[外文翻译]发展中中国的出口现状,/the development of china’s performance内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。① 中文页数 4中文字数 3707② 英文页数 7英文字数 13827③ 摘要 自20世纪70年代末起,中国的经济一直以每年平均增长率为9%的速度迅速扩张,根据...
原文档由会员 郑军 发布
① 中文页数 4
中文字数 3707
② 英文页数 7
英文字数 13827
③ 摘要
Since the end of the 1970s, the Chinese economy has been expanding dramatically with an average annual growth rate of 9 percent. Capital formation, which has been fuelled by high domestic savings rates, has been equally notable and is now estimated to be 50 percent of GDP, according to the latest IMF figures. Annual inflation meanwhile remained steady at around 1 percent between 1996 and 2003, a period which was also characterized by periods of deflation despite the rapid expansion of the economy.
The expansion of China’s participation in international trade has been one of the most outstanding features of the country’s economic development. Chinese exports rose on average 5.7 percent in the 1980s, 12.4 percent in the 1990s, and 20.3 percent between 2000 and 2003. By 2003, China’s export growth rate was seven times higher than the export growth rate recorded by the world as a whole. Foreign direct investment has also soared, and currently over a billion dollars in FDI are invested in China each week.
Thanks to this remarkable economic growth, China no longer belongs to the group of low-income developing countries in the world and, since the end of the 1970s; some 400 million people have been lifted out of poverty.
I personally received a strong impression of economic expansion during my visits to the coastal cities of China, where trade and industry seem to be thriving at every turn. This impression is reinforced by the sound work ethos displayed by the Chinese people.
④关键字 经济改革/Economic Reform
哈维尔席尔瓦•吕埃特, 发展中的中国出口现状[M], 北京:北京科学技术出版社,2006,3,21-27
Javier Silva•Ruete,The Development of China’s Export Performance[M], Beijing: Beijing Science &Technology Press, March, 2006, 21-27.
① 中文页数 4
中文字数 3707
② 英文页数 7
英文字数 13827
③ 摘要
Since the end of the 1970s, the Chinese economy has been expanding dramatically with an average annual growth rate of 9 percent. Capital formation, which has been fuelled by high domestic savings rates, has been equally notable and is now estimated to be 50 percent of GDP, according to the latest IMF figures. Annual inflation meanwhile remained steady at around 1 percent between 1996 and 2003, a period which was also characterized by periods of deflation despite the rapid expansion of the economy.
The expansion of China’s participation in international trade has been one of the most outstanding features of the country’s economic development. Chinese exports rose on average 5.7 percent in the 1980s, 12.4 percent in the 1990s, and 20.3 percent between 2000 and 2003. By 2003, China’s export growth rate was seven times higher than the export growth rate recorded by the world as a whole. Foreign direct investment has also soared, and currently over a billion dollars in FDI are invested in China each week.
Thanks to this remarkable economic growth, China no longer belongs to the group of low-income developing countries in the world and, since the end of the 1970s; some 400 million people have been lifted out of poverty.
I personally received a strong impression of economic expansion during my visits to the coastal cities of China, where trade and industry seem to be thriving at every turn. This impression is reinforced by the sound work ethos displayed by the Chinese people.
④关键字 经济改革/Economic Reform
哈维尔席尔瓦•吕埃特, 发展中的中国出口现状[M], 北京:北京科学技术出版社,2006,3,21-27
Javier Silva•Ruete,The Development of China’s Export Performance[M], Beijing: Beijing Science &Technology Press, March, 2006, 21-27.
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