[外文翻译]使用 db2 的load from cursor 特性快速轻松地转移.rar


[外文翻译]使用 db2 的load from cursor 特性快速轻松地转移,[外文翻译]使用 db2 的load from cursor 特性快速轻松地转移数据/fast and easy data movement using db2's load from cursor feature内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数16中文字数5924②英文页数25英文字数43...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]使用 DB2 的LOAD FROM CURSOR 特性快速轻松地转移数据/Fast and easy data movement using DB2's LOAD FROM CURSOR feature





③ 摘要
在数据量很大的情况下,使用 EXPORT 实用程序生成数据交换文件常常要花费很长时间。另外,在把数据移入和移出数据库时,必须考虑不同的数据库编码页和操作系统。

可以使用 LOAD 实用程序的 FROM CURSOR 选项避免这些问题。当指定 FROM CURSOR 选项时,LOAD 实用程序直接把一个 SQL 查询的结果集作为数据装载操作的来源,这样就不需要生成临时数据交换文件。因此,LOAD FROM CURSOR 是在不同的表空间或数据库之间快速轻松地转移数据的方法。可以在命令行上执行 LOAD FROM CURSOR,也可以通过使用 DB2 的 ADMIN_CMD 存储过程在应用程序或存储过程中执行它。本文介绍 LOAD FROM CURSOR 特性并提供两个接口 Command Line Processor (CLP) 和 ADMIN_CMD 存储过程的使用示例。

Generating the data exchange file using the EXPORT utility is often a lengthy process in the case of large amounts of data. Besides, different database codepages and operating systems have to be considered when moving data in and out of a database.
Such problems can be avoided by using the LOAD utility's FROM CURSOR option. When specifying the FROM CURSOR option, the LOAD utility directly references the result set of a SQL query as the source of a data load operation, thus bypassing the need to produce a temporary data exchange file. This way, a LOAD FROM CURSOR is a fast and easy possibility to move data between different tablespaces or different databases. LOAD FROM CURSOR operations can be executed on the command line as well as from within an application or a stored procedure by utilizing DB2's ADMIN_CMD stored procedure. This article introduces the LOAD FROM CURSOR feature and provides usage samples for both interfaces, the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP) and ADMIN_CMD stored procedure.

④关键字 数据/ feature

参阅本文在 developerWorks 全球网站上的 英文原文。
文献《Moving data using the CURSOR file type》
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• Read Moving data using the CURSOR file type to get more in-depth information about the topics covered in this article:

• Visit the DB2 9.5 Information Center for Linux, UNIX, and Windows to get the complete DB2 9.5 LUW documentation online in HTML format.

• The DB2 9 for Linux UNIX and Windows Support Site lets you search for APARs, download fixpacks, get DB2 LUW documentation in PDF format, and so on.

• Check out the Best practices for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows papers. These papers are designed to provide practical guidance for the most common DB2 9 product configurations. By applying these recommendations, you may improve the value of your DB2