软件开发质量管理提升系统之需求管理,1.5万字 41页包括正文,开题报告,任务书,答辩ppt及测试表摘要在软件项目的开发过程中,需求变更贯穿了软件项目的整个生命周期,从项目立项,研发、维护,到用户的经验在增加,对使用软件的感受有变化,以及整个行业的新动态,都为软件带来不断完善功能、优化性能及提高用户友好性的要求。项目经理...

原文档由会员 心底的爱 发布
1.5万字 41页
摘 要
Requriments Management Of Software Quality Management System
The Requeriment changes run through the entire software developerment life cycle, from projects setting up, developing, maintaining, to users’ feed back. Also the progress in industry, continuous improvement of software functions, performance optimizing, and user-friendly requirements bring new requirement changes. In the software project management process, project managers are often faced with the user's requirement change. If it is not effectively handled, the project plan will be adjusted frequently, software delivery date will be delayed, the project costs will increase, and the quality of the project will be declined . This requires the project team should have a good demand management tool.
Requriements management tool should intend to achieve the main objective of good internal communication between clients and the development team ,effectively reducing errors, improvement of projects’controllable , ensuring that the project runs in schedule, standardized software development process to ensure that the quality of software, and to make it conveniences for requriements sorting, integration and analysis . The system will be integrated with requirements’document management, with requirements’ traceability, with good control software requriement changes, baseline management practices, and achieve the tracking requriments, increase the positive development team and project management, controllable, thereby accurately control requriement changes. Key features include customized demand, demand tracking and retrieval needs, the baseline demand management, power demand management and related needs discussion statements, and other functions.
Along with the implement system, this paper will introduce some basic concepts of requirements management,and requirements management process, then described the system to achieve some of the specific programs and some basic functionality of the tool.
Key Words:Requriments Management, Requriement Attribute, Baseline
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1课题来源及研究意义 1
1.2课题目前研究现状及存在的问题 1
1.3本文结构 2
2.需求管理中常用的概念和过程 4
2.1需求管理中常用到的概念 4
2.1.1需求 4
2.1.2需求管理 4
2.1.3需求类型 5
2.1.4需求类型里的需求属性 5
2.2需求管理 5
2.3.1需求管理方针 6
2.3.2需求管理相关职责描述 7
2.3.3主过程描述 8
2.3.4子过程描述 10
3.系统体系结构设计 18
3.1设计模式介绍 18
3.2服务器 18
3.3客户端层 19
4.系统实现 20
4.1数据库设计 20
4.2客户端实现 26
4.3本系统设计中一些关键算法 27
5.系统的主要功能模块 29
5.1需求定制 29
5.2版本控制 30
5.3变更历史 30
5.4基线管理 31
5.5需求跟踪 32
6.本系统有待完善的地方 33
结 论 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
[1]Jacobson I,Booch G Rumbaugh J.统一软件开发过程(影印版)[M]北京:清华大学出版社
[4]王继成,高 珍.软件需求分析的研究[J].计算机工程与设计
[5]IEEE Std 830—1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for SoftwareRequirements Specifications[S]
1.5万字 41页
摘 要
Requriments Management Of Software Quality Management System
The Requeriment changes run through the entire software developerment life cycle, from projects setting up, developing, maintaining, to users’ feed back. Also the progress in industry, continuous improvement of software functions, performance optimizing, and user-friendly requirements bring new requirement changes. In the software project management process, project managers are often faced with the user's requirement change. If it is not effectively handled, the project plan will be adjusted frequently, software delivery date will be delayed, the project costs will increase, and the quality of the project will be declined . This requires the project team should have a good demand management tool.
Requriements management tool should intend to achieve the main objective of good internal communication between clients and the development team ,effectively reducing errors, improvement of projects’controllable , ensuring that the project runs in schedule, standardized software development process to ensure that the quality of software, and to make it conveniences for requriements sorting, integration and analysis . The system will be integrated with requirements’document management, with requirements’ traceability, with good control software requriement changes, baseline management practices, and achieve the tracking requriments, increase the positive development team and project management, controllable, thereby accurately control requriement changes. Key features include customized demand, demand tracking and retrieval needs, the baseline demand management, power demand management and related needs discussion statements, and other functions.
Along with the implement system, this paper will introduce some basic concepts of requirements management,and requirements management process, then described the system to achieve some of the specific programs and some basic functionality of the tool.
Key Words:Requriments Management, Requriement Attribute, Baseline
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1课题来源及研究意义 1
1.2课题目前研究现状及存在的问题 1
1.3本文结构 2
2.需求管理中常用的概念和过程 4
2.1需求管理中常用到的概念 4
2.1.1需求 4
2.1.2需求管理 4
2.1.3需求类型 5
2.1.4需求类型里的需求属性 5
2.2需求管理 5
2.3.1需求管理方针 6
2.3.2需求管理相关职责描述 7
2.3.3主过程描述 8
2.3.4子过程描述 10
3.系统体系结构设计 18
3.1设计模式介绍 18
3.2服务器 18
3.3客户端层 19
4.系统实现 20
4.1数据库设计 20
4.2客户端实现 26
4.3本系统设计中一些关键算法 27
5.系统的主要功能模块 29
5.1需求定制 29
5.2版本控制 30
5.3变更历史 30
5.4基线管理 31
5.5需求跟踪 32
6.本系统有待完善的地方 33
结 论 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
[1]Jacobson I,Booch G Rumbaugh J.统一软件开发过程(影印版)[M]北京:清华大学出版社
[4]王继成,高 珍.软件需求分析的研究[J].计算机工程与设计
[5]IEEE Std 830—1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for SoftwareRequirements Specifications[S]