赛图基金网净值估算平台之系统设计和实现,1.1万字33页 包括开题和任务书,另外附录:附录a 引用附录b 赛图基金净值估算平台的运行测试及安装赛图基金净值估算平台的系统功能截图附录c 系统的数据库设计摘要自2000年9月以来,华安创新、南方稳健成长以及华厦成长开放式基金相继推出,我国基金业进入了一个新的发展时期。伴随着中...

原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.1万字 33页
附录A 引用
附录B 赛图基金净值估算平台的运行测试及安装
附录C 系统的数据库设计
摘 要
System Design and Implementation on estimation of net value on Satu fund web
Since September 2000, open-end funds, like Huaan Innovation, South Robust Growth and Edifices Growth, have been launched, so China's fund industry has entered a new period of development. Along with China's fast economic growth and China's stock market boom,open-end funds become a hot one in domestic investment market. Net asset value of fund is the major public information of the actual value of funds that investors can get, and investors usually regard net value of fund as the real value of fund , net value of fund which should be possible to truly reflect the real value of fund is regarded as the main principles in choosing securities prices. Estimation of net value of fund is a key ring of the most effective operation on open-end funds, at the absent of prices of some securities invested, there can be no better solution in the present conditions. The introduction and improvement of the solutions should keep becoming reasonable as the valuation itself.
At present in China, it is generally to use the day trading average price of securities investment fund to calculate the net value of the Fund, The major advantages of this method contains: Compared with the closing quotation price, day average price of the securities trading is more difficult to manipulate. Therefore, the net value of the Fund calculated using this method is not easy to be manipulated, and reflect the real value of assets of the Fund more reasonable. In the early days when the fund industry first developed, Funds in China all treated the closing quotation price of stocks and bonds to be the Fund's assets, then valuated the prices and calculated the net value of Fund.
Keywords: Open-end fund, Fund net, Estimation, Securities
1. 绪论 1
1.1论文结构及主要内容 1
1.2 应用背景 2
1.3 基金净值估算系统的概述 2
1.3.1开放式基金净值估算原理简介 2
1.3.2各种基金净值估算算法的优势和不足 3
2. 应用领域知识概述及技术简介 5
2.1 基金净值估算概述 5
2.1.1基金净值 5
2.1.2基金的投资范围 5
2.2 .NET相关简介 5
2.2.1 ADO.NET 介绍 5
2.2.2.NET Framework介绍 6
2.2.3 MVC设计模式介绍 7
3. 赛图基金净值估算平台的需求与设计 8
3.1 需求概述 8
3.1.1运行环境 8
3.1.2 功能需求 8
3.2 结构设计 9
4. 净值估算平台的开发与实现 10
4.1前置条件 10
4.1.1 开发环境 10
4.1.2 数据库设计 10
4.1.3 基金净值估算算法 12
4.2赛图净值估算平台的系统开发与实现 13
4.2.1 系统功能模块划分 13
4.2.2 数据更新模块的实现 13
4.2.3 净值估算模块的实现 15
4.2.4 基金管理模块的实现 17
4.2.5 我的基金管理 18
4.3数据访问层介绍 18
4.4业务逻辑层介绍 18
结 论 20
致 谢 21
参考文献 22
附 录 23
附录A引用 23
附录B 赛图基金净值估算平台的运行测试及安装 23
赛图基金净值估算平台的系统功能截图 23
基金估算平台的测试 27
附录C 系统的数据库设计 27
[5] 麻志毅,邵维忠. 面向对象的方法.北京: 高等教育出版社, 2004.
[6] 何俊德,周燕,涂海红.基金净值估值问题研究. 武汉:华中科技大学,2003.
[7] 冯伟. 基金净值与估值政策探讨 . 深圳:中融基金管理有限公司,2002.
[8] 黎春. 基金资产净值估值的困难及改进措施. 成都:西南财经大学,2007.
[9] 董蕾, 梁允荣. B/S结构下的异构数据库联合使用. 北京:北京理工大学
1.1万字 33页
附录A 引用
附录B 赛图基金净值估算平台的运行测试及安装
附录C 系统的数据库设计
摘 要
System Design and Implementation on estimation of net value on Satu fund web
Since September 2000, open-end funds, like Huaan Innovation, South Robust Growth and Edifices Growth, have been launched, so China's fund industry has entered a new period of development. Along with China's fast economic growth and China's stock market boom,open-end funds become a hot one in domestic investment market. Net asset value of fund is the major public information of the actual value of funds that investors can get, and investors usually regard net value of fund as the real value of fund , net value of fund which should be possible to truly reflect the real value of fund is regarded as the main principles in choosing securities prices. Estimation of net value of fund is a key ring of the most effective operation on open-end funds, at the absent of prices of some securities invested, there can be no better solution in the present conditions. The introduction and improvement of the solutions should keep becoming reasonable as the valuation itself.
At present in China, it is generally to use the day trading average price of securities investment fund to calculate the net value of the Fund, The major advantages of this method contains: Compared with the closing quotation price, day average price of the securities trading is more difficult to manipulate. Therefore, the net value of the Fund calculated using this method is not easy to be manipulated, and reflect the real value of assets of the Fund more reasonable. In the early days when the fund industry first developed, Funds in China all treated the closing quotation price of stocks and bonds to be the Fund's assets, then valuated the prices and calculated the net value of Fund.
Keywords: Open-end fund, Fund net, Estimation, Securities
1. 绪论 1
1.1论文结构及主要内容 1
1.2 应用背景 2
1.3 基金净值估算系统的概述 2
1.3.1开放式基金净值估算原理简介 2
1.3.2各种基金净值估算算法的优势和不足 3
2. 应用领域知识概述及技术简介 5
2.1 基金净值估算概述 5
2.1.1基金净值 5
2.1.2基金的投资范围 5
2.2 .NET相关简介 5
2.2.1 ADO.NET 介绍 5
2.2.2.NET Framework介绍 6
2.2.3 MVC设计模式介绍 7
3. 赛图基金净值估算平台的需求与设计 8
3.1 需求概述 8
3.1.1运行环境 8
3.1.2 功能需求 8
3.2 结构设计 9
4. 净值估算平台的开发与实现 10
4.1前置条件 10
4.1.1 开发环境 10
4.1.2 数据库设计 10
4.1.3 基金净值估算算法 12
4.2赛图净值估算平台的系统开发与实现 13
4.2.1 系统功能模块划分 13
4.2.2 数据更新模块的实现 13
4.2.3 净值估算模块的实现 15
4.2.4 基金管理模块的实现 17
4.2.5 我的基金管理 18
4.3数据访问层介绍 18
4.4业务逻辑层介绍 18
结 论 20
致 谢 21
参考文献 22
附 录 23
附录A引用 23
附录B 赛图基金净值估算平台的运行测试及安装 23
赛图基金净值估算平台的系统功能截图 23
基金估算平台的测试 27
附录C 系统的数据库设计 27
[5] 麻志毅,邵维忠. 面向对象的方法.北京: 高等教育出版社, 2004.
[6] 何俊德,周燕,涂海红.基金净值估值问题研究. 武汉:华中科技大学,2003.
[7] 冯伟. 基金净值与估值政策探讨 . 深圳:中融基金管理有限公司,2002.
[8] 黎春. 基金资产净值估值的困难及改进措施. 成都:西南财经大学,2007.
[9] 董蕾, 梁允荣. B/S结构下的异构数据库联合使用. 北京:北京理工大学