用户数据文件自定义访问控制工具研究,1.6万字 36页包括开题报告,任务书摘要进入信息和网络化的时代以来,计算机在我们的工作和生活中扮演着日益重要的角色。个人电脑作为一种现代化数据处理和存储的工具,就好似银行中的保险柜一样,经常会存放一些非常重要的资料,而文件是数据存储的最基本单位。我们平常提到的文件包括可执行的文件(程...

原文档由会员 wumei 发布
1.6万字 36页
在本文中,我们阐述了文件操作原理,分析了数据文件操作过程中产生的安全隐患,并针对此问题自定义了一套数据文件访问控制规则。然后利用Visual Studio 开发工具和C++语言设计实现一个基于微软detour之API截获技术的文件访问控制工具,能够对文件的打开操作,修改操作等过程进行控制,对于违反规则的文件操作都予以拒绝。
关键词:Detour,Trampoline函数,Target函数,Win32 API,DLL
The research of user-defined data files tools for access and control
Since we have entered the information and network time, computer is playing an increasingly important role in our life and work. As a modern data processing and storage tool, the PC seems like the safe in the banks which often keeps some very important information. And the document is the most basic data storage units. The documents we normally mentioned include executable document (procedures), configuration files and data files. The data file stores the person's confidential information, which just interested the invader. Therefore, the security protection to the data file proves to be an important issue in the field of the Information security.
In this paper, we elaborated the document operating principle, analyzed potential safety problems which generated in the process of the data file operating and defined a set of data file access control rules aimed the problems mentioned. And then making use of the Visual Studio development tools and C + + language, this system designed and implemented a file access control tool based on the API intercepted technical of the Microsoft detour, which can control the open and close to the file and refuse the access operation which violate the rule.
The key of this paper is how to control the operation of the document from creation, store, modify, to the destruction of the whole process, the innovation is to take the initiative to protect the document control. It is different from the existing passive defense firewall security mechanisms to protect the security of the data, and it also finds a new way for the data security.
Key Words: Detour, Trampoline Function, Target Function, Win32 API, DLL
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 国内外研究概况 1
1.3课题研究内容及意义 2
1.3.1研究内容 2
1.3.2意义 2
2.技术背景 3
2.1 WINDOWS程序开发基础 3
2.1.1 WIN32 API概论 3
2.1.2 动态链接库(DLL) 3
2.2 WIN32 API拦截技术 8
2.2.1 API函数拦截技术概论 8
2.2.2 API HOOK技术 9
2.2.3拦截应用程序的好处 9
3.微软DETOUR工具库 11
3.1 DETOUR简介 11
3.2 DETOUR工作原理 12
3.2.1 二进制函数的拦截 12
3.2.2 PAYLOADS(负载)和 dll输入表编辑 13
3.2.3如何使用DETOURS库函数 15
3.3 DETOUR评价 17
4.用户自定义数据文件访问控制工具的设计与实现 18
4.1文件操作监控技术 18
4.2 功能描述 19
4.2.1文件操作权限控制 19
4.2.2文件打开操作控制 19
4.2.3 文件修改保存操作控制 20
4.3 应用的主要文件操作函数 20
4.4 开发工具和步骤 23
4.3.1开发平台和工具 23
4.3.2 环境配置及实现过程 23
4.3.3 所用的DETOUR SAMPLE 28
5.创新思想 29
6.结论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
[9] 张海棠.Visual C++ 6.0编程指南[M].北京:航空工业出版社,2000:12-176.
[10]张宏林.Visual C++ 6.0程序设计与开发技术[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2004:45-183.
[11]赵 斌,刘长起,戴英侠.Windows操作系统的文件操作监控技术[D].北京:中国科技大学北京研究生院,2004.
[12]Seott Stanfield,Ralph Al'vesen.华译工作室译.VISUAL C++开发人员指南[M].北京 :机械工业出版社,1997:223-448.
