

[外文翻译]谈plc的应用与发展,[外文翻译]谈plc的应用与发展/talk a plc the application and the development内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 4中文字数 3531②英文页数 7英文字数 14787③ 摘要 作为通用工业控制计算机,30年来,可编程控制器从无到有,实现了工业控...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]谈PLC的应用与发展/Talk a PLC the application and the development

①中文页数 4

中文字数 3531

②英文页数 7

英文字数 14787

③ 摘要

Is an in general use industry control calculator, 30 in the last yearses, programmable controller from have no arrive have, carry out industry control the realm connect line logic to saving logic of leap;Its function from weak arrive strong, carried out logic to control numeral the progress of the control;Its application realm carried out a single body equipments to control competence sport control, process a control in brief since the childhood, and gather to spread a control etc. various mission cross over.The programmable controller of today is becoming an industry control the essential control equipments of the realm, developing a more and more big function in the world-wide locations.

④关键字 PLC的特点/The character