[外文翻译]自动重合闸/automatic reclosing.rar
[外文翻译]自动重合闸/automatic reclosing,[外文翻译]自动重合闸/automatic reclosing 内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数3 中文字数 3667②英文页数5 英文字数 2123③ 摘要 广泛应用于输电和供电线路上的有效反事故措施。即当线路出现故障,继电保护使断路器跳闸后,自动重合闸装置经短时间间隔后使断路器重新合上 ...

原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]自动重合闸/Automatic reclosing
中文字数 3667
英文字数 2123
③ 摘要
广泛应用于输电和供电线路上的有效反事故措施。即当线路出现故障,继电保护使断路器跳闸后,自动重合闸装置经短时间间隔后使断路器重新合上 。大多数情况下,线路故障(如雷击、风害等)是暂时性的,断路器跳闸后线路的绝缘性能(绝缘子和空气间隙)能得到恢复,再次重合能成功,这就提高了电力系统供电的可靠性。少数情况属永久性故障,自动重合闸装置动作后靠继电保护动作再跳开,查明原因,予以排除在送电。一般情况下,线路故障跳闸后重合闸越快,效果越好。重合闸允许的最短间隔时间为0.15~0.5秒 。线路额定电压越高,绝缘去电离时间越长。自动重合闸的成功率依线路结构、电压等级、气象条件、主要故障类型等变化而定。据中国电力部门统计,一般可达60%~90%。用电部门的另一种广泛应用的反事故措施是备用电源自动投入,通常所需时间为0.2~
Widely used in transmission and distribution lines, the effective anti-accident measures. That is, when the line failure, the relay circuit breaker tripping, the device auto-reclosing after a short time interval, so that a re-breaker. In most cases, fault lines (such as lightning, wind, etc.) is temporary, after tripping circuit breaker insulation performance (insulator and air space) can be restored, coincidence can be successful again, which increased the power supply system reliability. Limited circumstances permanent fault, automatic re-closing devices on the move after the opening relay action Zaitao to identify reasons, be excluded from the power supply. Under normal circumstances, line fault reclosing after tripping sooner, the better. Reclosing allow for the shortest time interval 0.15 to 0.5 seconds. Rated voltage lines higher insulation to the longer ionization time. Automatic reclosing the success rate structure on line, voltage levels, weather conditions, fault type, and other major changes may be. According to statistics of China's power sector, usually ranging from 60% to 90%. Another electricity sector widely used anti-accident measures are automatic standby power input, the time usually required for the 0.2 ~
0.5 seconds. It required little investment in the maintenance of normal supply substantial economic benefits.
④关键字 汇编语言 /Assembly Langu
中文字数 3667
英文字数 2123
③ 摘要
广泛应用于输电和供电线路上的有效反事故措施。即当线路出现故障,继电保护使断路器跳闸后,自动重合闸装置经短时间间隔后使断路器重新合上 。大多数情况下,线路故障(如雷击、风害等)是暂时性的,断路器跳闸后线路的绝缘性能(绝缘子和空气间隙)能得到恢复,再次重合能成功,这就提高了电力系统供电的可靠性。少数情况属永久性故障,自动重合闸装置动作后靠继电保护动作再跳开,查明原因,予以排除在送电。一般情况下,线路故障跳闸后重合闸越快,效果越好。重合闸允许的最短间隔时间为0.15~0.5秒 。线路额定电压越高,绝缘去电离时间越长。自动重合闸的成功率依线路结构、电压等级、气象条件、主要故障类型等变化而定。据中国电力部门统计,一般可达60%~90%。用电部门的另一种广泛应用的反事故措施是备用电源自动投入,通常所需时间为0.2~
Widely used in transmission and distribution lines, the effective anti-accident measures. That is, when the line failure, the relay circuit breaker tripping, the device auto-reclosing after a short time interval, so that a re-breaker. In most cases, fault lines (such as lightning, wind, etc.) is temporary, after tripping circuit breaker insulation performance (insulator and air space) can be restored, coincidence can be successful again, which increased the power supply system reliability. Limited circumstances permanent fault, automatic re-closing devices on the move after the opening relay action Zaitao to identify reasons, be excluded from the power supply. Under normal circumstances, line fault reclosing after tripping sooner, the better. Reclosing allow for the shortest time interval 0.15 to 0.5 seconds. Rated voltage lines higher insulation to the longer ionization time. Automatic reclosing the success rate structure on line, voltage levels, weather conditions, fault type, and other major changes may be. According to statistics of China's power sector, usually ranging from 60% to 90%. Another electricity sector widely used anti-accident measures are automatic standby power input, the time usually required for the 0.2 ~
0.5 seconds. It required little investment in the maintenance of normal supply substantial economic benefits.
④关键字 汇编语言 /Assembly Langu