

嵌入式linux基于minigui信息终端软件开发,嵌入式linux基于minigui信息终端软件开发1.8万字 42页包括开题报告和任务书摘 要随着信息技术日新月异的发展,嵌入式系统在信息终端上的应用越来越广泛。由于嵌入式系统在硬件方面的限制,需要gui平台具有短小精悍、可靠稳定、方便移植、可裁减等特性,因此需要一个轻量级的通用图形用户接口,提供给终端的用户使用,从而...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 20023286 发布

1.8万字 42页

摘 要



MiniGUI –Based Embedded Linux
Information Terminal Software Development

With the rapid development of information technology, the embedded system is more and more frequently used in information terminal. Because the embedded system has some limitations on hardware, its GUI platform should be short and pithy, reliable and steady, convenient to transplant and able to reduce, thus it needs a lightweight common graphical user interface to be provided for the terminal user. The need accelerates the popularization and development of the terminal appliance. MiniGUI have these advantages, such as take up fewer resources, high performance, high reliability, etc. So can MiniGUI meet the needs of the development platform. Meanwhile, with the increase in household appliances, we need to make an intelligent terminal for the unified control. This paper introduces with detail an information terminal software-brainpower household system which is developed on the base embedded Linux and MiniGUI.
This paper introduces the development process of the system, the development environment’s construction of cross translation, the transplant of MiniGUI storeroom and resource, the fire of Flash, the design and realization of terminal graphical user interface.
In practice, the paper adopts JXARM9-2410 embedded development board as software platform, and it also takes MiniGUI which belongs to Linux operating system as software development platform of graphical user interface, which, aims at realizing the functions of display the main interface, switch control and timing control of the brainpower household system.In the end, the paper summarizes the development of the brainpower household terminal and discusses problems which need to be solved in implementations.

Key words: embedded Linux, development board, MiniGUI, brainpower household, information terminal

1绪论 1
1.1 基本概念及国内外研究现状 1
1.2 智能家居概述 2
1.3 论文背景 3
1.4 论文组织结构 3
2嵌入式系统与嵌入式图形用户界面 4
2.1 嵌入式系统与嵌入式Linux 4
2.1.1嵌入式系统概述 4
2.1.2嵌入式系统发展阶段 4
2.1.3嵌入式系统的技术特点 5
2.1.4嵌入式系统和嵌入式Linux 5
2.1.5嵌入式Linux的特点和优点 6
2.2 图形用户界面(GUI) 7
2.2.1用户界面概述 7
2.2.2图形用户界面的特点 7
2.3 嵌入式系统下的GUI系统 8
2.3.1图形用户界面(GUI) 在嵌入式系统中的地位 8
2.3.2目前嵌入式系统GUI的实现方法 8
2.3.3各种嵌入式GUI系统之比较 10
2.4 MiniGUI的开发模式 11
2.4.1事件驱动编程 11
2.4.2 MiniGUI 的三种运行模式 12
3基于JXARM9-2410平台和Linux程序开发 15
3.1开发环境的建立及开发调试方法 15
3.1.1开发环境的建立 15
3.1.2开发调试方法 16
3.2 操作系统的裁减 18
4 MiniGUI的安装和移植 20
4.1 MiniGUI的特点和体系结构 20
4.1.1 MiniGUI的特点 20
4.1.2 MiniGUI的体系结构 20
4.2 MiniGUI的安装 21
4.3 MiniGUI的移植 22
4.4制作Ramdisk 24
4.5烧写Flash 25
5智能家居终端的设计与实现 28
5.1 智能家居功能设计 28
5.2 人机界面设计与实现 29
5.2.1 主界面 29
5.2.2 智能家居开关控制 29
5.2.3 智能家居定时控制 30
5.2.4 家用电器状态显示 31
5.2.5 家用备忘录 31
5.3 程序总体框架 32
5.4 代码实现 33
6 总结 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37

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