基于linux的gis服务器的设计与实现,基于linux的gis服务器的设计与实现1.7万字 57页包括开题报告及bnf表达式,几何对象的wkb表示内容摘要本文首先介绍了gis的历史,gis当今取得的成果,以及gis后面的发展趋势,再说明了一些基本概念(gis的功能,组成,以及gis的一些专用名词)。接着重点介绍了gis系统的设计架构以及遵循的设计原则(面向对...
原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.7万字 57页
摘 要
关键词:GIS,OGC,WKB,WKT ,设计和实现
The design and implementation of GIS server
At the beginning of the article, we introduced the history of GIS (Geography Information System), the achievements of GIS. And finally some basic terminology and concepts have been introduced.
At the second chapter, we give a representation of the whole architecture and the design principles (Object-Oriented) we following. The whole GIS server obeys the standards of Simple Features of OpenGIS specification: the WKT form and WKB form of spatial objects. This is the core content when designing the GIS server’s architecture. The WKT forms emphasize on making the geometry object easily to read by human or developer. The WKB forms are trying to make data utilization maximum.
In the base of the previous chapter, the third chapter describes detail design of each modules mentioned in second chapter. We clear the principles in detail design by list some pictures and source code.
At last, we analyzed the whole GIS server’s architecture and detailed design. Through that, we proposed some improvements in the GIS server, with whole view and the detail view. As we made the system architecture easily to extent, The following improvements on the GIS server can execute without too much trouble.
Key Words: GIS, OGC, WKB, WKT, Design and implementation
目 录
1. 引言 0
1.1. GIS发展历史 0
1.2. GIS国外发展现状 1
1.3. GIS国内发展现状 3
2. GIS系统概述 4
2.1. GIS的组成 4
2.1.1 硬 件 4
2.1.2 软 件 4
2.1.3 数 据 5
2.2. GIS的主要功能 5
2.2.1 数据输入 5
2.2.2 数据编辑 5
2.2.3 数据的存储与管理 6
2.2.4 空间查询与分析 6
2.2.5 可视化表达与输出 6
2.3. GIS系统的一些基本概念 7
2.3.1 地理信息系统(GIS) 7
2.3.2 地理参照系统(Spatial Reference System) 7
2.3.3 矢量和栅格模式(Vector and Raster Model) 7
2.3.4 空间数据库(Spatial Database) 8
2.3.5 Open GIS Consortium(OGC,开放空间协会) 8
2.4. 本文的结构 9
3. My GIS系统架构设计 9
3.1. My GIS系统选型 9
3.2. 空间对象的WKB和WKT标准表达方式 11
3.2.1 BNF(巴科斯范式) 11
3.2.2 WKT 规范 13
3.2.3 WKB规范 15
3.3. My GIS系统架构 17
3.4. My GIS主要组成部分 19
3. My GIS详细设计 22
3.1. My GIS对象层次结构 22
3.2. PostGIS的实现 24
3.3. My GIS服务器与PostGIS的交互 24
3.4. GIS服务器绘图模块的设计 27
4. My GIS工作总结 0
4.1. 需要进行的工作 0
4.2. 当前的解决方案 0
5. 结论 0
致谢 0
参考文献 1
6. 附录 2
7.1. 附录A BNF表达式 2
7.2. 附录B 几何对象的WKB表示 3
[6] 孙家广等.计算机图形学[M] .北京:清华大学出版社.
[7] 梁启章.GIS和计算机制图[M] .北京:科学出版社
[8] 承继成等.国家空间信息基础设施与数字地球[M].清华大学出版社.
[9] Stewart Fotheringham, Prter Rogerson.Spatial Analysis and GIS[M] .Taylor & Francis
[10] 萨师煊,王珊.数据库系统概论[M] .高等教育出版社
1.7万字 57页
摘 要
关键词:GIS,OGC,WKB,WKT ,设计和实现
The design and implementation of GIS server
At the beginning of the article, we introduced the history of GIS (Geography Information System), the achievements of GIS. And finally some basic terminology and concepts have been introduced.
At the second chapter, we give a representation of the whole architecture and the design principles (Object-Oriented) we following. The whole GIS server obeys the standards of Simple Features of OpenGIS specification: the WKT form and WKB form of spatial objects. This is the core content when designing the GIS server’s architecture. The WKT forms emphasize on making the geometry object easily to read by human or developer. The WKB forms are trying to make data utilization maximum.
In the base of the previous chapter, the third chapter describes detail design of each modules mentioned in second chapter. We clear the principles in detail design by list some pictures and source code.
At last, we analyzed the whole GIS server’s architecture and detailed design. Through that, we proposed some improvements in the GIS server, with whole view and the detail view. As we made the system architecture easily to extent, The following improvements on the GIS server can execute without too much trouble.
Key Words: GIS, OGC, WKB, WKT, Design and implementation
目 录
1. 引言 0
1.1. GIS发展历史 0
1.2. GIS国外发展现状 1
1.3. GIS国内发展现状 3
2. GIS系统概述 4
2.1. GIS的组成 4
2.1.1 硬 件 4
2.1.2 软 件 4
2.1.3 数 据 5
2.2. GIS的主要功能 5
2.2.1 数据输入 5
2.2.2 数据编辑 5
2.2.3 数据的存储与管理 6
2.2.4 空间查询与分析 6
2.2.5 可视化表达与输出 6
2.3. GIS系统的一些基本概念 7
2.3.1 地理信息系统(GIS) 7
2.3.2 地理参照系统(Spatial Reference System) 7
2.3.3 矢量和栅格模式(Vector and Raster Model) 7
2.3.4 空间数据库(Spatial Database) 8
2.3.5 Open GIS Consortium(OGC,开放空间协会) 8
2.4. 本文的结构 9
3. My GIS系统架构设计 9
3.1. My GIS系统选型 9
3.2. 空间对象的WKB和WKT标准表达方式 11
3.2.1 BNF(巴科斯范式) 11
3.2.2 WKT 规范 13
3.2.3 WKB规范 15
3.3. My GIS系统架构 17
3.4. My GIS主要组成部分 19
3. My GIS详细设计 22
3.1. My GIS对象层次结构 22
3.2. PostGIS的实现 24
3.3. My GIS服务器与PostGIS的交互 24
3.4. GIS服务器绘图模块的设计 27
4. My GIS工作总结 0
4.1. 需要进行的工作 0
4.2. 当前的解决方案 0
5. 结论 0
致谢 0
参考文献 1
6. 附录 2
7.1. 附录A BNF表达式 2
7.2. 附录B 几何对象的WKB表示 3
[6] 孙家广等.计算机图形学[M] .北京:清华大学出版社.
[7] 梁启章.GIS和计算机制图[M] .北京:科学出版社
[8] 承继成等.国家空间信息基础设施与数字地球[M].清华大学出版社.
[9] Stewart Fotheringham, Prter Rogerson.Spatial Analysis and GIS[M] .Taylor & Francis
[10] 萨师煊,王珊.数据库系统概论[M] .高等教育出版社