

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 20023286 发布

1.4万字 38页

摘 要



The data collection module of water line surveillance system

The water line surveillance system is a minitor system that ,objected to water and followed certain procedure, to do the operation such as capturing and calculating the information ,analies and return the result.The date collectin module is a very important to the water line surveillance system,and is the first procedure the minitor must do.The traditional approching method is relied on the touched-equipment such as float-instrument or resistance-instrument to capture the water line information.The main content of this design is discuss and implement the water line surveillance system. The main technical based on is Linux OS and its open source technology, through the video technology learn to design a specify the request from the data collection module. In the mean time through to study the present fashion image compression technology I turn out to summarize a schema that take compression and transmit and recognize and check right and show together. In the design I use the JPEG format to save image, and through that implement to show the great effect on water line surveillance by the data catch and data compression technology.
Key word: data collection,image compression,image visual

目 录

液位监测系统数据采集模块 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 液位监测系统数据采集技术的发展 1
1.2 图像数据采集技术在嵌入式中的应用 2
第2章 数据采集的理论基础 4
2.1 图像编码 4
2.1.1 哈夫曼编码的原理 5
2.1.2 哈夫曼编码在图像压缩中的实现 6
2.2 算术编码 10
第3章 数据采集的设计实现 12
3.1 JPEG图像压缩过程分析 12
3.1.1 前向DCT变换 12
3.1.2 量化 13
3.1.3 哈夫曼编码 14
3.2 试验图像数据的获取 16
3.2.1 BMP图像的格式 17
3.2.2 BMP图像的翻转和精简图像文件的存储 20
3.3 JPEG图像压缩的实现 20
第4章 数据采集程序的安装与运行 23
4.1 内核的启动 23
4.2 程序的编译 23
4.3 程序的运行 23
小结 24
致谢 24
参考文献 25
附录A video 4 Linux 接口 26
1.ov511芯片的摄像头和的zc301芯片的摄像头: 26
2.ov511驱动加载 26
附录B zc301 驱动 27
1 zc301 驱动 27
2 Video4linux 27

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