
原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.2万字 34页
摘 要
本论文设计并实现了一个电子邮件收发系统,该系统可以使用户更加方便的管理电子邮件,用户不用登陆网页,就可以收取和发送电子邮件。该系统主要分为三部分:用户设置、发送邮件和收取邮件。它采用C/S设计模式,服务器端是SMTP服务器和POP服务器,客户端是邮件收发程序。用户设置部分是注册用户,把用户信息存储起来。发送邮件部分是基于SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简单邮件传输协议)与SMTP服务器进行对话。收取邮件部分是基于POP3(Post Office Protocol version 3,邮局协议)与POP服务器进行对话。电子邮件收发信息不只支持英文,而且支持中文。由于RFC882限制电子邮件的文本只能采用US ASCⅡ字符集,所以本系统采用MIME编码解码,扩展信件规范。最后,对该系统进行了测试。
关键词:信体结构,SMTP,POP3,MIME, 编码,解码
A Design and Implement of Simple Mail System
Network technology is becoming more and more nature, and E-mail technology is developed fast. Nowadays, E-mail has become a most used service on Internet.
The dissertation designs and implements a Simple Mail System. The users can easily manage the E-mail by using this system. They can check and send E-mail without landing website. The system includes three main modules: User setting, E-mail sending, E-mail checking. It uses a C/S architecture. The server is a SMTP server or a POP server, and the client is a sending and checking E-mail tool. The part of User setting is used to register users, it storage the information in the local disk. The part of E-mail sending is communicating with the SMTP server by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and the part of E-mail checking is communicating with the POP server by Post Office Protocol. The Simple Mail System support not only English, but also Chinese. Limited by RFC822, the text of E-mail can only use ASCⅡ character set. Thus, this system makes use of MIME to encoding and decoding, and expanding mail norms. In the end, I make a testing for the Simple Mail System.
The dissertation introduces the system from the following aspects: the purpose of the design, the design and the implement of the system, the key technologies, and so on. Finally, it makes a summary of the dissertation.
Key Words: the structure of mail body, SMTP, POP3, MIME, Encoding, Decoding.
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景和来源 1
1.2 设计现状与发展情况 2
1.3 论文研究内容及组织形式 2
2 E-MAIL基础 3
2.1 信件结构 3
2.1.1 RFC822信件的格式与内容 3 信头 4 信件体 5
2.2 SMTP 与 POP3 5
2.2.1 SMTP 介绍 5
2.2.2 POP3介绍 7
2.3 MIME编码解码 8
2.3.1 RFC的局限 8
2.3.2 Uuencode编码与解码 9
2.3.3 MIME及其编码 9
2.3.4 MIME媒体类型 9
2.4 小结 10
3 系统的设计与实现 11
3.1 用户设置功能 11
3.1.1 设置用户信息 11
3.1.2 测试连接 11
3.2 发送邮件功能的设计与实现 12
3.2.1 连接服务器 13
3.2.2 发送命令及接受响应信息 13
3.2.3 CSMTP类的设计与实现 13连接服务器Connect() 13发送邮件 15
3.3 收取邮件功能的设计与实现 16
3.3.1 连接POP3服务器 17
3.3.2 提取邮件内容 18
3.4 系统测试 18
3.4.1 用户设置功能测试 18
3.4.2 发送邮件功能测试 19
3.4.3 收取邮件功能测试 20
3.5 小结 21
4 系统实现所用到的关键技术 22
4.1 BASE64编码 22
4.2 BASE64解码 23
4.4 编码解码在程序中的应用 24
4.5 小结 26
5 结束语 27
5.1 总结 27
5.2 本阶段工作总结与下阶段工作展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29
[1] 尤晓东. Internet应用基础教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社
[3] Douglas E.Comer,David L.Stevens著. 赵刚,蒋慧,林瑶 等译.用TCP/IP进行网际互联[M].北京:电子工业出版社
[5] RFC1939, Post Office Protocol - Version 3[S].
