

[外文翻译]为烟花存储点提供强制性援助项目,为烟花存储点提供强制性援助项目/enforcement assistance program for内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数3中文字数 3370②英文页数 5 英文字数 1976③ 摘要 2000年一场重大的烟花爆炸事故发生在荷兰的一个城市恩斯赫德,导致其爆炸的原因是烟花存储缺乏安全...
分类: 论文>外文翻译



原文档由会员 郑军 发布

为烟花存储点提供强制性援助项目/Enforcement Assistance Program for

①中文页数 3

中文字数 3370

②英文页数 5

英文字数 1976

③ 摘要

major firework explosion occurred in the Dutch city of Enschede in 2000 caused by the unsafe storage of fireworks. There were numerous casualties and considerable damage to property. This disaster led to more stringent regulations for fireworks and greater attention to the enforcement of regulations.
The tighter regulations for fireworks were incorporated into the new Fireworks Decree of March 2002. The Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment holds political responsibility for implementing the Fireworks Decree. The Inspectorate is part of the Ministry and has two types of duties:
1. Enforcement of numerous regulations embodied in the legislation for which the Ministry is responsible, notably in respect of waste and hazardous substances. The Inspectorate acts as the enforcement agency when companies breach the law.
2. Supervision of the implementation and enforcement of those laws by provincial and municipal authorities. The 12 provincial authorities and approximately 450 municipal authorities in the Netherlands are responsible for enforcing the conditions attached to the environmental licenses issued to almost all companies. They also enforce the regulations contained in the Fireworks Decree for firework storage sites. The provincial and municipal authorities are required to ensure rectification of breaches of the regulations. The Inspectorate examines whether provincial and municipal authorities perform their enforcement duties properly. This is called “second-line supervision.”
The Inspectorate has given high priority to the supervision of firework storage sites because of the great safety risks associated with storing fireworks. In 2004, the Inspectorate launched a major nationwide project focused on the safe storage of Fireworks.
The project focuses on the second task mentioned above, namely supervision of provincial and municipal authorities.
This paper deals with the following subjects:
—structure of the project: objectives and activities;
—poor compliance with regulations: absence of automatic fire extinguishing systems in many cases;
—enforcement assistance program;
—results of enforcement assistance program.

④关键字 强制援助项目/ ENFORCEMENT