 11
3.1.5 界面需求 11
3.2系统设计 12
3.2.1 系统用例分析 12
3.2.2 系统设计思想 13
3.2.3 系统结构设计 14
3.2.4 系统功能总体设计 14
3.2.5 系统功能详细设计 15
3.3 数据库设计 17
3.3.1 数据库需求分析 17
3.3.2 数据库概念设计 17
3.3.3 数据库逻辑设计 19
4 在线图书销售系统实现 23
4.1 系统功能实现 23
4.1.1登录/注册模块 23
4.1.2 购物车模块 23
4.1.3 图书管理模块 25
4.1.4 订单管理模块 26
4.1.5 用户管理模块 26
4.1.6公告管理模块 27
4.2 数据库有关类的实现 28
5 结论 32
6 致谢 34
7 参考文献 35
1.6万字 41页
摘 要
The Design and Realization of the On-line Bookstore System
In recent years, along with the information globalization and the Internet universalization,
The commercial operation model and the people’s thought about consuming have changed a
lot, and the electronic commerce has become a king of fashion, As the information of books is easy to judge and choose, it fits the transaction on-line, and it is a new kind of bookstore in
which people have book trade on the Internet with information technology, digital technology,
virtual technology, net technology, it’s a kind of new market for the book publishing. The appearance of on-line bookstore let people get what they need without walking out of the house, so that it breaks the mode of traditional bookstores.
So the system in the paper emphasizes the information service of books besides realizing
the function of selling books on-line, for example, offers the details of the book list, offers the
convenient book searching, offers the newest book information and so on, and concentrating
the attention of the readers with these information services, and with the help of the services,
join the writers, presses, bookstores and readers together tightly. In addition, the system emphasizes the character of “humanity” in management, and a convenient management platform is designed, even though you are not one who are good at computers, you can perfectly complete the book management as well, like adding books, recommending books, deleting book information and so on.
The development of this system mainly includes the two sides of the development of proscenium application program and the foundation and repair of database in the background.
To the first one, we need a full function and easy using program, to the second one, the consistence and the completes of data is needed to build up, Based on the consideration above, our system adopts B/S model, the main character of this website is that convenient cooperating, extensive adaptation of platform, and has a fast running speed.
Key words: On-line bookstore,shop car,B/S model
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2关于本系统的基本介绍 2
1.3关于本系统的特点 3
1.4论文构成及研究内容 3
2 系统开发技术 4
2.1 JSP技术介绍 4
2.2 JSP在WEB开发方面的优势 5
2.3 ACCESS 简述 6
2.4 系统运行环境 7
2.4.1 JDBC介绍 7
2.4.2 连接数据库 10
2.4.3 JSP运行环境安装及配置 10
3 在线图书销售系统分析与设计 11
3.1 需求分析 11
3.1.1 系统安全性需求 11
3.1.2 可维护性需求 11
3.1.3 用户操作需求 11
3.1.4 运行速度需求 11
3.1.5 界面需求 11
3.2系统设计 12
3.2.1 系统用例分析 12
3.2.2 系统设计思想 13
3.2.3 系统结构设计 14
3.2.4 系统功能总体设计 14
3.2.5 系统功能详细设计 15
3.3 数据库设计 17
3.3.1 数据库需求分析 17
3.3.2 数据库概念设计 17
3.3.3 数据库逻辑设计 19
4 在线图书销售系统实现 23
4.1 系统功能实现 23
4.1.1登录/注册模块 23
4.1.2 购物车模块 23
4.1.3 图书管理模块 25
4.1.4 订单管理模块 26
4.1.5 用户管理模块 26
4.1.6公告管理模块 27
4.2 数据库有关类的实现 28
5 结论 32
6 致谢 34
7 参考文献 35