

基于.net的课程学习系统的设计与实现,基于.net的课程学习系统的设计与实现1.4万字44页包括开题和任务书摘 要本文主要介绍了基于.net的课程学习系统的设计与实现。首先,在本文先描述了该系统所使用的新技术。由于learningsystem使用的是vs.net2005开发平台。该平台较之vs.net2003新增了很多功能。故本系统在实现时,尽可能的使用这...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 20023286 发布

1.4万字 44页

摘 要

Design and Implementation of Learning System
based on the .NET Framework

This paper describes the design and implementation of Learning System based on VS.NET.
First, at the beginning part ,this paper presents the technology that the System uses. Compared with the VS.NET2003 develop environment, this Learning System which is based on VS.NET2003 has many new functions. I try my best to use the new technology, including Master Pages , Data Source Controls , Data Controls , Role Management , Login Controls and so on.
Second, this paper describes the design process of the system in detail. It describes the decision of system structure. Trough the comparison of each structure, the Three-tier Structure is adopted by the Learning System as it has more advantages. Then the paper presents the 5 modules of the system according to the requirement analysis report, including Students’ individual information management, resource download, homework submission, simple bbs and test online and describes the implementation flow of each module in detail. In addition, this paper describes the design and structure of the database for the Learning System.
Finally, this paper describes the implementation of the system and each class libraries in detail and introduces the code of each part according to the Three-tier Structure.
Key Words: the Three-tier Structure , Master Pages , Data Source Controls , Data Controls , Role Management , Login Controls

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 开发平台简介 1
1.2 学习系统概论 1
2技术背景 1
2.1绪论 1
2.2母版页 1
2.3数据源控制 2
2.4数据显示控件 4
2.5登陆控件 5
2.6数据驱动的站点导航 6
2.7验证控件 6
3系统架构 7
3.1 系统架构的选择 7
3.1.1 LearningSystem采用三层架构实现。 7
3.1.2三层架构的设计 7
3.2 三层架构的实现 8
3.2.1 建立表示层: 9
3.2.2 建立数据库访问层: 9
3.2.3 建立业务逻辑层: 9
3.2.4 添加引用: 9
4 系统设计 10
4.1 系统的功能模块 10
4.2 系统设计说明 10
4.2.1 学生个人信息管理 10
4.2.2 资源下载: 10
4.2.3 作业提交: 11
4.2.4 简易论坛: 11
4.2.5 网上测试: 12
4.3 系统数据库设计 13
5 系统实现 15
5.1 概述 15
5.2 用户表示层的实现 15
5.2.1 母版页的实现 15
5.2.2 学生个人信息管理 16
5.2.3 资源下载 18
5.2.4 作业提交 20
5.2.5 简易论坛 22
5.2.6 网上测试 23
5.2.7 登陆页面Login.aspx 25
5.2.8 Web.Config文件配置 25
5.3 数据访问层的实现 26
5.3.1 DAL概述 26
5.3.2 PrepareCommand函数 26
5.3.3 ExecuteNonQuery函数 26
5.3.4 ExecuteReader函数 27
5.4 业务逻辑层的实现 27
5.4.1概述 27
5.4.2 UserInfo类 28
5.4.3 ResourceDownload 类 29
5.4.4 HomeworkUpload类 31
5.4.5 BBS类 33
5.4.6 Test类 35
5.4.7 userControl类 37
6 结论 38
6.1 本文总结 38
6.2 系统改进和优化 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40

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