

我国外资投资分析形势展望[外文翻译],[外文翻译]06年我国外资投资分析与07年的形势展望/analysis of foreign investment utilization in china in 2006 and prospects in 2007内包含中文翻译和英文原文,内容完善,建议下载阅览。①中文页数3中文字数3083②英文页数4英文字数186...
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原文档由会员 郑军 发布

[外文翻译]06年我国外资投资分析与07年的形势展望/Analysis of foreign investment utilization in China in 2006 and prospects in 2007





③ 摘要
中国投资环境的极大改善是吸引外资的主要诱因。投资环境是诱发投资动机的首要条件,跨国公司的资本总是向那些市场潜力巨大、成本低廉、基础设施条件较好和社会安定的国家和地区流动,以保障投资的安全性和活力的稳定性。近几年跨国公司之所以不断扩大在中国的投资,最根本原因是中国经济持续稳定的发展所形成的巨大市场潜力,以及不断完善的投资环境。 90年代以来, 跨国公司在中国投资迅猛发展,在“财富500强”中,目前已经有400多家在中国投资。2001年中国正式加入世贸组织, 跨国公司为抢占中国这块世界上最大也是最后的市场而进行的竞争亦已经进入了新的发展阶段,呈现出新的发展态势,其在华投资战略发生了一系列引人注目的变化。全球各跨国公司把中国全面纳入其全球经营网络,都在积极进行战略调整。他们按照自身发展规律,结合中国政府在加入WTO背景下的新战略、新政策,以及自己在华投资的经验和教训,积极参加在华投资竞争。

The greatly improved investment environment of China is the main reason for successful investment attraction. Investment environment is the primary condition to motivate investment. The capital of transnational corporations is prone to flow in the countries and regions with huge market potential, low cost, good infrastructure, and a stable society, so that the safety of investment and stability of vigor can be ensured. In the past few years, transnational corporations have increasingly augmented their investment in China. The most important reason lies in the huge market potential brought by the stable and burgeoning development of Chinese economy, as well as the investment environment that has been consistently improved. Since the 1990s, transnational corporations’ investment in China has seen a rapid growth. Out of the “Fortune Top 500”, more than 400 have invested in China. When China officially joined the WTO in 2001, the competition in China, the largest and the last market in the world, also entered a new stage of development and a new scenario came into being. A series of changes have taken place in the investment strategy of the transnational corporations. Taking China into their global business network, the transnational corporations were all actively making strategy adjustments. They actively compete in the investment of China according to their own development laws combined with the new strategies and policies against the background of China’s entry into the WTO, and their experience and lessons they have gained in investing in China.

④关键字 投资/investment