gdi基本位图绘制软件的设计与实现,gdi基本位图绘制软件的设计与实现1.3万字 34页包括开题和任务书摘要随着计算机硬件功能的不断提高、系统软件的不断完善,计算机图形学已广泛应用于各个相关领域,并发挥愈来愈大的作用。其中,利用计算机对数字化图像进行编辑处理的方法,也使电脑美术逐渐发展成为一种新兴的艺术形式。在计算机中,图画有两种类型,即矢量图和位图。位...

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1.3万字 34页
摘 要
目前,有多种在计算机上实现位图绘制的底层方法,最常用的有利用OpenGL,或利用Windows提供的GDI(Graphics Devices Interface,图形设备接口)。
本文对Windows GDI、位图等内容作了一定的学习和研究,并在GDI的基础上实现了一个小型的位图绘制软件,其功能类似与Windows操作系统附件中的绘图工具,能绘制直线、曲线、圆等多种图形,具有橡皮擦,可设置绘图样式,可选择复制图形对象,最后输出成位图文件。
本文简述了软件实现所需的技术基础,包括Windows GDI绘图原理,位图的基本原理等,并着重阐述了该绘图软件的用户界面、每种图形绘制设计原则、思路以及在程序中的实现方法。
A graphics software of drawing bitmap
based on Windows GDI
As the function of computer hardware and system software continues to improve, computer graphics has been widely used in various related fields, and played a greater and greater role. By using computers to edit or process a digital image, the computer art has become a new art form.
In computer, pictures can be stored in two forms: vector based image and bit mapped image. The bit mapped image can show more colors and details, so, the type of bit mapped image is widely used in digital photo and colored print.
Now, there are many methods can draw bit mapped images on computer, such as OpenGL and Windows GDI (Graphics Devices Interface).
This paper has studied the Windows GDI and researched on the basic tenets of Bitmaps. It also implemented a small drawing software based on GDI, which had the similar functions with the Drawing Tools of the annex in Windows Operation System. Using the drawing software, you can draw lines, curves, circles, etc. And you can use the rubber tool to erase the wrongs. You can set the styles of drawing and can select/copy the figure objects. At last, you can export a BMP file.
This thesis described the technical foundations required by the software, including drawing principle of GDI and the basic tenets of Bitmaps. It also described the details of user interface, the design principle, and the ideas of each graphic in the software realization process.
Key Words: GDI, Bitmap, Graphics Software
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究状况和相关领域中已有的成果 1
1.3 设计和研究方法 2
1.4 论文结构 2
2 . 基本理论知识及应用 4
2.1 绘图系统说明 4
2.2 MFC编程 5
2.2.1 MFC简介 5
2.2.2 Windows消息机制 5
2.3 图像格式——BMP格式 7
2.4 GDI简介 8
2.4.1 GDI原理 8
2.4.2 GDI基本图形 9
3. 绘图软件设计 10
3.1 绘图软件功能模块 10
3.2 软件各功能模块描述 11
3.2.1 钢笔绘图 11
3.2.2 绘制直线 11
3.2.3 绘制曲线 12
3.2.4 绘制封闭图形 13
3.2.5 选择绘图样式 13
3.2.6 橡皮擦 14
3.2.7 编辑 14
3.2.8 文件操作 14
3.3 系统数据结构及类的设计 14
3.3.1 主要类的层次结构 14
3.3.2 程序设计的小技巧——多态技术应用 15
3.4 程序操作流程图和数据流图 16
4. 绘图软件实现 18
4.1 图形用户界面 18
4.2 程序前台界面的实现 19
4.3 图形基类的实现 20
4.4 直线类的实现 20
4.6 曲线类的实现 20
4.6 椭圆、矩形类的实现 20
4.7 橡皮类的实现 20
总结 20
致谢 20
参考文献 20
[7] 周鸣扬, 赵景亮. 精通GDI+编程[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2004.
[8] 侯俊杰. 深入浅出MFC(第二版)[M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社
[9] 孙家广, 杨长贵等编著. 计算机图形学(新版)[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2003.
[10] 唐泽圣, 董士海等译. 计算机图形学原理及实践C语言描述[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2004.
[11] 韩丽娜. 使用双缓存来解决GDI下的闪烁问题[J]. 计算机工程与设计.2006,17.
