基于miscore的物业管理系统,基于miscore的物业管理系统1.5万字 38页包括开题报告和任务书,论文正文,答辩ppt摘要物业公司现在已经逐步走进千家万户的生活,它能为我们每个人的生活带来安全和便利。但是物业公司所要处理的事务繁杂,所要管理的人员众多,收取的账务更是要很及时准确。于是,每个物业公司必然都需要引入一套符合自己特色的管理系统来帮助公...

原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.5万字 38页
摘 要
关键词:物业管理,收费管理, 房产管理,Miscore
Property Management System Based On Miscore
Property management companies are getting into everyone’s life now, it can provide safe and convenience for us. But the companies need to deal with a lot of things, manage many persons and charge exactly and on time. If management still use conventional handing way, it would be confusion on the management when the company’s scale reach to certain extent, it will take big lost for the company which serve for common people. So a property management system is needed for their management. With the growth of property companies and the spread of information technology, obviously the use of the traditional manual management can not meet the demand of the companies. Therefore, each company will need its own management system to help the company’s management.
The System aims to improve the management efficiency of the current property management companies. The system is to develop a flexible, easy-to-use system for users can flexible configuration to meet the needs of various properties. The monthly charges need to be recorded into the system, and then the total spent expenses will be calculated out. It greatly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of property charges.
Address all the properties of different companies may need the system requirements vary. Therefore, designing a template-based flexible configuration to meet the different needs, according to their needs with different charging scheme.
System design based on the Miscore can add the speed of development of MIS system, simplify the development process.
Key Words: Property Management, Charge Management, House Management, Miscore
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.1.1课题背景 1
1.1.2课题目的 2
1.2 课题研究内容和意义 2
1.2.1国内物业管理现状 2
1.2.2研究内容 3
1.2.3研究意义 4
2 物业管理系统简介 5
2.1 物业管理系统简介 5
2.2 物业管理相关概念以及调研的相关总结 5
2.3 物业管理系统模块 7
3 Miscore框架简介 9
3.1 Miscore简介 9
3.2 Miscore数据表说明 9
3.3 Miscore 用法 11
4物业管理系统设计与开发 13
4.1设计概述 13
4.1.1设计约束 13
4.1.2设计策略 13
4.1.3 技术实现 13
4.2系统概述 14
4.3项目范围 14
4.4项目中的角色 18
4.5系统总体结构 19
4.5.1物理结构 19
4.5.2逻辑结构 20
4.5.3模块间的逻辑关系 26
4.6设计约定 26
4.7收费管理模块的设计与开发 26
4.7.1收费流程 27
4.7.2 收费模块 27
结论 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
[1] 赖淑华,朱文进 主编. 小区物业管理制度与业主手册.[M]. 广东经济出版社. 2006-1-1
[2] 徐超汉 编著. 住宅小区智能化系统. [M]. 电子工业出版社. 2006-7-1
[3] 邹劲松 主编. 物业管理信息系统(第二版)——高等职业技术教育教材.[M].机械工业出版社,2004年06月
[4] 戴玉林,王媚莎 编. 物业管理典型案例与分析. [M]. 化学工业出版社. 2006-2-1
[5] 李金平,洪芸 编著. 物业管理疑难有问必答. 中国电力出版社. 2007-01
[6] 国务院法制办等 编. 《物业管理条例》释义.[M]. 知识产权出版社. 2003-7-1
[7]Cay S .Horstmann, Gray Cornell.Java2核心技术卷1:基础知识[M]..北京:机械工业出版社
1.5万字 38页
摘 要
关键词:物业管理,收费管理, 房产管理,Miscore
Property Management System Based On Miscore
Property management companies are getting into everyone’s life now, it can provide safe and convenience for us. But the companies need to deal with a lot of things, manage many persons and charge exactly and on time. If management still use conventional handing way, it would be confusion on the management when the company’s scale reach to certain extent, it will take big lost for the company which serve for common people. So a property management system is needed for their management. With the growth of property companies and the spread of information technology, obviously the use of the traditional manual management can not meet the demand of the companies. Therefore, each company will need its own management system to help the company’s management.
The System aims to improve the management efficiency of the current property management companies. The system is to develop a flexible, easy-to-use system for users can flexible configuration to meet the needs of various properties. The monthly charges need to be recorded into the system, and then the total spent expenses will be calculated out. It greatly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of property charges.
Address all the properties of different companies may need the system requirements vary. Therefore, designing a template-based flexible configuration to meet the different needs, according to their needs with different charging scheme.
System design based on the Miscore can add the speed of development of MIS system, simplify the development process.
Key Words: Property Management, Charge Management, House Management, Miscore
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.1.1课题背景 1
1.1.2课题目的 2
1.2 课题研究内容和意义 2
1.2.1国内物业管理现状 2
1.2.2研究内容 3
1.2.3研究意义 4
2 物业管理系统简介 5
2.1 物业管理系统简介 5
2.2 物业管理相关概念以及调研的相关总结 5
2.3 物业管理系统模块 7
3 Miscore框架简介 9
3.1 Miscore简介 9
3.2 Miscore数据表说明 9
3.3 Miscore 用法 11
4物业管理系统设计与开发 13
4.1设计概述 13
4.1.1设计约束 13
4.1.2设计策略 13
4.1.3 技术实现 13
4.2系统概述 14
4.3项目范围 14
4.4项目中的角色 18
4.5系统总体结构 19
4.5.1物理结构 19
4.5.2逻辑结构 20
4.5.3模块间的逻辑关系 26
4.6设计约定 26
4.7收费管理模块的设计与开发 26
4.7.1收费流程 27
4.7.2 收费模块 27
结论 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
[1] 赖淑华,朱文进 主编. 小区物业管理制度与业主手册.[M]. 广东经济出版社. 2006-1-1
[2] 徐超汉 编著. 住宅小区智能化系统. [M]. 电子工业出版社. 2006-7-1
[3] 邹劲松 主编. 物业管理信息系统(第二版)——高等职业技术教育教材.[M].机械工业出版社,2004年06月
[4] 戴玉林,王媚莎 编. 物业管理典型案例与分析. [M]. 化学工业出版社. 2006-2-1
[5] 李金平,洪芸 编著. 物业管理疑难有问必答. 中国电力出版社. 2007-01
[6] 国务院法制办等 编. 《物业管理条例》释义.[M]. 知识产权出版社. 2003-7-1
[7]Cay S .Horstmann, Gray Cornell.Java2核心技术卷1:基础知识[M]..北京:机械工业出版社