[外文翻译]数字温湿度传感器 sht 1x / sht 7x.rar
[外文翻译]数字温湿度传感器 sht 1x / sht 7x,[外文翻译]数字温湿度传感器 sht 1x / sht 7x/sht1x / sht7x humidity temperature sensor内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 17中文字数 3971②英文页数 20英文字数 13453③摘要 shtxx 系列产品是一款高度集成的温湿度传感器...

原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]数字温湿度传感器 SHT 1x / SHT 7x/SHT1x / SHT7x Humidity & Temperature Sensor
①中文页数 17
中文字数 3971
②英文页数 20
英文字数 13453
SHTxx 系列产品是一款高度集成的温湿度传感器芯片, 提供全标定的数字输出。它采用专利的CMOSens® 技术,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。传感器包括一个电容性聚合体测湿敏感元件、一个用能隙材料制成的测温元件,并在同一芯片上,与14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路实现无缝连接。因此,该产品具有品质卓越、超快响应、抗干扰能力强、极高的性价比等优点。
每个传感器芯片都在极为精确的湿度腔室中进行标定,以镜面冷凝式湿度计为参照。校准系数以程序形式储存在OTP 内存中,在标定的过程中使用。两线制的串行接口与内部的电压调整,使外围系统集成变得快速而简单。微小的体积、极低的功耗,使其成为各类应用的首选。
The SHTxx is a single chip relative humidity and temperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrated digital output. Application of industrial CMDS processes with patented micro-machining (CMDSens® technology) ensures highest reliability and excellent long term stability. The device includes a capacitive polymer sensing element for relative humidity and a bandgap temperature sensor. Both are seamlessly coupled to a 14bit analog to digital converter and a serial interface circuit on the same chip. This results in superior signal quality, a fast response time and insensitivity to external disturbances (EMC) at a very competitive price. Each SHTxx is individually calibrated in a precision humidity chamber with a chilled mirror hygrometer as reference. The calibration coefficients are programmed into the OTP memory. These coefficients are used internally during measurements to calibrate the signals from the sensors. The 2-wire serial interface and internal voltage regulation allows easy and fast system integration. Its tiny size and low power consumption makes it the ultimate choice for even the most demanding applications. The device is supplied in either a surface-mountable LCC (Leadless Chip Carrier)
④关键字 数字温湿/Temperature Sen
①中文页数 17
中文字数 3971
②英文页数 20
英文字数 13453
SHTxx 系列产品是一款高度集成的温湿度传感器芯片, 提供全标定的数字输出。它采用专利的CMOSens® 技术,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。传感器包括一个电容性聚合体测湿敏感元件、一个用能隙材料制成的测温元件,并在同一芯片上,与14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路实现无缝连接。因此,该产品具有品质卓越、超快响应、抗干扰能力强、极高的性价比等优点。
每个传感器芯片都在极为精确的湿度腔室中进行标定,以镜面冷凝式湿度计为参照。校准系数以程序形式储存在OTP 内存中,在标定的过程中使用。两线制的串行接口与内部的电压调整,使外围系统集成变得快速而简单。微小的体积、极低的功耗,使其成为各类应用的首选。
The SHTxx is a single chip relative humidity and temperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrated digital output. Application of industrial CMDS processes with patented micro-machining (CMDSens® technology) ensures highest reliability and excellent long term stability. The device includes a capacitive polymer sensing element for relative humidity and a bandgap temperature sensor. Both are seamlessly coupled to a 14bit analog to digital converter and a serial interface circuit on the same chip. This results in superior signal quality, a fast response time and insensitivity to external disturbances (EMC) at a very competitive price. Each SHTxx is individually calibrated in a precision humidity chamber with a chilled mirror hygrometer as reference. The calibration coefficients are programmed into the OTP memory. These coefficients are used internally during measurements to calibrate the signals from the sensors. The 2-wire serial interface and internal voltage regulation allows easy and fast system integration. Its tiny size and low power consumption makes it the ultimate choice for even the most demanding applications. The device is supplied in either a surface-mountable LCC (Leadless Chip Carrier)
④关键字 数字温湿/Temperature Sen