[12] 贺亮. 剖析Windows的Win32兼容GDI技术[J]. 计算机应用与软件.2005,12.
[13] Luse,Marv. Bitmapped Graphics programming in C++[M]. Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co
1.3万字 34页
摘 要
目前,有多种在计算机上实现位图绘制的底层方法,最常用的有利用OpenGL,或利用Windows提供的GDI(Graphics Devices Interface,图形设备接口)。
本文对Windows GDI、位图等内容作了一定的学习和研究,并在GDI的基础上实现了一个小型的位图绘制软件,其功能类似与Windows操作系统附件中的绘图工具,能绘制直线、曲线、圆等多种图形,具有橡皮擦,可设置绘图样式,可选择复制图形对象,最后输出成位图文件。
本文简述了软件实现所需的技术基础,包括Windows GDI绘图原理,位图的基本原理等,并着重阐述了该绘图软件的用户界面、每种图形绘制设计原则、思路以及在程序中的实现方法。
A graphics software of drawing bitmap
based on Windows GDI
As the function of computer hardware and system software continues to improve, computer graphics has been widely used in various related fields, and played a greater and greater role. By using computers to edit or process a digital image, the computer art has become a new art form.
In computer, pictures can be stored in two forms: vector based image and bit mapped image. The bit mapped image can show more colors and details, so, the type of bit mapped image is widely used in digital photo and colored print.
Now, there are many methods can draw bit mapped images on computer, such as OpenGL and Windows GDI (Graphics Devices Interface).
This paper has studied the Windows GDI and researched on the basic tenets of Bitmaps. It also implemented a small drawing software based on GDI, which had the similar functions with the Drawing Tools of the annex in Windows Operation System. Using the drawing software, you can draw lines, curves, circles, etc. And you can use the rubber tool to erase the wrongs. You can set the styles of drawing and can select/copy the figure objects. At last, you can export a BMP file.
This thesis described the technical foundations required by the software, including drawing principle of GDI and the basic tenets of Bitmaps. It also described the details of user interface, the design principle, and the ideas of each graphic in the software realization process.
Key Words: GDI, Bitmap, Graphics Software
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究状况和相关领域中已有的成果 1
1.3 设计和研究方法 2
1.4 论文结构 2
2 . 基本理论知识及应用 4
2.1 绘图系统说明 4
2.2 MFC编程 5
2.2.1 MFC简介 5
2.2.2 Windows消息机制 5
2.3 图像格式——BMP格式 7
2.4 GDI简介 8
2.4.1 GDI原理 8
2.4.2 GDI基本图形 9
3. 绘图软件设计 10
3.1 绘图软件功能模块 10
3.2 软件各功能模块描述 11
3.2.1 钢笔绘图 11
3.2.2 绘制直线 11
3.2.3 绘制曲线 12
3.2.4 绘制封闭图形 13
3.2.5 选择绘图样式 13
3.2.6 橡皮擦 14
3.2.7 编辑 14
3.2.8 文件操作 14
3.3 系统数据结构及类的设计 14
3.3.1 主要类的层次结构 14
3.3.2 程序设计的小技巧——多态技术应用 15
3.4 程序操作流程图和数据流图 16
4. 绘图软件实现 18
4.1 图形用户界面 18
4.2 程序前台界面的实现 19
4.3 图形基类的实现 20
4.4 直线类的实现 20
4.6 曲线类的实现 20
4.6 椭圆、矩形类的实现 20
4.7 橡皮类的实现 20
总结 20
致谢 20
参考文献 20
[7] 周鸣扬, 赵景亮. 精通GDI+编程[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2004.
[8] 侯俊杰. 深入浅出MFC(第二版)[M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社
[9] 孙家广, 杨长贵等编著. 计算机图形学(新版)[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2003.
[10] 唐泽圣, 董士海等译. 计算机图形学原理及实践C语言描述[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2004.
[11] 韩丽娜. 使用双缓存来解决GDI下的闪烁问题[J]. 计算机工程与设计.2006,17.
[12] 贺亮. 剖析Windows的Win32兼容GDI技术[J]. 计算机应用与软件.2005,12.
[13] Luse,Marv. Bitmapped Graphics programming in C++[M]. Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co