[6] 王寒晖. 网络协议规范大全[EB]
1.2万字 34页
摘 要
本论文设计并实现了一个电子邮件收发系统,该系统可以使用户更加方便的管理电子邮件,用户不用登陆网页,就可以收取和发送电子邮件。该系统主要分为三部分:用户设置、发送邮件和收取邮件。它采用C/S设计模式,服务器端是SMTP服务器和POP服务器,客户端是邮件收发程序。用户设置部分是注册用户,把用户信息存储起来。发送邮件部分是基于SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,简单邮件传输协议)与SMTP服务器进行对话。收取邮件部分是基于POP3(Post Office Protocol version 3,邮局协议)与POP服务器进行对话。电子邮件收发信息不只支持英文,而且支持中文。由于RFC882限制电子邮件的文本只能采用US ASCⅡ字符集,所以本系统采用MIME编码解码,扩展信件规范。最后,对该系统进行了测试。
关键词:信体结构,SMTP,POP3,MIME, 编码,解码
A Design and Implement of Simple Mail System
Network technology is becoming more and more nature, and E-mail technology is developed fast. Nowadays, E-mail has become a most used service on Internet.
The dissertation designs and implements a Simple Mail System. The users can easily manage the E-mail by using this system. They can check and send E-mail without landing website. The system includes three main modules: User setting, E-mail sending, E-mail checking. It uses a C/S architecture. The server is a SMTP server or a POP server, and the client is a sending and checking E-mail tool. The part of User setting is used to register users, it storage the information in the local disk. The part of E-mail sending is communicating with the SMTP server by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and the part of E-mail checking is communicating with the POP server by Post Office Protocol. The Simple Mail System support not only English, but also Chinese. Limited by RFC822, the text of E-mail can only use ASCⅡ character set. Thus, this system makes use of MIME to encoding and decoding, and expanding mail norms. In the end, I make a testing for the Simple Mail System.
The dissertation introduces the system from the following aspects: the purpose of the design, the design and the implement of the system, the key technologies, and so on. Finally, it makes a summary of the dissertation.
Key Words: the structure of mail body, SMTP, POP3, MIME, Encoding, Decoding.
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景和来源 1
1.2 设计现状与发展情况 2
1.3 论文研究内容及组织形式 2
2 E-MAIL基础 3
2.1 信件结构 3
2.1.1 RFC822信件的格式与内容 3 信头 4 信件体 5
2.2 SMTP 与 POP3 5
2.2.1 SMTP 介绍 5
2.2.2 POP3介绍 7
2.3 MIME编码解码 8
2.3.1 RFC的局限 8
2.3.2 Uuencode编码与解码 9
2.3.3 MIME及其编码 9
2.3.4 MIME媒体类型 9
2.4 小结 10
3 系统的设计与实现 11
3.1 用户设置功能 11
3.1.1 设置用户信息 11
3.1.2 测试连接 11
3.2 发送邮件功能的设计与实现 12
3.2.1 连接服务器 13
3.2.2 发送命令及接受响应信息 13
3.2.3 CSMTP类的设计与实现 13连接服务器Connect() 13发送邮件 15
3.3 收取邮件功能的设计与实现 16
3.3.1 连接POP3服务器 17
3.3.2 提取邮件内容 18
3.4 系统测试 18
3.4.1 用户设置功能测试 18
3.4.2 发送邮件功能测试 19
3.4.3 收取邮件功能测试 20
3.5 小结 21
4 系统实现所用到的关键技术 22
4.1 BASE64编码 22
4.2 BASE64解码 23
4.4 编码解码在程序中的应用 24
4.5 小结 26
5 结束语 27
5.1 总结 27
5.2 本阶段工作总结与下阶段工作展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29
[1] 尤晓东. Internet应用基础教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社
[3] Douglas E.Comer,David L.Stevens著. 赵刚,蒋慧,林瑶 等译.用TCP/IP进行网际互联[M].北京:电子工业出版社
[5] RFC1939, Post Office Protocol - Version 3[S].
[6] 王寒晖. 网络协议规范大全[EB]