服务保障系统的设计与实现,1.5万字 48页包括开题报告和任务书,数据库主要表结构摘 要随着电信市场竞争的加剧,客户已经成为各类电信运营企业的竞争对象。为切实加强对客户的服务及管理工作,适应电信市场竞争的新形势,留住客户,电信运营商迫切需要一套快速响应及业务支撑系统,来确保为客户提供高质量的服务。服务保障系统的建设可以实...
原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.5万字 48页
摘 要
本设计最大的特点是采用流程配置文件,Sql Map框架等多种方式实现了系统的通用性和可扩展性,使得故障处理流程的增加和修改十分灵活,只需配置相关数据而无需修改代码。
Design and Implement of Service Assuring System
With the competition of telecommunication market intensifying, the customer has become competition objects of each kind of telecommunication enterprises. In order to effectively enhance customer service and management, enable it to meet the new competitive situation of telecommunication market, and retain customers, the enterprise needs a set of rapid response and operational support system to ensure to provide high-quality service for customers.
The construction of Service Assuring System can realize the goal of telecommunication inter-professional, service-oriented, closed-loop electronic workflow management, normalize management measures through electronic forms and improve operating efficiency and customer service quality.
According to the requirements of Hunan telecommunication, this design developed Service Assuring System using J2EE+WebLogic+Oracle. Firstly, this article introduces the operational process in Service Assuring System, including a detailed description of how to deal with each kind of obstacles contained in ordinary telephone and IC fault and a simple comparison between wideband and telephone fault. Then, this article presents a total design which divides the system into four principal modules: fault accepting, measuring, repairing and verifying. Finally, this article elaborates how to realize Service Assuring System from four aspects, which are process control, data structure, function modules and interface with 10000.
The biggest feature of the design is realizing system interoperability and scalability through configuration files, SQL Map framework and other methods.
Key Words: telephone and IC fault, wideband fault, fault accepting, measuring, repairing, verifying
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1 系统建设背景 1
1.1.1 遵照集团ITSP电信战略发展规划 1
1.1.2 配合湖南电信MBOSS转型规划 1
1.2 系统现状 1
1.2.1综合化集中维护支撑系统现状 2
1.2.2 97系统112子系统现状 3
1.2.3 10000系统96112子系统现状、IC卡子系统现状 3
1.3 系统建设目标 3
2.技术背景 5
2.1 J2EE概述 5
2.1.1 J2EE框架 5
2.1.2 J2EE核心技术 5
2.2 XML 7
2.2.1 XML简介 7
2.2.2使用dom4j和XPath解析XML 9
3.系统业务流程 11
3.1 电话和IC卡故障流程 11
3.2.1无障碍 11
3.2.2配线架障碍 11
3.2.3线路障碍 12
3.2.4电缆障碍 13
3.2.5机房障碍 14
3.2.6IC卡话机障碍 15
3.2 宽带故障流程 16
4.系统总体设计 17
4.1 总体流程和功能模块 17
4.2 设计原则 17
5.系统详细设计 20
5.1 流程控制设计 20
5.2 数据库设计 21
5.3 功能模块设计 22
5.3.1取故障单列表 22
5.3.2故障受理 23
5.3.3故障派测 25
5.3.4故障查修 27
5.3.5故障审核 29
5.4 与10000系统接口设计 33
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录A 数据库主要表结构 39
[10] (美) E. Roman著,王进亮等译.《精通EJB》[M].北京:电子工业出版社
[11] I. Hammouda,K. Koskimies. A pattern-based J2EE application development environment [J]. Nordic Journal of Computing, Sep.
[12] 段云峰,张滨. 电信企业信息化中的若干关键技术[J]. 电信科学[13] 许继元,施齐云,杨翠娥. 关于应用Java语言开发电信运营支撑系统(OSS)的探讨[J]. 应用科技
[14] A. E.Walsh著,李化,寥东译.《J2EE 1.4基础教程》[M].北京:清华大学出版社
1.5万字 48页
摘 要
本设计最大的特点是采用流程配置文件,Sql Map框架等多种方式实现了系统的通用性和可扩展性,使得故障处理流程的增加和修改十分灵活,只需配置相关数据而无需修改代码。
Design and Implement of Service Assuring System
With the competition of telecommunication market intensifying, the customer has become competition objects of each kind of telecommunication enterprises. In order to effectively enhance customer service and management, enable it to meet the new competitive situation of telecommunication market, and retain customers, the enterprise needs a set of rapid response and operational support system to ensure to provide high-quality service for customers.
The construction of Service Assuring System can realize the goal of telecommunication inter-professional, service-oriented, closed-loop electronic workflow management, normalize management measures through electronic forms and improve operating efficiency and customer service quality.
According to the requirements of Hunan telecommunication, this design developed Service Assuring System using J2EE+WebLogic+Oracle. Firstly, this article introduces the operational process in Service Assuring System, including a detailed description of how to deal with each kind of obstacles contained in ordinary telephone and IC fault and a simple comparison between wideband and telephone fault. Then, this article presents a total design which divides the system into four principal modules: fault accepting, measuring, repairing and verifying. Finally, this article elaborates how to realize Service Assuring System from four aspects, which are process control, data structure, function modules and interface with 10000.
The biggest feature of the design is realizing system interoperability and scalability through configuration files, SQL Map framework and other methods.
Key Words: telephone and IC fault, wideband fault, fault accepting, measuring, repairing, verifying
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1 系统建设背景 1
1.1.1 遵照集团ITSP电信战略发展规划 1
1.1.2 配合湖南电信MBOSS转型规划 1
1.2 系统现状 1
1.2.1综合化集中维护支撑系统现状 2
1.2.2 97系统112子系统现状 3
1.2.3 10000系统96112子系统现状、IC卡子系统现状 3
1.3 系统建设目标 3
2.技术背景 5
2.1 J2EE概述 5
2.1.1 J2EE框架 5
2.1.2 J2EE核心技术 5
2.2 XML 7
2.2.1 XML简介 7
2.2.2使用dom4j和XPath解析XML 9
3.系统业务流程 11
3.1 电话和IC卡故障流程 11
3.2.1无障碍 11
3.2.2配线架障碍 11
3.2.3线路障碍 12
3.2.4电缆障碍 13
3.2.5机房障碍 14
3.2.6IC卡话机障碍 15
3.2 宽带故障流程 16
4.系统总体设计 17
4.1 总体流程和功能模块 17
4.2 设计原则 17
5.系统详细设计 20
5.1 流程控制设计 20
5.2 数据库设计 21
5.3 功能模块设计 22
5.3.1取故障单列表 22
5.3.2故障受理 23
5.3.3故障派测 25
5.3.4故障查修 27
5.3.5故障审核 29
5.4 与10000系统接口设计 33
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录A 数据库主要表结构 39
[10] (美) E. Roman著,王进亮等译.《精通EJB》[M].北京:电子工业出版社
[11] I. Hammouda,K. Koskimies. A pattern-based J2EE application development environment [J]. Nordic Journal of Computing, Sep.
[12] 段云峰,张滨. 电信企业信息化中的若干关键技术[J]. 电信科学[13] 许继元,施齐云,杨翠娥. 关于应用Java语言开发电信运营支撑系统(OSS)的探讨[J]. 应用科技
[14] A. E.Walsh著,李化,寥东译.《J2EE 1.4基础教程》[M].北京:清华大学出版社