

[外文翻译]中小企业的未来,/the future of small and medium-sized内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 3中文字数 4144② 英文页数 6英文字数 15666③ 摘要 中小型外贸企业与大型外贸企业的差距日趋扩大。随着近几年大型外贸企业的超常规发展,中小型外贸企...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]中小企业的未来/The future of small and medium-sized

①中文页数 3

中文字数 4144

② 英文页数 6

英文字数 15666

③ 摘要

Small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises with large-scale foreign trade enterprises growing gap. With large-scale foreign trade enterprises in recent years of extraordinary development, small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises with large-scale foreign trade enterprises in the traditional sense of not only the size of the operation of the "quantity" gap, but also in the functions, organization, behavior, etc. also had a " quality "difference. This is mainly manifested in the large-scale foreign trade enterprises from a single trade has been extended to the finance function, investment, information, services, development of a variety of functions, the ability of its comprehensive planning has increased greatly. Large-scale foreign trade enterprise to enterprise groups as the main organization in the implementation of the integration of intra-group management, to production, supply, marketing and other activities of the market behavior from a purely internal into the ACC, so that a number of monomers combined into a unified enterprise Overall, the operation for the common goal of service and market risk have to resist and even to some extent, the ability to control the market. In addition, the large-scale foreign trade enterprises in many small enterprises have the advantage of not comparable. With the future in accordance with the "large and deregulating the small" policy and the implementation of large-scale foreign trade enterprises as the leading group of strategy, China's foreign trade monopoly and concentration will be further enhanced. By 2000 foreign trade volume of the top 10 foreign trade enterprises accounted for the proportion of the total amount of China's foreign trade from the current 25% to 40% -50%, showing a large-scale foreign trade enterprises and small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises of the pattern of polarization.

④关键字 中小型外贸/small and medi