[外文翻译]pid 运算法则/the pid algorithm.zip
[外文翻译]pid 运算法则/the pid algorithm,[外文翻译]pid 运算法则/the pid algorithm内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 5 中文字数 3264②英文页数 6英文字数2003③ 摘要 现在,不存在单一的pid运算法则。自从数学被运用到反馈控制,使用反馈控制的不同领域或许已经运用了不同的运算法则。本文面向工业过程控制...

原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]PID 运算法则/The PID Algorithm
①中文页数 5
中文字数 3264
②英文页数 6
英文字数 2003
③ 摘要
现在,不存在单一的PID运算法则。自从数学被运用到反馈控制,使用反馈控制的不同领域或许已经运用了不同的运算法则。本文面向工业过程控制领域的工作人员, 因为那是作者所从事的唯一领域。 即使在像是ABB( 从前泰勒),Bailey,Fisher,Foxboro ,Honeywell,Moore Products,Yokogawa 以及其他公司所从事的专业领域中也没有标准的运算法则。也许数年以前有,但是今天有许多运算法则。同时也有没有标准专门术语。因为你要用来调节一个算法的规则和程序并不实用于另一个你要调节的算法,所以对于工业控制过程中对调节器感兴趣的人来说运算法则已经变的更复杂些。同时,随着计算机的出现算法具有了更多的特征,一些算法的构造变的相当复杂。这篇文章并不是要告诉你这些,但是你必须要了解你的基本程序块是什么。
There is no single PID algorithm. Different fields using feedback control have probably used different algorithms ever since math was introduced to feedback control. This page is written for people in the process industries, for that is the only field in which I have experience. Even in that single field, which has been served by companies such as ABB (formerly Taylor), Bailey, Fisher, Foxboro, Honeywell, Moore Products, Yokogawa and others there is no standard algorithm. Perhaps years ago there was (or for most practical purposes was), but today there are many algorithms. Also there is no standard terminology. For the person interested in tuning controllers for the process industries it has become a bit more complicated, because the rules and procedures you would use to tune with one algorithm are not the ones you would use to tune with another. Also, with the added features available with computers, some of the configurations can become quite complex. This page does not begin to address those, but you certainly need to understand what your basic building block is.
④关键字 运算法则/algorithm
①中文页数 5
中文字数 3264
②英文页数 6
英文字数 2003
③ 摘要
现在,不存在单一的PID运算法则。自从数学被运用到反馈控制,使用反馈控制的不同领域或许已经运用了不同的运算法则。本文面向工业过程控制领域的工作人员, 因为那是作者所从事的唯一领域。 即使在像是ABB( 从前泰勒),Bailey,Fisher,Foxboro ,Honeywell,Moore Products,Yokogawa 以及其他公司所从事的专业领域中也没有标准的运算法则。也许数年以前有,但是今天有许多运算法则。同时也有没有标准专门术语。因为你要用来调节一个算法的规则和程序并不实用于另一个你要调节的算法,所以对于工业控制过程中对调节器感兴趣的人来说运算法则已经变的更复杂些。同时,随着计算机的出现算法具有了更多的特征,一些算法的构造变的相当复杂。这篇文章并不是要告诉你这些,但是你必须要了解你的基本程序块是什么。
There is no single PID algorithm. Different fields using feedback control have probably used different algorithms ever since math was introduced to feedback control. This page is written for people in the process industries, for that is the only field in which I have experience. Even in that single field, which has been served by companies such as ABB (formerly Taylor), Bailey, Fisher, Foxboro, Honeywell, Moore Products, Yokogawa and others there is no standard algorithm. Perhaps years ago there was (or for most practical purposes was), but today there are many algorithms. Also there is no standard terminology. For the person interested in tuning controllers for the process industries it has become a bit more complicated, because the rules and procedures you would use to tune with one algorithm are not the ones you would use to tune with another. Also, with the added features available with computers, some of the configurations can become quite complex. This page does not begin to address those, but you certainly need to understand what your basic building block is.
④关键字 运算法则/algorithm