

[外文翻译]开关电容dc-dc变换器,[外文翻译]开关电容dc-dc变换器/switched capacitor dc-dc converters内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 3中文字数 2214②英文页数 3英文字数 10810 ③ 摘要 上世纪70年代后期以来, 随着集成电路设计与制造技术的进步, 各种用电设备逐渐向小型...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]开关电容DC-DC变换器/Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters

①中文页数 3

中文字数 2214

②英文页数 3

英文字数 10810 

③ 摘要
上世纪70年代后期以来, 随着集成电路设计与制造技术的进步, 各种用电设备逐渐向小型化方向发展, 相应地, 研究与之配套的体积小, 重量轻, 效率高的电源已成为人们感兴趣的重要课题。传统的开关电源采用软开关技术, 通过提高开关频率可以缩小电源的体积, 但是由于结构中含有电感和变压器, 因而限制了电源体积的进一步缩小。如今虽然已有片状电感问世, 但仍然不能令人满意。近年来, 人们提出了一种新型的开关电容变换器, 这种变换器结构中不含电感和变压器, 仅由电容网络和开关管构成, 因此可望进一步缩小电源的体积, 甚至在芯片中实现集成, 基于这些显著的优点, 这种变换器愈来愈引起人们的广泛兴趣。

The last century since the late 70s, with the design and manufacture of integrated circuit technology, a variety of electrical equipment to gradually develop in the direction of small-scale, corresponding to study compatible with the small size, light weight, high efficiency power supply has become an important topic of interest. Switching power supply using the traditional soft-switching technology, by increasing the switching frequency can reduce the volume of power, but because the structure contains inductors and transformers, and thus restricting the power to further reduce the size. Sheet inductance is now available although there is still not satisfactory.In recent years, a new type of switched-capacitor converters, this converter does not contain the structure of inductors and transformers, only by the capacitor network and constitute a switch, it is expected to further reduce the power of the volume, even in the chip to achieve integration, based on these significant advantages, this converter increasing the widespread interest aroused

④关键字 开关电容/ Switched Capac