[13]万跃华.精通 VISUAL C++ 5.0编程[M].成都:电子科技大学出版社,1998:190-223.
[14]David J,Kruglinkski.Visual C++ 6.0技术内幕.北京:北京希望电子出版社
1.6万字 36页
在本文中,我们阐述了文件操作原理,分析了数据文件操作过程中产生的安全隐患,并针对此问题自定义了一套数据文件访问控制规则。然后利用Visual Studio 开发工具和C++语言设计实现一个基于微软detour之API截获技术的文件访问控制工具,能够对文件的打开操作,修改操作等过程进行控制,对于违反规则的文件操作都予以拒绝。
关键词:Detour,Trampoline函数,Target函数,Win32 API,DLL
The research of user-defined data files tools for access and control
Since we have entered the information and network time, computer is playing an increasingly important role in our life and work. As a modern data processing and storage tool, the PC seems like the safe in the banks which often keeps some very important information. And the document is the most basic data storage units. The documents we normally mentioned include executable document (procedures), configuration files and data files. The data file stores the person's confidential information, which just interested the invader. Therefore, the security protection to the data file proves to be an important issue in the field of the Information security.
In this paper, we elaborated the document operating principle, analyzed potential safety problems which generated in the process of the data file operating and defined a set of data file access control rules aimed the problems mentioned. And then making use of the Visual Studio development tools and C + + language, this system designed and implemented a file access control tool based on the API intercepted technical of the Microsoft detour, which can control the open and close to the file and refuse the access operation which violate the rule.
The key of this paper is how to control the operation of the document from creation, store, modify, to the destruction of the whole process, the innovation is to take the initiative to protect the document control. It is different from the existing passive defense firewall security mechanisms to protect the security of the data, and it also finds a new way for the data security.
Key Words: Detour, Trampoline Function, Target Function, Win32 API, DLL
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 国内外研究概况 1
1.3课题研究内容及意义 2
1.3.1研究内容 2
1.3.2意义 2
2.技术背景 3
2.1 WINDOWS程序开发基础 3
2.1.1 WIN32 API概论 3
2.1.2 动态链接库(DLL) 3
2.2 WIN32 API拦截技术 8
2.2.1 API函数拦截技术概论 8
2.2.2 API HOOK技术 9
2.2.3拦截应用程序的好处 9
3.微软DETOUR工具库 11
3.1 DETOUR简介 11
3.2 DETOUR工作原理 12
3.2.1 二进制函数的拦截 12
3.2.2 PAYLOADS(负载)和 dll输入表编辑 13
3.2.3如何使用DETOURS库函数 15
3.3 DETOUR评价 17
4.用户自定义数据文件访问控制工具的设计与实现 18
4.1文件操作监控技术 18
4.2 功能描述 19
4.2.1文件操作权限控制 19
4.2.2文件打开操作控制 19
4.2.3 文件修改保存操作控制 20
4.3 应用的主要文件操作函数 20
4.4 开发工具和步骤 23
4.3.1开发平台和工具 23
4.3.2 环境配置及实现过程 23
4.3.3 所用的DETOUR SAMPLE 28
5.创新思想 29
6.结论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
[9] 张海棠.Visual C++ 6.0编程指南[M].北京:航空工业出版社,2000:12-176.
[10]张宏林.Visual C++ 6.0程序设计与开发技术[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2004:45-183.
[11]赵 斌,刘长起,戴英侠.Windows操作系统的文件操作监控技术[D].北京:中国科技大学北京研究生院,2004.
[12]Seott Stanfield,Ralph Al'vesen.华译工作室译.VISUAL C++开发人员指南[M].北京 :机械工业出版社,1997:223-448.
[13]万跃华.精通 VISUAL C++ 5.0编程[M].成都:电子科技大学出版社,1998:190-223.
[14]David J,Kruglinkski.Visual C++ 6.0技术内幕.北京:北京希望电子出版社