[外文翻译]1989年10月17日,loma prieta地震.rar


[外文翻译]1989年10月17日,loma prieta地震,[外文翻译]1989年10月17日,loma prieta地震/the october 17, 1989 loma prieta earthquake内包含中文原文和英文翻译,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 6中文字数 5628②英文页数 9英文字数3329③ 摘要 loma prieta地震和它的余震导致了一系列...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]1989年10月17日,Loma Prieta地震/The October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

①中文页数 6

中文字数 5628

②英文页数 9

英文字数 3329

③ 摘要
Loma Prieta地震和它的余震导致了一系列商业结构的大面积顺坏损坏.正如这个量级的典型地震一样,有一大批地理范围受到了影响.被波及的地区包括8个郡,从南部的Monterey和San Benito,到北部的San Francisco, Alameda, 和 Contra Costa .总共有大约3000平方英里面积的建筑结构遭受到了破坏.
尽管地震带来的破坏面积很广,但是这些破坏很零散.据估计,最接近震中的地区,包括Hollister, Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, 和 Watsonville 经历了最集中的破坏.再远一点,仅仅是那些地基建在松软的土质上的质量非常差的建筑物遭到了严重的破坏,这些土质在地震的运动中中被破坏和坍塌.这和1985年的墨西哥地震产生的影响是相似的.
地震的影响是具有很强的方向性的.大多数破坏发生在从西北向东南方向延伸的狭窄地段,大约与San Andreas Fault平行.因此沿着 San Francisco 湾的许多地区逃脱了这场截难.

The Loma Prieta Earthquake and its subsequent aftershocks resulted in widespread damage to a variety of commercial structures. A large geographical area was affected, as is typical for an earthquake of this magnitude. The affected area encompasses eight counties, from Monterey and San Benito in the south to San Francisco, Alameda, and Contra Costa in the north. In total, building structures experienced damage over an area of approximately 3,000 square miles.
Although damage was widespread, it was also quite sporadic. As would be expected, areas closest to the epicenter including Hollister, Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Watsonville experienced the most concentrated damage. Farther away, heavy damage was generally limited to buildings of very poor construction founded on soft soils that failed or amplified the earthquake ground motions. This is similar to the effects noted in the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake.
Earthquake effects also tended to be highly directional. Most damage occurred within a narrow band that extends northwest to southeast, approximately paralleling the San Andreas Fault. Thus many communities along the margins of San Francisco Bay escaped serious damage

④关键字 商业结构/Commercial Stru