

[外文翻译]创新:在新商业模型和技术中创造长期价值,/innovation: creating long-term value in new business models and technology内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。① 中文页数 4 中文字数 4646② 英文页数 7 英文字数 246...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]创新:在新商业模型和技术中创造长期价值/Innovation: Creating Long-term Value in New Business Models and Technology

① 中文页数 4

中文字数 4646

② 英文页数 7

英文字数 2462

③ 摘要
由沃顿商学院出版社出版,托尼•达维拉(Tony Davila)、马克•爱泼斯坦(Marc Epstein)和罗布•谢尔顿(Rob Shelton)共同撰写的新书《发挥创新的作用:如何管理、评估创新并从中获利》(Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It and Profit from It), 阐述了创新不是一个独立事件,而是一个必须运用在一家企业所有产品、服务和商业运作中的过程。这一过程必须得到持续的管理、评估和执行。该书使用很多公司实例,并参考了一些现有的研究和作者在该领域的经验,说明了哪些方法有效,哪些不行。同时为如何最大化创新投资价值提出了建议。以下为该书第二章的一段摘要。 第二章题为“为创新定位:什么是创新以及如何利用创新?”(Mapping Innovation: What Is Innovation
and How Do You Leverage It?)

Bryan Ritchie
In their book, Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It and Profit from It (Wharton School Publishing), authors Tony Davila, Marc J. Epstein and Robert Shelton make the case that innovation is not a one-time event, but a process that must be continuously managed, measured and carried out in all a company's products, services and business functions. Using specific companies as examples, and drawing on existing research as well as their own experiences in the field, the authors demonstrate what works and what doesn't, and offer advice on how to consistently maximize the value of innovation investments. Below is an excerpt from Chapter Two, entitled Mapping Innovation: What Is Innovation and How Do You Leverage It?

④关键字 商业模型/ Business Model

布莱恩•里奇. 创新:在新商业模型和技术中创造长期价值[J].亚太 J 管理,2008,5,14-16.)