

[外文翻译]变电站系统过电压防护技术,/substation system over-voltage protection technology内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善, 建议下载阅览。①中文页数 5中文字数 4129②英文页数 7英文字数 13847③ 摘要 近年来,变电站的通信、通信系统、继电保护系统、后台...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]变电站系统过电压防护技术/Substation system over-voltage protection technology
内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善, 建议下载阅览。

①中文页数 5

中文字数 4129

②英文页数 7

英文字数 13847

③ 摘要

In recent years, the substation communications, communications systems, protection systems, background management module frequent over-voltage damage, the main reason for this is weak and its related systems products over-voltage protection level is weak, or no guard against over-voltage Technical measures, the consequences for the safe operation of power grids bring about a greater negative impact. With integrated automation systems and automation systems such as communication systems in the substation weak secondary by the wider use of such electronic systems (equipment) components of the integrated more and more, the growing volume of information storage, speed and accuracy of the Increased and operates only a few volts, current information only microamp level, thus extremely sensitive to outside interference, especially the lightning and electromagnetic pulse, such as over-voltage tolerance is low. When thunder and lightning, such as over-voltage and accompanied by the electromagnetic fields reach a certain threshold, ranging from system failure caused, resulted in heavy equipment or permanent damage to its components. Despite the thunder and lightning viewpoint of electronic systems (equipment) is unlikely, but lightning strike near the land, buildings, communication and air supply line directly Leiyun discharge form, or because of electrostatic induction and the impact of electromagnetic induction formation of over-voltage, There might be connected to the power lines, signal lines or grounding system, through various interfaces to transfer, coupling, radiation and other forms of invasive electronic system (equipment) and lead to serious disturbances or incidents. Therefore, strengthening and improving the electronic system (equipment) protection, to minimize the impact of interference by lightning and other damage caused direct losses and indirect losses, has become the urgent need to solve the problem.

④关键字 防护技术/protection tech