驾校管理系统,1.5万字 37页包括开题报告和任务书摘 要随着社会的发展,生活水平的提高,驾驶技能正逐渐从谋生需要转变为人们日常生活的需要,有越来越多的在职人员,大中专院校学生参加驾驶培训,中请驾驶执照。然而,与之相对应的情况却是我国驾驶员培训业还处于粗放型发展阶段,教学方法效率低,开放性、灵活性差,不能适应道路运输事业...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
1.5万字 37页
摘 要
Driver's training management system
With the development of society and the improvement of standard of living, driving skill becomes more and more important. There are more and more in-service staff and college students attending driver's training and applying driving license. However, the corresponding condition is that the driver's training industry is very poor in our country and the teaching efficiency is low. In particular, the office procedure is very old and the modern management method such as computer hasn't been sufficiently applied.
This paper mainly introduces the whole development process of driver's training management system based on .NET. To develop a system of high quality quickly and efficiently, we import software project management, which manages the whole development process by preparing project development plan and controlling quality. To guarantee the success of software development and solve the problem of maintenance, we import software engineering; and UML modeling, which are used to describe the requirements analysis and design the system. At the same time, we pay more attention to the study of the .NET technology and solve a lot of problems encountered in the development process. Forms authentication and URL authorization based on role make system development quicker and system security more reliable.
KEYWORD: driver's training management system, .NET, SQL
目 录
1. 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.3 论文结构 2
2.课题需求分析 3
2.1 对系统需求的认识 3
2.2 需求分析 3
2.3 建立用例模型 6
2.3.1 确定用例角色 6
2.3.2 建立角色用例关系图 6
2.4 本章小节 7
3.项目开发计划和系统设计 8
3.1 项目开发计划 8
3.2 系统总统设计 9
3.2.1 系统架构 9
3.2.2 开发工具 9
3.3 系统详细设计 12
3.3.1 系统的顺序图 12
3.3.2 系统的活动图 13
3.4 数据库设计与实现 15
3.5 本章小节 17
4.系统编码实现 19
4.1 系统数据库的连接 19
4.2 系统各功能模块的实现 19
4.2.1 前台页面 19
4.2.2 后台页面 21
4.3 本章小结 23
5.测试和质量管理 24
5.1 驾校管理系统的测试 24
5.1.1 功能测试 24
5.1.2 性能测试 25
5.1.3 可行性测试 25
5.2 系统质量的管理与控制 25
5.3 本章小节 27
总结与展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
[4] B Willard, UML for systems engineering, Computer Standards & Interfaces, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 March 2006.
[5] 王赞华,基于UML的模型驱动软件开发应用与研究[D],工中国科学院研究生院硕士学位论文,2005.
[6] 王枫,石冰心,罗莉敏,UML建模机制研究及在系统需求分析中的应用[J],计算机工程与设计,2005,25(4):971-975.
[7] 康壮,软件开发项目管理方法研究[D],北京:对外经济贸易大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文,203.4.
1.5万字 37页
摘 要
Driver's training management system
With the development of society and the improvement of standard of living, driving skill becomes more and more important. There are more and more in-service staff and college students attending driver's training and applying driving license. However, the corresponding condition is that the driver's training industry is very poor in our country and the teaching efficiency is low. In particular, the office procedure is very old and the modern management method such as computer hasn't been sufficiently applied.
This paper mainly introduces the whole development process of driver's training management system based on .NET. To develop a system of high quality quickly and efficiently, we import software project management, which manages the whole development process by preparing project development plan and controlling quality. To guarantee the success of software development and solve the problem of maintenance, we import software engineering; and UML modeling, which are used to describe the requirements analysis and design the system. At the same time, we pay more attention to the study of the .NET technology and solve a lot of problems encountered in the development process. Forms authentication and URL authorization based on role make system development quicker and system security more reliable.
KEYWORD: driver's training management system, .NET, SQL
目 录
1. 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.3 论文结构 2
2.课题需求分析 3
2.1 对系统需求的认识 3
2.2 需求分析 3
2.3 建立用例模型 6
2.3.1 确定用例角色 6
2.3.2 建立角色用例关系图 6
2.4 本章小节 7
3.项目开发计划和系统设计 8
3.1 项目开发计划 8
3.2 系统总统设计 9
3.2.1 系统架构 9
3.2.2 开发工具 9
3.3 系统详细设计 12
3.3.1 系统的顺序图 12
3.3.2 系统的活动图 13
3.4 数据库设计与实现 15
3.5 本章小节 17
4.系统编码实现 19
4.1 系统数据库的连接 19
4.2 系统各功能模块的实现 19
4.2.1 前台页面 19
4.2.2 后台页面 21
4.3 本章小结 23
5.测试和质量管理 24
5.1 驾校管理系统的测试 24
5.1.1 功能测试 24
5.1.2 性能测试 25
5.1.3 可行性测试 25
5.2 系统质量的管理与控制 25
5.3 本章小节 27
总结与展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
[4] B Willard, UML for systems engineering, Computer Standards & Interfaces, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 March 2006.
[5] 王赞华,基于UML的模型驱动软件开发应用与研究[D],工中国科学院研究生院硕士学位论文,2005.
[6] 王枫,石冰心,罗莉敏,UML建模机制研究及在系统需求分析中的应用[J],计算机工程与设计,2005,25(4):971-975.
[7] 康壮,软件开发项目管理方法研究[D],北京:对外经济贸易大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文,203.4.
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