[外文翻译]关于灌浆方钢管桁架的n节点的极限承载力的试验研究,[外文翻译]关于灌浆方钢管桁架的n节点的极限承载力的试验研究/experimental of n-joints research on ultimate bearing capacity of grouted square steel tube trusses内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数...

原文档由会员 郑军 发布
[外文翻译]关于灌浆方钢管桁架的N节点的极限承载力的试验研究/Experimental of N-joints research on ultimate bearing capacity of grouted square steel tube trusses
③ 摘要
Cave—in failure is apt to occur in joints of trusses made of square hollow sections.In order to turn the failure mode into a strength failure mode of joint members,the idea is proposed that the chord of the truss is grouted to increase the cave—in beating capacity of a hollow tube chord.An experiment of eight specimens of N—joints made of grout—filled square steel tubes is performed.Based on the experimental study,the geometrical parameters of specimens are analyzed,and the effects of the confinement index ξ,the spacing between the two web members g and the ratio of side length of the vertical web member to that of the chord β on the behavior of specimens are investigated through simulation analysis by an ANSYS program. Based on the test results and simulation analysis,the mechanical properties and the failure modes of this kind of joints are analyzed and the formulate to predict the ultimate beating capacities corresponding to different failure modes are developed. The ultimate beating capacity of compressive N-joints is calculated in accordance with the cave—in failure mode of a chord member;the ultimate beating capacity of tension N-joints is calculated in accordance with the punching—
shear failure mode;the ultimate beating capacity of a chord member is calculated in accordance with the shear failure mode in normal sections.
④关键字 模拟分析/simulation an a
【1】 郑文忠,王英,刘铁.现有房屋加层改造的思考与认识[J].工业建筑,2005,35(4)1-5.(中文)
【2】 陈以一,李万奇,赵宪忠.国际体育场中带有焊接箱形构件的桁架屋盖的单个K节点的试验性研究[J].建筑结构期刊,2007,28(3):54-58.(中文)
【3】 陈宝春,黄文金.圆管桁架梁的极限荷载承载力的实验性研究.[J].建筑结构期刊,2007,28(3):31-36.(中文)
【4】 刘永建,周褚红,邹银生.钢管混凝土横向局部承压强度的试验性研究[J].建筑结构期刊,2003,24(2):26-31.(中文)
【5】 Packer J A,Henderson J E.空心结构截面连接与捆绑---一个设计的指南[M].多伦多:加拿大钢结构协会,1997:35-38;125-127.
【6】 贺东哲,王元清,李少甫。多管节点极限承载力的非线性有限元分析[J].力学工程,2000,17(4):50-55.(中文)
【7】 Wardenier J.空节点的结构应用[M].2002:78-83.
【8】 郑文忠,张格明.方钢管塌陷极限承载力的实验研究[J].吉林大学期刊:工程与技术版,2007,37(4):794-798.(中文)
【1】Zheng Wenzhong,Wang Ying,Liu Tie,et a1.Thoughts and understanding of remodeling of adding storeys around existing building[J].Industrial Construction,2005,35(4):1一5.(in Chinese)
【2】Chen Yiyi,Li W anqi,Zhao Xian zhong.Experimental research on single K-joint in roof truss with welded box section members used in the National Stadium[J].Journal of Building Structures,20O7,28(2):54—58.(in Chinese)
【3】Chen Baochun,Huang Wenjin.Experimental research on ultimate load carrying capacity of truss girders made witll circular tubes[J].Journal of Building Structures,2o07,28(3):31—36.(in Chinese)
【4】Liu YonNian,Zhou Xuhong,Zou Yinsheng.Experimental research on local beating strength of concrete filled rectangular steel tube under transverse load[J].Journal of Building Structures,2003,24(2):26—31.(in Chinese)
【5】Packer J A.Henderson J E.Hollow structural section connections and truss—a design guide[M].Toronto:Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.1997:35—38:125一l27
【6】He Dongzhe,Wang Yuan qing,Li Shaofu.Nonlinear finite element analysis for the ultimate strength of multiplanar tubular joint[J].Engineering Mechanics,20O0,17(4):50—55.(in Chinese)
【7】W ardenier J.Hollow sections in structural applications[M].Bouwenmet Staal,2002:78—83.
