[外文翻译]紧急援助还是破产:怎样才能让美国的汽车行业回到正轨,/bailout or bankruptcy: what will it take to get the u.s. auto industry back on track?捏包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数5中文字数 5440②英文...

原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]紧急援助还是破产:怎样才能让美国的汽车行业回到正轨/Bailout or Bankruptcy: What Will It Take to Get the U.S. Auto Industry Back on Track?
①中文页数 5
中文字数 5440
②英文页数 5
英文字数 2473
③ 摘要
12月11日,美国的参议院否决了政府关于为通用汽车(General Motors)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)提供140亿美元紧急贷款的计划。在此之后,白宫表示,将考虑从7000亿美元的救市资金中拨款来帮助这些企业。尽管这笔“救命钱”能让底特律的汽车制造商获得喘息的机会,不过立法者和汽车制造企业的总裁们,依然面临要提出解决本行业深层结构问题和管理问题计划的巨大压力。沃顿商学院的教授和其他专家讨论了这一紧急援助提案的价值,同时谈到了其他选择——比如破产——将会意味着什么
On Dec. 11, U.S. Senate Republicans rejected a government plan to rescue the country’s automobile industry with $14 billion in emergency loans to General Motors and Chrysler. Following the vote, the White House indicated that it would consider using money from the $700 billion financial bailout fund to help the ailing companies meet their operation costs until congress is back in session next month. While the lifeline loans would give the Detroit automakers some breathing room, legislators and auto executives remain under enormous pressure to come up with a plan to resolve the industry’s deep structural and management problems.
④关键字 紧急援助/Bailout
①中文页数 5
中文字数 5440
②英文页数 5
英文字数 2473
③ 摘要
12月11日,美国的参议院否决了政府关于为通用汽车(General Motors)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)提供140亿美元紧急贷款的计划。在此之后,白宫表示,将考虑从7000亿美元的救市资金中拨款来帮助这些企业。尽管这笔“救命钱”能让底特律的汽车制造商获得喘息的机会,不过立法者和汽车制造企业的总裁们,依然面临要提出解决本行业深层结构问题和管理问题计划的巨大压力。沃顿商学院的教授和其他专家讨论了这一紧急援助提案的价值,同时谈到了其他选择——比如破产——将会意味着什么
On Dec. 11, U.S. Senate Republicans rejected a government plan to rescue the country’s automobile industry with $14 billion in emergency loans to General Motors and Chrysler. Following the vote, the White House indicated that it would consider using money from the $700 billion financial bailout fund to help the ailing companies meet their operation costs until congress is back in session next month. While the lifeline loans would give the Detroit automakers some breathing room, legislators and auto executives remain under enormous pressure to come up with a plan to resolve the industry’s deep structural and management problems.
④关键字 紧急援助/Bailout