matlab图象特效处理,matlab图象特效处理2万字 56页包括开题报告,任务书,论文正文,源代码摘要近年来,计算机图像技术的飞速发展使个人电脑上的美术创作进入一个新的阶段,各种图像处理软件也越来越完善,普及程度不断的提高。我们可以对图像进行修饰、对图形进行编辑、对图像的色彩进行处理等。在实际生活和工作中,人们可以对数码照相机拍摄下来的照片...

原文档由会员 刘丽 发布
2万字 56页
本文从图象处理的基本原理开始阐述,探讨了包括色彩调整、代数运算、几何运算、滤镜效果、艺术效果、扭曲效果和风格化七个模块的处理。色彩平衡可以按照特定要求改变图像中每个像素的亮度值;代数运算可以对两幅图象进行代数运算;几何运算可以对图象进行简单的形状处理;滤镜效果是针对相临像素间的关系来处理每个像素,达到一种特殊的效果。艺术效果是可以将图象加工成精美的“艺术品” ;扭曲效果可以对图像进行变形处理;风格化属于破坏性滤镜,通过置换像素生成绘画或印象派的效果。
Magic effect of image process with matlab
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer image process that the creative arts on personal computers have come to a new stage, various image processing software has become more perfect and spread continuously. We can refine the image of graphics, editing the image and process the color of image. In real life and work, people can refine and edit the pictures of digital from camera, and make magic effect base on the origin image. If used with software and other tools, we can conduct high-quality advertising design, creative art and 3D animation.
This paper expound begin with the basic image processing principles, and discussing seven modules of processing including color adjustment, algebra, geometry calculation, and filter effects, artistic effect and distortion effect . The brightness value of each image pixel can be changed by color balance processing in accordance with the specific requirements; algebra processing can perform a mathematical process with two image; geometric processing can change the shape of the images; Base on the relationship of adjacent pixels the filter effect can change each pixel to achieve a special effect. Images can be processed into beautiful "art" by Artistic effect; Images can be deformed by distortion effect processing; Style effects belongs to destructive filter effects, reaching painting or impressionism effect through replacing each pixel.
Key Words:matlab,image,image process,magic effect of image
1. 绪论 4
1.1 研究动机 4
1.2 研究历史 4
1.3 研究现状 5
1.4本文的组织 6
2. 数字图象处理概述 6
3. 在MATLAB下实现的程序基本框架 8
3.1 MATLAB实现的优缺点 8
3.1.1 MATLAB实现的优势 8
3.1.2 MATLAB实现的缺点 9
3.2 实际设计的GUI界面 11
3.3 程序整体流程 11
3.4 本章小结 12
4.特效算法 12
4.1 图像色彩和色调调整 12
4.2 代数运算 24
4.3几何运算 26
4.4 滤镜效果 32
4.4.1 模糊滤镜 32
4.4.2 锐化滤镜 35
4.4.3 浮雕滤镜 37
4.4.4 杂点 39
4.5 艺术效果 40
4.6 扭曲效果 45
4.7 风格化 48
4.8 本章小结 51
总结 52
感谢 53
参考文献 54
[8]向世名.Visual C++数字图像与图形处理[M].北京:电子工业出版社
2万字 56页
本文从图象处理的基本原理开始阐述,探讨了包括色彩调整、代数运算、几何运算、滤镜效果、艺术效果、扭曲效果和风格化七个模块的处理。色彩平衡可以按照特定要求改变图像中每个像素的亮度值;代数运算可以对两幅图象进行代数运算;几何运算可以对图象进行简单的形状处理;滤镜效果是针对相临像素间的关系来处理每个像素,达到一种特殊的效果。艺术效果是可以将图象加工成精美的“艺术品” ;扭曲效果可以对图像进行变形处理;风格化属于破坏性滤镜,通过置换像素生成绘画或印象派的效果。
Magic effect of image process with matlab
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer image process that the creative arts on personal computers have come to a new stage, various image processing software has become more perfect and spread continuously. We can refine the image of graphics, editing the image and process the color of image. In real life and work, people can refine and edit the pictures of digital from camera, and make magic effect base on the origin image. If used with software and other tools, we can conduct high-quality advertising design, creative art and 3D animation.
This paper expound begin with the basic image processing principles, and discussing seven modules of processing including color adjustment, algebra, geometry calculation, and filter effects, artistic effect and distortion effect . The brightness value of each image pixel can be changed by color balance processing in accordance with the specific requirements; algebra processing can perform a mathematical process with two image; geometric processing can change the shape of the images; Base on the relationship of adjacent pixels the filter effect can change each pixel to achieve a special effect. Images can be processed into beautiful "art" by Artistic effect; Images can be deformed by distortion effect processing; Style effects belongs to destructive filter effects, reaching painting or impressionism effect through replacing each pixel.
Key Words:matlab,image,image process,magic effect of image
1. 绪论 4
1.1 研究动机 4
1.2 研究历史 4
1.3 研究现状 5
1.4本文的组织 6
2. 数字图象处理概述 6
3. 在MATLAB下实现的程序基本框架 8
3.1 MATLAB实现的优缺点 8
3.1.1 MATLAB实现的优势 8
3.1.2 MATLAB实现的缺点 9
3.2 实际设计的GUI界面 11
3.3 程序整体流程 11
3.4 本章小结 12
4.特效算法 12
4.1 图像色彩和色调调整 12
4.2 代数运算 24
4.3几何运算 26
4.4 滤镜效果 32
4.4.1 模糊滤镜 32
4.4.2 锐化滤镜 35
4.4.3 浮雕滤镜 37
4.4.4 杂点 39
4.5 艺术效果 40
4.6 扭曲效果 45
4.7 风格化 48
4.8 本章小结 51
总结 52
感谢 53
参考文献 54
[8]向世名.Visual C++数字图像与图形处理[M].北京:电子工业出版社