[外文翻译]沥青路面的铺设,/asphalt paving operation包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载查阅!①中文页数6中文字数4303范例:首先,在最初骨料的均衡发生的地方,骨料经过冷仓。 骨料出搅拌机的速度取决于搅拌机搅拌机的皮带转动速度和搅拌机打开通道的大小。集结被被到一个干燥器。 在这个干燥器内...

原文档由会员 李海龙 发布
[外文翻译]沥青路面的铺设/Asphalt Paving Operation
①中文页数 6
中文字数 4303
范例:首先,在最初骨料的均衡发生的地方,骨料经过冷仓。 骨料出搅拌机的速度取决于搅拌机搅拌机的皮带转动速度和搅拌机打开通道的大小。集结被被到一个干燥器。 在这个干燥器内潮气被隔离,在搅拌器内被加热到适当的温度。骨料被继续送往加热器,并被屏蔽到一个加热器内。这个屏蔽将骨料分开。
尺寸不同的骨料一次性的被放到一个带有箱子的漏斗内,然后倒入搅拌机内和沥青混合。然后混合物被倒入一辆正在等待装料的卡车内,或被转移到一个储存仓内。从每个箱子内取出样品测试。筛子用来分析和处理测试等级。等测试处理。 从分级信息中,骨料的重量和设计等级一致。测试的结果和设计的一致,否则不能生产
②英文页数: 9
英文字数: 2766
范例:First, aggregate travels through the cold feed bins, where initial proportioning of the aggregate takes place. The quantity of material leaving each bin is regulated by the size of the gate opening, or the speed of a belt, or a combination of the two. The aggregate is sent to a drier. Here the moisture is removed and is heated to provide the proper mixing temperature in the pugmill. The aggregate continues to the hot elevator by screens to the hot bins. The screens provide the final separation of the aggregate.
The different sizes of aggregate are released into the weight hopper one bin at a time. The aggregate is dropped into the pugmill for mixing with the asphalt. The mixture is then dropped into a waiting truck or moved to a storage silo. Samples are taken from each hot bin for testing. A sieve analysis is conducted as well as gradation test. From the gradation information, the weight of the aggregate must be equal to the design gradation. A trial run should be performed and the weights adjusted until the desired mix is produced.
③ 摘要
沥青路面铺设过程( 利用一台铺设机器和20 吨容量三轴的卡车)。工程的位置主要在格林伍德(印第安纳波利斯南部)的麦迪逊的角上。里思-赖利建筑公司正在施工。 -印第安纳波利斯。
asphalt paving process utilizing a paving machine and 20 tons capacity tri-axle trucks. The location of the process was at the corner of Main and Madison in Greenwood ( South of Indianapolis ). The project is being run by the Reith-Riley Construction Company. - Indianapolis.
3. 沥青研究所," 手工铺沥青" 手工系列8 号, 3 版。
4. 美国运输部,联邦公路管理," 热混合Bituminous 铺手动5. 与里思•赖利建筑公司印第安纳波利斯,工作主管人的亲自会见: 丹•帕特里克先生。
①中文页数 6
中文字数 4303
范例:首先,在最初骨料的均衡发生的地方,骨料经过冷仓。 骨料出搅拌机的速度取决于搅拌机搅拌机的皮带转动速度和搅拌机打开通道的大小。集结被被到一个干燥器。 在这个干燥器内潮气被隔离,在搅拌器内被加热到适当的温度。骨料被继续送往加热器,并被屏蔽到一个加热器内。这个屏蔽将骨料分开。
尺寸不同的骨料一次性的被放到一个带有箱子的漏斗内,然后倒入搅拌机内和沥青混合。然后混合物被倒入一辆正在等待装料的卡车内,或被转移到一个储存仓内。从每个箱子内取出样品测试。筛子用来分析和处理测试等级。等测试处理。 从分级信息中,骨料的重量和设计等级一致。测试的结果和设计的一致,否则不能生产
②英文页数: 9
英文字数: 2766
范例:First, aggregate travels through the cold feed bins, where initial proportioning of the aggregate takes place. The quantity of material leaving each bin is regulated by the size of the gate opening, or the speed of a belt, or a combination of the two. The aggregate is sent to a drier. Here the moisture is removed and is heated to provide the proper mixing temperature in the pugmill. The aggregate continues to the hot elevator by screens to the hot bins. The screens provide the final separation of the aggregate.
The different sizes of aggregate are released into the weight hopper one bin at a time. The aggregate is dropped into the pugmill for mixing with the asphalt. The mixture is then dropped into a waiting truck or moved to a storage silo. Samples are taken from each hot bin for testing. A sieve analysis is conducted as well as gradation test. From the gradation information, the weight of the aggregate must be equal to the design gradation. A trial run should be performed and the weights adjusted until the desired mix is produced.
③ 摘要
沥青路面铺设过程( 利用一台铺设机器和20 吨容量三轴的卡车)。工程的位置主要在格林伍德(印第安纳波利斯南部)的麦迪逊的角上。里思-赖利建筑公司正在施工。 -印第安纳波利斯。
asphalt paving process utilizing a paving machine and 20 tons capacity tri-axle trucks. The location of the process was at the corner of Main and Madison in Greenwood ( South of Indianapolis ). The project is being run by the Reith-Riley Construction Company. - Indianapolis.
3. 沥青研究所," 手工铺沥青" 手工系列8 号, 3 版。
4. 美国运输部,联邦公路管理," 热混合Bituminous 铺手动5. 与里思•赖利建筑公司印第安纳波利斯,工作主管人的亲自会见: 丹•帕特里克先生。