[外文翻译]浅谈工程项目管理,/discusses the engineering project management shallowly内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数 5中文字数 4276②英文页数 5英文字数 16459③ 摘要 以项目管理为主线,强调了工程项目管理建设特别是项目经理配...
原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]浅谈工程项目管理/Discusses the engineering project management shallowly
①中文页数 5
中文字数 4276
②英文页数 5
英文字数 16459
③ 摘要
Take the project management as the master line, emphasized the engineering project management construction is specially project manager provides, project manager to communicate a strengthening which, two ability, the engineering project administration center must do to open, three skills interpersonally to grasp, four not to need to forget by the cost control the necessity which summarizes for the core project management as well as the project.
④关键字 工程项目/Engineering pro
①中文页数 5
中文字数 4276
②英文页数 5
英文字数 16459
③ 摘要
Take the project management as the master line, emphasized the engineering project management construction is specially project manager provides, project manager to communicate a strengthening which, two ability, the engineering project administration center must do to open, three skills interpersonally to grasp, four not to need to forget by the cost control the necessity which summarizes for the core project management as well as the project.
④关键字 工程项目/Engineering pro
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