

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 20023286 发布

1.3万字 34页

摘 要

本文使用基于S3C2410X ARM微处理器的JXARM9-2410 ARM嵌入式教学实验系统作为嵌入式设备硬件平台,采用Linux作为嵌入式设备的操作系统,来实现上述网关系统。


Application of Embedded Internet based on Linux


With the development of computer technology, embedded systems are increasingly being used in a wide range area, such as industrial control, information appliance and personal communication equipment. If accessing or controling the embedded devices on the Internet like PC, it would be convenient and low-cost. However, because of the limited resources, it has been a big problem for embedded Internet that how to use the resources to implement the complex protocols such as TCP/IP. Especially for devices that have been deployed, choosing to re-design will cost a lot.
Based on the above, this paper proposed a model trying to solve the problem that how embedded devices connect to the Internet, and made a research on how to access and control the CAN devices which connected with CAN-bus through LAN. The solution is mounting a TCP/IP gateway on the CAN network. It not only satisfied the demand that connecting the device to the Internet, but also reduced the cost.
The dissertation will realize the system which consists of S3C2410X as MCU, Linux as OS, and campus network as the Internet.

Key Words: Embedded Internet, Linux, CAN-bus

目 录

1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 论文构成 2
2 实验模型 4
2.1 模型简介 4
2.2 模型搭建平台 4
2.2.1 硬件平台 4
2.2.2 操作系统 8
2.2.3 开发工具及开发环境 8
3 嵌入式设备网关设计与实现 10
3.1 嵌入式设备网关设计方案 10
3.2 嵌入式设备网关实现 10
3.2.1操作系统的移植和配置 10
3.2.2 嵌入式Internet网络技术 12
3.2.3 Linux下CAN驱动的实现 15
3.2.4数据的转换和封装发送 22
4 模拟测试 24
4.1 测试环境 24
4.2智能设备程序实现 24
结论 26
致谢 28
参考文献 29

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