[外文翻译]影响电力系统运行的因素和电力系统监控,/hazards to power system operation and electric power system monitoring内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 3中文字数 1914②英文页数 4英文字数 1148③ 摘要 2)雷...

原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]影响电力系统运行的因素和电力系统监控/Hazards to Power System Operation and Electric Power System Monitoring
①中文页数 3
中文字数 1914
②英文页数 4
英文字数 1148
③ 摘要
2) 雷电容易影响架空线路。当雷电击中输电线路或其附近物体时,线路上产生暂态电压。高压电路的相间以及相对接地体.如杆塔)间均有很大的绝缘距离。当接地线遭受雷击时,雷电可经过架空地线流入大地,不会给运行造成什么影响。但是,有时输电线路会遭受雷击,从而在输电线路上产生倡但很高的暂态电压:这种电压会引起线路绝缘子串的电弧放轨一旦绝缘子串上建立电弧,电流会通过它流动而引起线路断电。雷电过电压具有很高的幅值,但持续时间极短,以微秒计算。由此可见,雷电对系统正常运行影响很大。配电线路的运行电压通常为12千伏或更低,它们由相对较少的绝缘子串悬挂,所以即使雷电不足以击倒输电线路。它也会在线路上引起感应电压,从而导致绝缘子串闪络。这种电弧放电会影响系统运行,通常可通过断电来消除故障。跑路一断,电弧熄灭,此时线路可重新合闸架空线易受到大风和冰雹的侵袭。
2) Overhead lines are vulnerable to troubles caused by lightning. When lightning strikes a line or a nearby object, a transient voltage is created on the line ,Hihg-voltage circuits have large spacing between conductors and from conductors to grounded objects, such as towers. Direct strokes to such lines are usually diverted to ground through overhead ground wires and may cause no interference with operation. Occasionally strokes terminate directly on the power conductors and introduce onto them transient transient voltages of such magnitude that archer across insulator strings may result. Once an arc is established, power current flows through it until the circuit is deenergized . Lightning voltages may be of high magnitude but are of very short duration; their time is measured in microseconds. As a result, their effects are most noticeable at the point where the stroke occurs. Distribution lines, which operate at perhaps 12kV or less, are mounted on relatively small insulators, which may be flashed over by the voltage induced in a line even though the lightning stroke does not contact the line. Such resulting arcs interfere with operation and usually are eliminated by deenergizing the line. When the line is deenergized . The arc is extinguished and, very commonly, the line may be reenergizing immediately.
④关键字 电力系统/ power system
①中文页数 3
中文字数 1914
②英文页数 4
英文字数 1148
③ 摘要
2) 雷电容易影响架空线路。当雷电击中输电线路或其附近物体时,线路上产生暂态电压。高压电路的相间以及相对接地体.如杆塔)间均有很大的绝缘距离。当接地线遭受雷击时,雷电可经过架空地线流入大地,不会给运行造成什么影响。但是,有时输电线路会遭受雷击,从而在输电线路上产生倡但很高的暂态电压:这种电压会引起线路绝缘子串的电弧放轨一旦绝缘子串上建立电弧,电流会通过它流动而引起线路断电。雷电过电压具有很高的幅值,但持续时间极短,以微秒计算。由此可见,雷电对系统正常运行影响很大。配电线路的运行电压通常为12千伏或更低,它们由相对较少的绝缘子串悬挂,所以即使雷电不足以击倒输电线路。它也会在线路上引起感应电压,从而导致绝缘子串闪络。这种电弧放电会影响系统运行,通常可通过断电来消除故障。跑路一断,电弧熄灭,此时线路可重新合闸架空线易受到大风和冰雹的侵袭。
2) Overhead lines are vulnerable to troubles caused by lightning. When lightning strikes a line or a nearby object, a transient voltage is created on the line ,Hihg-voltage circuits have large spacing between conductors and from conductors to grounded objects, such as towers. Direct strokes to such lines are usually diverted to ground through overhead ground wires and may cause no interference with operation. Occasionally strokes terminate directly on the power conductors and introduce onto them transient transient voltages of such magnitude that archer across insulator strings may result. Once an arc is established, power current flows through it until the circuit is deenergized . Lightning voltages may be of high magnitude but are of very short duration; their time is measured in microseconds. As a result, their effects are most noticeable at the point where the stroke occurs. Distribution lines, which operate at perhaps 12kV or less, are mounted on relatively small insulators, which may be flashed over by the voltage induced in a line even though the lightning stroke does not contact the line. Such resulting arcs interfere with operation and usually are eliminated by deenergizing the line. When the line is deenergized . The arc is extinguished and, very commonly, the line may be reenergizing immediately.
④关键字 电力系统/ power system