【8】Zheng W enzhong,Zhang Geming.Experimental research on cave-in ultimate beating capacity of grouted-square-steel tube[J].Journal of Jinlin University:Engineering and technology Edition,2007,37(4):794—798.(in Chinese)
③ 摘要
Cave—in failure is apt to occur in joints of trusses made of square hollow sections.In order to turn the failure mode into a strength failure mode of joint members,the idea is proposed that the chord of the truss is grouted to increase the cave—in beating capacity of a hollow tube chord.An experiment of eight specimens of N—joints made of grout—filled square steel tubes is performed.Based on the experimental study,the geometrical parameters of specimens are analyzed,and the effects of the confinement index ξ,the spacing between the two web members g and the ratio of side length of the vertical web member to that of the chord β on the behavior of specimens are investigated through simulation analysis by an ANSYS program. Based on the test results and simulation analysis,the mechanical properties and the failure modes of this kind of joints are analyzed and the formulate to predict the ultimate beating capacities corresponding to different failure modes are developed. The ultimate beating capacity of compressive N-joints is calculated in accordance with the cave—in failure mode of a chord member;the ultimate beating capacity of tension N-joints is calculated in accordance with the punching—
shear failure mode;the ultimate beating capacity of a chord member is calculated in accordance with the shear failure mode in normal sections.
④关键字 模拟分析/simulation an a
【1】 郑文忠,王英,刘铁.现有房屋加层改造的思考与认识[J].工业建筑,2005,35(4)1-5.(中文)
【2】 陈以一,李万奇,赵宪忠.国际体育场中带有焊接箱形构件的桁架屋盖的单个K节点的试验性研究[J].建筑结构期刊,2007,28(3):54-58.(中文)
【3】 陈宝春,黄文金.圆管桁架梁的极限荷载承载力的实验性研究.[J].建筑结构期刊,2007,28(3):31-36.(中文)
【4】 刘永建,周褚红,邹银生.钢管混凝土横向局部承压强度的试验性研究[J].建筑结构期刊,2003,24(2):26-31.(中文)
【5】 Packer J A,Henderson J E.空心结构截面连接与捆绑---一个设计的指南[M].多伦多:加拿大钢结构协会,1997:35-38;125-127.
【6】 贺东哲,王元清,李少甫。多管节点极限承载力的非线性有限元分析[J].力学工程,2000,17(4):50-55.(中文)
【7】 Wardenier J.空节点的结构应用[M].2002:78-83.
【8】 郑文忠,张格明.方钢管塌陷极限承载力的实验研究[J].吉林大学期刊:工程与技术版,2007,37(4):794-798.(中文)
【1】Zheng Wenzhong,Wang Ying,Liu Tie,et a1.Thoughts and understanding of remodeling of adding storeys around existing building[J].Industrial Construction,2005,35(4):1一5.(in Chinese)
【2】Chen Yiyi,Li W anqi,Zhao Xian zhong.Experimental research on single K-joint in roof truss with welded box section members used in the National Stadium[J].Journal of Building Structures,20O7,28(2):54—58.(in Chinese)
【3】Chen Baochun,Huang Wenjin.Experimental research on ultimate load carrying capacity of truss girders made witll circular tubes[J].Journal of Building Structures,2o07,28(3):31—36.(in Chinese)
【4】Liu YonNian,Zhou Xuhong,Zou Yinsheng.Experimental research on local beating strength of concrete filled rectangular steel tube under transverse load[J].Journal of Building Structures,2003,24(2):26—31.(in Chinese)
【5】Packer J A.Henderson J E.Hollow structural section connections and truss—a design guide[M].Toronto:Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.1997:35—38:125一l27
【6】He Dongzhe,Wang Yuan qing,Li Shaofu.Nonlinear finite element analysis for the ultimate strength of multiplanar tubular joint[J].Engineering Mechanics,20O0,17(4):50—55.(in Chinese)
【7】W ardenier J.Hollow sections in structural applications[M].Bouwenmet Staal,2002:78—83.
【8】Zheng W enzhong,Zhang Geming.Experimental research on cave-in ultimate beating capacity of grouted-square-steel tube[J].Journal of Jinlin University:Engineering and technology Edition,2007,37(4):794—798.(in Chinese)