

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 小甜甜 发布

1.9万字 41页

摘 要

关键字: OpenWFE,工作流,公文流转,过程定义
Design and Realization of Workflow Model Oriented Areas

With the development of computer network technology, Office Automatization (OA) has become the tendency of realization of electronic government affair of current governmental organ, the tap and application of which will realize the automatization, electronic, professionalization and standardization of intellectual working of government staff to the most extent, in order to meet the object of recourse share, enhancing working efficiency, expediting governmental function innovation and improving administrative service quality.
This thesis firstly discusses the current situation of the automatization of office work and analyses the basic concept of workflow and workflow management system. Then through the analysis of OpenWFE structure and Open Source code, based on the comprehension of process definition language and the realistic need of some organ of Human province to realize operation flow process definition of official document circulation and construct a series of workflow control statement, Official Document & Operation Circulation module database basic workflow module based on basic workflow module and several kinds of official document & operation circulation, which provides basic integrated module for definition of Official Document Circulation process, and finally, to realize one module of Official Document Circulation through operation process module among database of OpenWFE open source workflow engine.

Keywords: OpemWFE, Workflow, Official Document Circulation, Process Definition
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 公文流转的基本概念 2
1.3 公文流转开放现状及需求 2
1.4 公文流转系统中的关键技术 3
1.5 本论文的主要工作 3
1.6 本论文的结构 4
2. 工作流技术理论简介 5
2.1 工作流的历史 5
2.2 工作流的概念和定义 6
2.3 工作流管理系统(WFMS) 7
2.3.1工作流管理系统的概念 7
2.3.2工作流管理系统分类 9
2.4 工作流管理联盟(WFMC)工作流标准 11
2.4.1 XPDL(XML Process Definition Language) 11
2.4.2 工作流过程定义元数据模型 11
2.5 OPENWFE项目分析 14
2.5.1 OpenWFE项目简介 14
2.5.2 OpenWFE的实现方式 16
2.6 小结 18
3. 公文流转中工作流的过程定义和模板 19
3.1 工作流的控制与调度模式 19
3.1.1 工作流中的控制语句 19
3.1.2 常用的基本工作流模板 20
3.2 公文业务流模板的设计 22
3.3 小结 27
4. 公文草拟模块的实现 28
4.1 角色管理 28
4.2 公文业务流程与用户界面的交互 28
4.3 系统采用的软件技术 31
4.3.1 J2EE技术 31
4.3.2 WebServices技术 31
4.3.3 基于MVC模式的Struts架构 31
4.4 小结 32
结 论 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35

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