基于web service的远程portlet应用.rar
基于web service的远程portlet应用,基于web service的远程portlet应用1.4万字41页包括开题报告,任务书,答辩ppt及论文正文摘 要web service的出现创建了可互操作的分布式应用程序的平台,标准的 web service在大多数情况下都适用,但对于动态集成业务应用程序却不太适合。例如,如果要在商业门户中集成订单状态web ser...
原文档由会员 刘丽 发布
基于Web Service的远程Portlet应用
1.4万字 41页
摘 要
Web Service的出现创建了可互操作的分布式应用程序的平台,标准的 Web Service在大多数情况下都适用,但对于动态集成业务应用程序却不太适合。例如,如果要在商业门户中集成订单状态Web Service,则需要编写代码以在门户中显示订单状态服务的结果。在这种状况之下,OASIS创建了WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets),即远程 Portlet Web Service标准。它允许在门户或其他中间Web应用程序中提供可视化的、即插即用的、面向用户的Web服务。
关键字:WSRP ,Remote Portlet,门户改造,体系结构
The Implementation for Remote Portlet base on Web Service
The appearance of Web Service creates a platform for distributed application program of mutual manipulation. Nomal Web Service is applicable in most situation, but not in the situation of application program of dynamic integration business. For example, we must program the appearance layer for the result of order form service in portal if we want to integrate the Web Service of order form states into business portal.
In this case, OASIS create WSRP (Web Service for Remote Portlets), the standard of Web Service for Remote Portlet. It allows the Web service of visible and users oriented.
This study bases on an experimentation of China Telecom EIAC project, Market Depart Project, which creates a platform for message issuance and provide dynamic message to Shanghai Telecom portal with the technology of WSRP Service. Now this system is well applyed in the daily work of market dapart.
This thesis will introduce background of itself, the purpose of study and situation at the present time. It will show the whole steps of this project, which are system architecture, function logic, popedom control, and database design. It also provides the pivotal technology introduction, including empolder environment, design of WSRP Service and some key codes.
Key Words: WSRP, Remote Portlet, Rebuild of Portal, Architecture
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2 课题目前研究情况及存在问题 1
1.3 本文结构 2
2 需求概述 3
2.1 项目需求背景 3
2.2 系统需求 4
2.2.1 项目综述 4
2.2.2 项目面向用户 5
2.2.3 主要特征 5
2.2.4 功能性需求 5
3 系统设计 7
3.1 系统体系架构设计 7
3.1.1 包图及描述 9
3.1.2 类图及描述 12
3.2 系统功能逻辑设计 15
3.2.1 顶层功能模块图 15
3.2.2 业务逻辑功能模块图 15
3.3 系统权限控制设计 16
3.3.1 界面权限控制 16
3.3.2 业务逻辑控制 17
3.3.3 通用权限控制 18
3.4 系统接口设计 18
4 WSRP技术的实现 19
4.1 关于Remote Portlet的详细设计、实现及部署 19
4.1.1 WSRP简介 19
4.1.2 Remote Portlet设计、实现及部署 22
4.2 开发工具以及部署环境 30
4.2.1 IBM Rational Application Developer介绍 30
4.2.2 IBM WebSphere Portal Server介绍 31
4.2.3 IBM WebSphere Application Server介绍 32
总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
[11] 李慧盈,李德昌,段羽,吕邦国.利用J2EE构建XML Web Services的研究[J]计算机工程与应用
[12] 朱振杰.SOA的关键技术的研究与应用实现[D].成都:电子科技大学
[9] 蔡月茹,柳西玲.Web Service基础教程[M] .北京:清华大学出版社
[10] Huhns M, Singh M P. Service-oriented computing: key concepts and principles.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Roma Italy
1.4万字 41页
摘 要
Web Service的出现创建了可互操作的分布式应用程序的平台,标准的 Web Service在大多数情况下都适用,但对于动态集成业务应用程序却不太适合。例如,如果要在商业门户中集成订单状态Web Service,则需要编写代码以在门户中显示订单状态服务的结果。在这种状况之下,OASIS创建了WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets),即远程 Portlet Web Service标准。它允许在门户或其他中间Web应用程序中提供可视化的、即插即用的、面向用户的Web服务。
关键字:WSRP ,Remote Portlet,门户改造,体系结构
The Implementation for Remote Portlet base on Web Service
The appearance of Web Service creates a platform for distributed application program of mutual manipulation. Nomal Web Service is applicable in most situation, but not in the situation of application program of dynamic integration business. For example, we must program the appearance layer for the result of order form service in portal if we want to integrate the Web Service of order form states into business portal.
In this case, OASIS create WSRP (Web Service for Remote Portlets), the standard of Web Service for Remote Portlet. It allows the Web service of visible and users oriented.
This study bases on an experimentation of China Telecom EIAC project, Market Depart Project, which creates a platform for message issuance and provide dynamic message to Shanghai Telecom portal with the technology of WSRP Service. Now this system is well applyed in the daily work of market dapart.
This thesis will introduce background of itself, the purpose of study and situation at the present time. It will show the whole steps of this project, which are system architecture, function logic, popedom control, and database design. It also provides the pivotal technology introduction, including empolder environment, design of WSRP Service and some key codes.
Key Words: WSRP, Remote Portlet, Rebuild of Portal, Architecture
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1
1.2 课题目前研究情况及存在问题 1
1.3 本文结构 2
2 需求概述 3
2.1 项目需求背景 3
2.2 系统需求 4
2.2.1 项目综述 4
2.2.2 项目面向用户 5
2.2.3 主要特征 5
2.2.4 功能性需求 5
3 系统设计 7
3.1 系统体系架构设计 7
3.1.1 包图及描述 9
3.1.2 类图及描述 12
3.2 系统功能逻辑设计 15
3.2.1 顶层功能模块图 15
3.2.2 业务逻辑功能模块图 15
3.3 系统权限控制设计 16
3.3.1 界面权限控制 16
3.3.2 业务逻辑控制 17
3.3.3 通用权限控制 18
3.4 系统接口设计 18
4 WSRP技术的实现 19
4.1 关于Remote Portlet的详细设计、实现及部署 19
4.1.1 WSRP简介 19
4.1.2 Remote Portlet设计、实现及部署 22
4.2 开发工具以及部署环境 30
4.2.1 IBM Rational Application Developer介绍 30
4.2.2 IBM WebSphere Portal Server介绍 31
4.2.3 IBM WebSphere Application Server介绍 32
总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
[11] 李慧盈,李德昌,段羽,吕邦国.利用J2EE构建XML Web Services的研究[J]计算机工程与应用
[12] 朱振杰.SOA的关键技术的研究与应用实现[D].成都:电子科技大学
[9] 蔡月茹,柳西玲.Web Service基础教程[M] .北京:清华大学出版社
[10] Huhns M, Singh M P. Service-oriented computing: key concepts and principles.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Roma Italy